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12 March 2025
Date of Listing: | 09 May 2006 | ||||||
Date of Delisting: | 29 August 2011 | ||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 29 August 2011.Legal Status:
ACN: 117 103 376
This entity was placed in liquidation on 02 June 2011.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This entity is in liquidation, its securities in our opinion, are of little or no value. Previously listed entities that enter external administration, rarely provide a distribution to shareholders unless the winding up is for reasons other than corporate failure. If you are still a holder of securities and seek to realise a capital loss for Capital Gains Tax (CGT) purposes you will need to wait until the liquidator has issued a declaration of loss (a CGT Event) or the entity is deregistered (a CGT Event) or the entity recovers. (Once an entity “progresses” to the liquidation stage, deListed is unable to acquire its securities.).
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Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
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Link Market Services Limited
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the liquidation of this company is completed and it will be removed from the NZ companies register in 12 months from today's date unless objections are raised by 20 December 2021 | 18/11/2021 |
please note the following website or link showing you the relevant steps to enable you to view and print the Liquidators reports:
| 16/01/2012 |
delisted as the company did not pay to ASX Limited their annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2012 | 29/08/2011 |
liquidators are appointed to the company by an order of the High Court in Auckland | 02/06/2011 |
a General Meeting of the Company is to be held at 10.00 am (Sydney time) on Thursday 14 July 2011 at the offices of Sekel Oshry Lawyers, Level 8, Currency House, 23 Hunter Street Sydney NSW 2000 - The meeting is being convened for the purpose of seeking shareholder approval for the following resolutions: (1) to ratify the recent issues of shares by the Company under the 15% rule; and (2) to issue shares to Woodside Commercial Trust in part satisfaction of the Convertible Note issued on 1 May 2009; and (3) to make a further placement of its shares; and (4) permit the issue of shares to Directors (or related entities of the Directors, or their nominees) in lieu of fees, expenses and remuneration. The funds raised will be primarily used to grow the Company's existing business and to facilitate expansion of the Company's activities. In the case of shares to be issued to Directors, no funds will be raised | 31/05/2011 |
in a presentation to investors the company says its restructure now complete with all discontinued subsidiaries liquidated or wound down | 13/05/2011 |
Acorn Capital sold 333,204 Northern Crest Investments Ltd shares between July 3, 2007 and April 19, 2011, decreasing from 14,387,066 shares (12.47%) to 14,053,862 shares (10.53%) | 28/04/2011 |
Northern Crest Investments Limited (NOC) has today issued 17,409,942 Shares at $0.06 per share, by way of placement to sophisticated investors under Listing Rule 7.1. The Shares issued will assist the Company in improving its working capital by immediate settlement of trade creditors in the amount of A$538,797.07. The issue also relates to a partial conversion of the convertible note to Walters Law to the value of A$505,799.44 | 19/04/2011 |
NOC has reached a settlement agreement with the Receivers of Lombard Finance and Investments Limited (in receivership) to remove doubt over any potential for claims in relation to the Group's contingent debt obligations to Lombard Finance. NOC has long taken the position that the parent company did not guarantee the facilities claimed by Lombard in respect to obligations of its New Zealand subsidiaries. The settlement has been reached with the Receivers of Lombard to put the matter fully and finally beyond doubt and to derive certainty in respect to the future direction of NOC. Consequently, a settlement has been reached which provides for the payment of NZ$1 million over a 24 month period, commencing in April 2011. The Board considers this to be a satisfactory outcome for the company and its shareholders | 14/04/2011 |
reports that Mark Bryers, the undischarged bankrupt at the centre of the failed Blue Chip property scheme, is involved in a new scheme in Australia that has produced complaints to the government agency which prosecuted him last year - Bryers was the "financial adviser" to unwitting Australian property investors in a deal which had many of the hallmarks of the Blue Chip operation that collapsed owing 3000 investors $80 million, it was reported today - an investor said Bryers failed to tell them of his Blue Chip failure or that he is a banned director on both sides of the Tasman, or that the property deal he got them into was with parties associated with him and Northern Crest - the investor also discovered that the vendor of their apartment, B.O.B. Ltd, was owned by Canberra businessman Robert "Bob" Hughes and their mortgage was with Territory No1 Ltd also owned by Mr Hughes - another of Mr Hughes' companies, Columbus Property Marketing, was in business with Northern Crest, having entered into a licensing agreement - Northern Crest also has a licensing agreement with Rutherford Franchising. A sister company called Rutherford Capital has been involved in the investors' purchase at Cotton Beach. The chairman of Northern Crest is Marc Wilson, a Canberra accountant and principal of WWP Accountants and Business Advisers. Mr Wilson was appointed an independent director of Northern Crest in May 2009. Mr Wilson is also a director, with Mr Hughes, of Territory No1. Bryers and Mr Hughes appear to have close business links. Shortly before his bankruptcy, Bryers transferred three firms to Mr Hughes | 12/02/2011 |
NOC has filed the required regulatory compliance documentation, providing notice that it intends leaving the New Zealand Companies Registry and migrating to the Australian Registry (ASIC) - in anticipation of relisting on the ASX, the company is presently researching the merits for a supported rights issue and, if the rights issue is to proceed, the company will in due course complete the required documentation, disclosure documents and reports | 25/01/2011 |
releases Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 01/12/2010 |
Northern Crest has today made the final payment to RJHL's solicitors' trust account. This satisfies the matter | 04/11/2010 |
the New Zealand Serious Fraud Office (SFO) announced on 28 October 2010 that it had finally completed an extensive investigation into the activities of the New Zealand Blue Chip group of companies (NOC's former name), and as a result of the investigatons, no charges will be laid against either the companies, or individuals previously employed by the Group - the SFO is continuing an investigation into one of Blue Chip's South Island franchises, and it has passed on claims of misconduct by Blue Chip lawyers to the New Zealand Law Society - the Court of Appeal described the Blue Chip business as a predatory and oppressive asset lending scheme, which was inherently defective and fraught with risks | 04/11/2010 |
company says at the AGM it has substantially addressed the legacy debt issues which arose from the problems in 2007 and 2008. It has confronted its outstanding regulatory compliance issues and sought to consolidate its revenue streams through new licensing agreements and support of its licensees. The Company has worked to ensure that the material legacy debt issues have been addressed prior to seeking re-listing on the ASX, expected in the latter half of calendar 2010 | 12/08/2010 |
an Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of Northern Crest Investments Limited ABN 72 117 103 376 will be held at: The Boardroom, Level 57, MLC Centre, 19-29 Martin Place, Sydney NSW Australia Commencing at 11 am on Thursday, 12 August 2010 | 12/07/2010 |
provides Annual Report to shareholders | 01/07/2010 |
company releases its Preliminary Final Report | 31/05/2010 |
in a NZ District Court today, Mark Bryers gets a paltry fine and 75 hours community service | 20/05/2010 |
company announces a resolution of the long running dispute with Robert Jones Investments Limited, the former lessor of the group offices in Auckland, New Zealand. On 21 April 2010, Associate Judge Gendall of the New Zealand High Court made consent orders in relation to several matters, including vacating the hearing date scheduled to commence on 26 April 2010. The terms of the NZ$450,000 settlement provide for Northern Crest to finalise the matter before the end of August this year | 04/05/2010 |
the company now has two licensed operators in the form of Columbus Property Marketing Pty Limited and Unydor Distribution Services Pty Limited who perform the product procurement and retail distribution operations respectively. These operations almost exclusively occur in Australia, with all NZ operations deemed to be discontinued by 31 March 2010 - the application by the New Zealand Registrar of Companies to liquidate the parent company was dismissed in June 2009; and, the Company satisfied the Robert Jones Investments judgement in settlement in March 2010 and the related application to liquidate the Company was discontinued; and, the application by Minter Ellison to liquidate the Company was settled, and the matter discontinued in March 2010 - the Company proposes seeking quotation of its securities no later than 31 July 2010 following the AGM and migration of the Company prior to that date | 26/03/2010 |
releases Half Year Accounts September 2009 | 23/03/2010 |
releases Half Year Accounts - September 2008 | 19/03/2010 |
annual report released | 29/07/2009 |
notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Northern Crest Investments Limited ABN 72 117 103 376 will be held on: Wednesday, 29 July 2009, at 1 pm (EST) at Sydney University Village, Carillon Room, 90 Carillon Avenue, Newtown NSW | 01/07/2009 |
the Board says it has approved a Business Plan for 2009 to 2011 which sets a path for rebuilding and growth - "We expect to seek a relisting on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) in the near future and will continue to release information to the market as it becomes available" | 05/06/2009 |
releases Annual Report to Shareholders - red ink dominates! | 05/05/2009 |
further to the previous announcement on 18 th March 2009 in respect of the application by the NZ Companies Office to liquidate the company, an interlocutory hearing was held on Friday 3 rd April 2009. Orders were made for further materials to be filed with the Court and for the matter to be set down for hearing in the period 27 th April 2009 to 8 th May 2009 | 08/04/2009 |
the company's co-founder Mark Bryers faces seven charges laid by the NZ Companies Office - there are more to come - the charges were adjourned to 29 May | 27/03/2009 |
the company announces its intention to relist on the ASX by the end of March 2009 - once the Company has fulfilled the filing of historic and current financials and demonstrated adherence to ASX requirements and best practice guidelines, Northern Crest Investments will be seeking approval from the ASX to relist | 27/02/2009 |
reports that Mark Bryers is facing 100 charges over the collapse of Blue Chip | 22/02/2009 |
Phillip Hains and Peter Vaughan of The CFO Solution have now been appointed ASX Communication Officers | 03/02/2009 |
given its securities are suspended from trading, why is there no information about this company reaching the market? | 31/10/2008 |
directors Julian Gosse and Grady James Bracknell Jnr resign | 27/08/2008 |
name changed from Blue Chip Financial Solutions Limited | 14/04/2008 |
the liquidation of this company is completed and it will be removed from the NZ companies register in 12 months from today's date unless objections are raised by 20 December 2021 | 18/11/2021 |
please note the following website or link showing you the relevant steps to enable you to view and print the Liquidators reports:
| 16/01/2012 |
delisted as the company did not pay to ASX Limited their annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2012 | 29/08/2011 |
liquidators are appointed to the company by an order of the High Court in Auckland | 02/06/2011 |
a General Meeting of the Company is to be held at 10.00 am (Sydney time) on Thursday 14 July 2011 at the offices of Sekel Oshry Lawyers, Level 8, Currency House, 23 Hunter Street Sydney NSW 2000 - The meeting is being convened for the purpose of seeking shareholder approval for the following resolutions: (1) to ratify the recent issues of shares by the Company under the 15% rule; and (2) to issue shares to Woodside Commercial Trust in part satisfaction of the Convertible Note issued on 1 May 2009; and (3) to make a further placement of its shares; and (4) permit the issue of shares to Directors (or related entities of the Directors, or their nominees) in lieu of fees, expenses and remuneration. The funds raised will be primarily used to grow the Company's existing business and to facilitate expansion of the Company's activities. In the case of shares to be issued to Directors, no funds will be raised | 31/05/2011 |
in a presentation to investors the company says its restructure now complete with all discontinued subsidiaries liquidated or wound down | 13/05/2011 |
Acorn Capital sold 333,204 Northern Crest Investments Ltd shares between July 3, 2007 and April 19, 2011, decreasing from 14,387,066 shares (12.47%) to 14,053,862 shares (10.53%) | 28/04/2011 |
Northern Crest Investments Limited (NOC) has today issued 17,409,942 Shares at $0.06 per share, by way of placement to sophisticated investors under Listing Rule 7.1. The Shares issued will assist the Company in improving its working capital by immediate settlement of trade creditors in the amount of A$538,797.07. The issue also relates to a partial conversion of the convertible note to Walters Law to the value of A$505,799.44 | 19/04/2011 |
NOC has reached a settlement agreement with the Receivers of Lombard Finance and Investments Limited (in receivership) to remove doubt over any potential for claims in relation to the Group's contingent debt obligations to Lombard Finance. NOC has long taken the position that the parent company did not guarantee the facilities claimed by Lombard in respect to obligations of its New Zealand subsidiaries. The settlement has been reached with the Receivers of Lombard to put the matter fully and finally beyond doubt and to derive certainty in respect to the future direction of NOC. Consequently, a settlement has been reached which provides for the payment of NZ$1 million over a 24 month period, commencing in April 2011. The Board considers this to be a satisfactory outcome for the company and its shareholders | 14/04/2011 |
reports that Mark Bryers, the undischarged bankrupt at the centre of the failed Blue Chip property scheme, is involved in a new scheme in Australia that has produced complaints to the government agency which prosecuted him last year - Bryers was the "financial adviser" to unwitting Australian property investors in a deal which had many of the hallmarks of the Blue Chip operation that collapsed owing 3000 investors $80 million, it was reported today - an investor said Bryers failed to tell them of his Blue Chip failure or that he is a banned director on both sides of the Tasman, or that the property deal he got them into was with parties associated with him and Northern Crest - the investor also discovered that the vendor of their apartment, B.O.B. Ltd, was owned by Canberra businessman Robert "Bob" Hughes and their mortgage was with Territory No1 Ltd also owned by Mr Hughes - another of Mr Hughes' companies, Columbus Property Marketing, was in business with Northern Crest, having entered into a licensing agreement - Northern Crest also has a licensing agreement with Rutherford Franchising. A sister company called Rutherford Capital has been involved in the investors' purchase at Cotton Beach. The chairman of Northern Crest is Marc Wilson, a Canberra accountant and principal of WWP Accountants and Business Advisers. Mr Wilson was appointed an independent director of Northern Crest in May 2009. Mr Wilson is also a director, with Mr Hughes, of Territory No1. Bryers and Mr Hughes appear to have close business links. Shortly before his bankruptcy, Bryers transferred three firms to Mr Hughes | 12/02/2011 |
NOC has filed the required regulatory compliance documentation, providing notice that it intends leaving the New Zealand Companies Registry and migrating to the Australian Registry (ASIC) - in anticipation of relisting on the ASX, the company is presently researching the merits for a supported rights issue and, if the rights issue is to proceed, the company will in due course complete the required documentation, disclosure documents and reports | 25/01/2011 |
releases Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 01/12/2010 |
Northern Crest has today made the final payment to RJHL's solicitors' trust account. This satisfies the matter | 04/11/2010 |
the New Zealand Serious Fraud Office (SFO) announced on 28 October 2010 that it had finally completed an extensive investigation into the activities of the New Zealand Blue Chip group of companies (NOC's former name), and as a result of the investigatons, no charges will be laid against either the companies, or individuals previously employed by the Group - the SFO is continuing an investigation into one of Blue Chip's South Island franchises, and it has passed on claims of misconduct by Blue Chip lawyers to the New Zealand Law Society - the Court of Appeal described the Blue Chip business as a predatory and oppressive asset lending scheme, which was inherently defective and fraught with risks | 04/11/2010 |
company says at the AGM it has substantially addressed the legacy debt issues which arose from the problems in 2007 and 2008. It has confronted its outstanding regulatory compliance issues and sought to consolidate its revenue streams through new licensing agreements and support of its licensees. The Company has worked to ensure that the material legacy debt issues have been addressed prior to seeking re-listing on the ASX, expected in the latter half of calendar 2010 | 12/08/2010 |
an Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of Northern Crest Investments Limited ABN 72 117 103 376 will be held at: The Boardroom, Level 57, MLC Centre, 19-29 Martin Place, Sydney NSW Australia Commencing at 11 am on Thursday, 12 August 2010 | 12/07/2010 |
provides Annual Report to shareholders | 01/07/2010 |
company releases its Preliminary Final Report | 31/05/2010 |
in a NZ District Court today, Mark Bryers gets a paltry fine and 75 hours community service | 20/05/2010 |
company announces a resolution of the long running dispute with Robert Jones Investments Limited, the former lessor of the group offices in Auckland, New Zealand. On 21 April 2010, Associate Judge Gendall of the New Zealand High Court made consent orders in relation to several matters, including vacating the hearing date scheduled to commence on 26 April 2010. The terms of the NZ$450,000 settlement provide for Northern Crest to finalise the matter before the end of August this year | 04/05/2010 |
the company now has two licensed operators in the form of Columbus Property Marketing Pty Limited and Unydor Distribution Services Pty Limited who perform the product procurement and retail distribution operations respectively. These operations almost exclusively occur in Australia, with all NZ operations deemed to be discontinued by 31 March 2010 - the application by the New Zealand Registrar of Companies to liquidate the parent company was dismissed in June 2009; and, the Company satisfied the Robert Jones Investments judgement in settlement in March 2010 and the related application to liquidate the Company was discontinued; and, the application by Minter Ellison to liquidate the Company was settled, and the matter discontinued in March 2010 - the Company proposes seeking quotation of its securities no later than 31 July 2010 following the AGM and migration of the Company prior to that date | 26/03/2010 |
releases Half Year Accounts September 2009 | 23/03/2010 |
releases Half Year Accounts - September 2008 | 19/03/2010 |
annual report released | 29/07/2009 |
notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Northern Crest Investments Limited ABN 72 117 103 376 will be held on: Wednesday, 29 July 2009, at 1 pm (EST) at Sydney University Village, Carillon Room, 90 Carillon Avenue, Newtown NSW | 01/07/2009 |
the Board says it has approved a Business Plan for 2009 to 2011 which sets a path for rebuilding and growth - "We expect to seek a relisting on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) in the near future and will continue to release information to the market as it becomes available" | 05/06/2009 |
releases Annual Report to Shareholders - red ink dominates! | 05/05/2009 |
further to the previous announcement on 18 th March 2009 in respect of the application by the NZ Companies Office to liquidate the company, an interlocutory hearing was held on Friday 3 rd April 2009. Orders were made for further materials to be filed with the Court and for the matter to be set down for hearing in the period 27 th April 2009 to 8 th May 2009 | 08/04/2009 |
the company's co-founder Mark Bryers faces seven charges laid by the NZ Companies Office - there are more to come - the charges were adjourned to 29 May | 27/03/2009 |
the company announces its intention to relist on the ASX by the end of March 2009 - once the Company has fulfilled the filing of historic and current financials and demonstrated adherence to ASX requirements and best practice guidelines, Northern Crest Investments will be seeking approval from the ASX to relist | 27/02/2009 |
reports that Mark Bryers is facing 100 charges over the collapse of Blue Chip | 22/02/2009 |
Phillip Hains and Peter Vaughan of The CFO Solution have now been appointed ASX Communication Officers | 03/02/2009 |
given its securities are suspended from trading, why is there no information about this company reaching the market? | 31/10/2008 |
directors Julian Gosse and Grady James Bracknell Jnr resign | 27/08/2008 |
name changed from Blue Chip Financial Solutions Limited | 14/04/2008 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
Marc Wilson | Chairman | |
Laurie Eakin | Non Exec Director | |
David Sekel | Non Exec Director |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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