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delisted at entity's request


on 18 February 2003 the Federal Court handed down its decision regarding the application by Newmont Australia Limited and its related parties to modify a court order entered in proceedings relating to the 1999 takeover of Great Central Mines Limited ("GCM") - the decision modified the original court order such that former GCM shareholders could not reacquire their shares in GCM (subsequently Newmont Yandal Operations Limited ("NYOL")) - in the light of a change in the law on compulsory acquisition (and other factors) since the original order was entered and the financial condition of NYOL, the court determined that modification of the original order would not result in injury to former shareholders - the ASX listing of NYOL was only being maintained in the event that the Court Order was enforced and shares in the company were required to be returned


name changed from Normandy Yandal Operations Limited

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