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taken over by Resplendid Pty Limited - we think this jointly owned company - Normandy Poseidon Limited (NPL) and Western Mining Corporation Holdings Ltd (WMC) - was successful with an offer of $1.11 cash per share - NPL subsequently moved to 100% ownership of Australian Consolidated Minerals Ltd ("ACM") by acquiring Western Mining Corporation Holdings Ltd's ("WMC") 50% share of Resplendid - at the same time and in accordance with an agreement between NPL and WMC, ACM's Mt Keith Nickel Project was sold to WMC


name changed from Australian Consolidated Minerals NL

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Hello, my father William Kenneth Swan 

otn: 201373 had Shares with australien  consolidated minérals.

Just wondering what to do,  


thank you maria Swan

07/12/2020 12:09:02

My father Walter Ernest Stanton had 7100 shares, he passed away on 19/2/ 1987.


Question is what was the value of a share on that date.

27/06/2017 14:55:35
have shares any value?24/02/2015 06:40:26
My late mother's estate includes 7 shares in Australian Consolidated Minerals Limited (ACM).  Do they have any value?
17/02/2014 12:25:27
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