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26 March 2025
Name: | SOUTHERN PACIFIC PETROLEUM NL (SPP) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now LAGUNA RESOURCES NL. You should refer to that name for Status.) | ||||||
Date of Listing: | 16 May 1968 | ||||||
Subsequent Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now LAGUNA RESOURCES NL. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now LAGUNA RESOURCES NL. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now LAGUNA RESOURCES NL. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
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Company | FROM | TO |
LAGUNA RESOURCES NL | 26/08/2009 | |
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company is still registered, now called KINGSGATE CHILE NL | 31/10/2023 |
name changed to Laguna Resources NL | 26/08/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 02/07/2008 |
all resolutions at today's meeting were approved on a show of hands | 28/05/2008 |
the Deed of Company Arrangement has been wholly effectuated, therefore removing the Company from external administration and the receivers and managers have ceased to act - the Company will now proceed with the recapitalisation as approved by shareholders on 28 May 2008 | 28/05/2008 |
the Company advises that the Record Date for the proposed consolidation of capital to be considered by shareholders on 28 May 2008 is 4 June 2008 | 12/05/2008 |
company advises of a typographical error that occurred in the Notice of Meeting with regards to the ASX indicative timetable | 02/05/2008 |
company provides notice of annual general meeting | 29/04/2008 |
company awaits confirmation from ASX of conditions for reinstatement and ASIC approval of a notice of EGM which will be sent to shareholders to consider proposals for the reconstruction of share capital | 31/03/2008 |
we understand progress is being made slowly and the company is in discussions with ASX | 15/03/2008 |
deed administrators advise that there is still one condition to be met before an EGM can be called to consider the way forward - the deed is extended to 28 Feb 2008 | 18/12/2007 |
we understand there are still outstanding issues to be resolved but re-quotation of securities is expected first quarter 2008 | 06/12/2007 |
the deed administrator has disbursed funds as required by the DOCA and has negotiated a Heads of Agreement in relation to the recapitalisation of the company - an EGM will be called shortly to consider proposals | 04/09/2007 |
the deed administrator will shortly disburse funds as required by the DOCA and is working on a Heads of Agreement in relation to the recapitalisation of the company | 29/06/2007 |
administrators confirm that in principle agreement has been reached for the recapitalisation of the company, however delays in the transfer of tenements have resulted in the terms of the recapitalisation not being finalised | 30/03/2007 |
administrators report that compliance requirements in relation to the assigning of the company's interests in the Rundle Joint Venture property have caused delays - negotiations for a proposed recapitalisation of the company are continuing | 05/03/2007 |
administrators advise that negotiations in relation to the proposed recapitalisation of the company are continuing | 07/09/2006 |
the administrators confirm that negotiations are continuing in relation to the recapitalisation of the company | 14/07/2006 |
the administrators advise that negotiations are continuing in relation to the recapitalisation of the company | 31/05/2006 |
administrators advise that negotiations are continuing with a third party interested in the recapitalisation of the company | 23/02/2006 |
negotiations are underway regarding the possible recapitalisation of the company and because of their complexity the administrator does not expect to be in a position to provide an update until March 2006 | 29/11/2005 |
Deed of Company Arrangement executed today | 20/10/2005 |
further to our note below dated 15 September 2005, the administrators advise Esso has not made any application to appeal to the High Court - the administrator expects to execute a Deed of Company Arrangement this week and is continuing negotiations with a third party who is interested in a recapitalisation of the company | 17/10/2005 |
the Victorian Court of Appeal rejects the appeal by Esso and gives Esso until 13 October 2005 to apply for leave to appeal to the High Court | 15/09/2005 |
administrators advise that at an initial hearing in November 2004 regarding an assignment of the company's interest in the Rundle Joint Venture to a related entity (which creditors resolved should occur as part of the DOCA), the Court found in favour of SPP - however Esso appealed the decision at a court hearing in May 2005 - it is expected the court's decision will not be delivered until late 2005 or early 2006 | 18/07/2005 |
administrators confirm that discussions regarding the possible recapitalisation of SPP are ongoing | 17/01/2005 |
administrators advise that the SPP DOCA has not yet been executed because the other joint venture partner (Esso Australia) is seeking orders that SPP is not entitled to assign its interest (see note of 24/8/2004 below) in the manner proposed | 17/01/2005 |
discussions regarding the sale and/or recapitalisation or restructure of SPP and CPM are ongoing | 21/10/2004 |
creditors resolve to enter into Deeds of Company Arrangement for both SPP and CPM - the CPM deed provides for the assets and third party liabilities of CPM to be acquired by Queensland Energy Resources Limited - the SPP Deed provides for the assignment of its interest in the Rundle Joint Venture to a related entity and the subsequent liquidation of the company | 24/08/2004 |
administrator is still pursuing the possibilities of sale and/or recapitalisation or restructure of SPP and CPM | 18/06/2004 |
shareholders should refer to to view a release of today's date which has been made by the directors of the company | 12/05/2004 |
Joint Receivers and Managers of the Southern Pacific Petroleum Group Mr David Winterbottom and Mr Angus Blackwood of Ernst & Young, today announced the completion of the sale of the majority of the business and assets of the Southern Pacific Petroleum Group to Queensland Energy Resources Ltd - the price will not be sufficient to repay the secured creditor and therefore there will be no surplus for distribution to unsecured creditors or shareholders of SPP from the receivership | 14/04/2004 |
receivers and managers control of the business of the SPP Group will continue until completion of the contract for the sale of the business - this contract is subject to a number of third party approvals and it is not anticipated that completion will occur before 31 March 2004 - following the sale, the receivers and managers will remain as such of SPP and Central Pacific Minerals NL until finalisation of the transfer of non-material assets from that company to the purchaser - given that some non-material assets may not transfer for some time, these companies may be in receivership until those transfers are effected - the contract of sale allows up to 2 years for asset transfers to occur | 22/03/2004 |
company appoints administrators and indicates that the sales proceeds probably won't cover the secured creditor's debt - it is looking increasingly unlikely there will be a return to shareholders | 16/02/2004 |
receivers announce the sale of the majority of the company's assets to Queensland Energy Resources Ltd | 13/02/2004 |
provides fourth quarter report including update on sale of assets | 21/01/2004 |
the company with debts of about $100m has attracted interest from a number of potential buyers - the receivers have indicated they would like to complete a sale of the assets by the end of February 2004 | 12/01/2004 |
Sandco Koala LLC appoints D Winterbottom and S Blackwood of Ernst & Young as receivers of SPP | 02/12/2003 |
company advises that it is continuing to actively pursue a number of potential near term fundraising options as announced on 25 November 2003 - in the interim, share trading will remain suspended | 01/12/2003 |
shares suspended from quotation | 25/11/2003 |
company is still registered, now called KINGSGATE CHILE NL | 31/10/2023 |
name changed to Laguna Resources NL | 26/08/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 02/07/2008 |
all resolutions at today's meeting were approved on a show of hands | 28/05/2008 |
the Deed of Company Arrangement has been wholly effectuated, therefore removing the Company from external administration and the receivers and managers have ceased to act - the Company will now proceed with the recapitalisation as approved by shareholders on 28 May 2008 | 28/05/2008 |
the Company advises that the Record Date for the proposed consolidation of capital to be considered by shareholders on 28 May 2008 is 4 June 2008 | 12/05/2008 |
company advises of a typographical error that occurred in the Notice of Meeting with regards to the ASX indicative timetable | 02/05/2008 |
company provides notice of annual general meeting | 29/04/2008 |
company awaits confirmation from ASX of conditions for reinstatement and ASIC approval of a notice of EGM which will be sent to shareholders to consider proposals for the reconstruction of share capital | 31/03/2008 |
we understand progress is being made slowly and the company is in discussions with ASX | 15/03/2008 |
deed administrators advise that there is still one condition to be met before an EGM can be called to consider the way forward - the deed is extended to 28 Feb 2008 | 18/12/2007 |
we understand there are still outstanding issues to be resolved but re-quotation of securities is expected first quarter 2008 | 06/12/2007 |
the deed administrator has disbursed funds as required by the DOCA and has negotiated a Heads of Agreement in relation to the recapitalisation of the company - an EGM will be called shortly to consider proposals | 04/09/2007 |
the deed administrator will shortly disburse funds as required by the DOCA and is working on a Heads of Agreement in relation to the recapitalisation of the company | 29/06/2007 |
administrators confirm that in principle agreement has been reached for the recapitalisation of the company, however delays in the transfer of tenements have resulted in the terms of the recapitalisation not being finalised | 30/03/2007 |
administrators report that compliance requirements in relation to the assigning of the company's interests in the Rundle Joint Venture property have caused delays - negotiations for a proposed recapitalisation of the company are continuing | 05/03/2007 |
administrators advise that negotiations in relation to the proposed recapitalisation of the company are continuing | 07/09/2006 |
the administrators confirm that negotiations are continuing in relation to the recapitalisation of the company | 14/07/2006 |
the administrators advise that negotiations are continuing in relation to the recapitalisation of the company | 31/05/2006 |
administrators advise that negotiations are continuing with a third party interested in the recapitalisation of the company | 23/02/2006 |
negotiations are underway regarding the possible recapitalisation of the company and because of their complexity the administrator does not expect to be in a position to provide an update until March 2006 | 29/11/2005 |
Deed of Company Arrangement executed today | 20/10/2005 |
further to our note below dated 15 September 2005, the administrators advise Esso has not made any application to appeal to the High Court - the administrator expects to execute a Deed of Company Arrangement this week and is continuing negotiations with a third party who is interested in a recapitalisation of the company | 17/10/2005 |
the Victorian Court of Appeal rejects the appeal by Esso and gives Esso until 13 October 2005 to apply for leave to appeal to the High Court | 15/09/2005 |
administrators advise that at an initial hearing in November 2004 regarding an assignment of the company's interest in the Rundle Joint Venture to a related entity (which creditors resolved should occur as part of the DOCA), the Court found in favour of SPP - however Esso appealed the decision at a court hearing in May 2005 - it is expected the court's decision will not be delivered until late 2005 or early 2006 | 18/07/2005 |
administrators confirm that discussions regarding the possible recapitalisation of SPP are ongoing | 17/01/2005 |
administrators advise that the SPP DOCA has not yet been executed because the other joint venture partner (Esso Australia) is seeking orders that SPP is not entitled to assign its interest (see note of 24/8/2004 below) in the manner proposed | 17/01/2005 |
discussions regarding the sale and/or recapitalisation or restructure of SPP and CPM are ongoing | 21/10/2004 |
creditors resolve to enter into Deeds of Company Arrangement for both SPP and CPM - the CPM deed provides for the assets and third party liabilities of CPM to be acquired by Queensland Energy Resources Limited - the SPP Deed provides for the assignment of its interest in the Rundle Joint Venture to a related entity and the subsequent liquidation of the company | 24/08/2004 |
administrator is still pursuing the possibilities of sale and/or recapitalisation or restructure of SPP and CPM | 18/06/2004 |
shareholders should refer to to view a release of today's date which has been made by the directors of the company | 12/05/2004 |
Joint Receivers and Managers of the Southern Pacific Petroleum Group Mr David Winterbottom and Mr Angus Blackwood of Ernst & Young, today announced the completion of the sale of the majority of the business and assets of the Southern Pacific Petroleum Group to Queensland Energy Resources Ltd - the price will not be sufficient to repay the secured creditor and therefore there will be no surplus for distribution to unsecured creditors or shareholders of SPP from the receivership | 14/04/2004 |
receivers and managers control of the business of the SPP Group will continue until completion of the contract for the sale of the business - this contract is subject to a number of third party approvals and it is not anticipated that completion will occur before 31 March 2004 - following the sale, the receivers and managers will remain as such of SPP and Central Pacific Minerals NL until finalisation of the transfer of non-material assets from that company to the purchaser - given that some non-material assets may not transfer for some time, these companies may be in receivership until those transfers are effected - the contract of sale allows up to 2 years for asset transfers to occur | 22/03/2004 |
company appoints administrators and indicates that the sales proceeds probably won't cover the secured creditor's debt - it is looking increasingly unlikely there will be a return to shareholders | 16/02/2004 |
receivers announce the sale of the majority of the company's assets to Queensland Energy Resources Ltd | 13/02/2004 |
provides fourth quarter report including update on sale of assets | 21/01/2004 |
the company with debts of about $100m has attracted interest from a number of potential buyers - the receivers have indicated they would like to complete a sale of the assets by the end of February 2004 | 12/01/2004 |
Sandco Koala LLC appoints D Winterbottom and S Blackwood of Ernst & Young as receivers of SPP | 02/12/2003 |
company advises that it is continuing to actively pursue a number of potential near term fundraising options as announced on 25 November 2003 - in the interim, share trading will remain suspended | 01/12/2003 |
shares suspended from quotation | 25/11/2003 |
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23/06/2018 08:08:30 | |
Hi, l bought 1000 shares for $690- then Bligh Oil & Minerals, Changed name to Horizon Oil NL, changed name to Horizon Oil Limited, changed name to Southern Pacific Petroleum N L , changed name to Laguna Resources NL.. As l have never received a cent in dividends. Only unlimited paper mail. l 'm wondering what my investment is worth.!!!!!!!! l presume l just lost my money. l have NEVER invested in minerals again. l tell all my friends that to invest in minerals is to make a donation. If anyone can tell me-- if my shares are worth anything please-mail me | 08/03/2015 15:14:53 |
Hi, I've also got 2,664 shares in SSP which I believed to be a dead duck but now seems like it might just about swim? Are they worth anything and can I get Laguna shares in place of SSP shares? | 12/11/2014 06:48:03 |
I have 2000 shares in southern pacific petroleum. Are they worth anything | 15/07/2013 14:18:29 |
Gary Steinepreis | Director | |
Patrick Burke | Director | |
David Steinepreis | Director | |
Peter Geroff | Administrator |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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