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25 March 2025
Name: | TVSN LIMITED (TVN) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now LIVETILES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Status.) | ||||||||||||
Date of Listing: | 17 August 1999 | ||||||||||||
Subsequent Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now LIVETILES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now LIVETILES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now LIVETILES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
LIVETILES LIMITED | 28/08/2015 | |
MODUN RESOURCES LTD | 29/11/2011 | 28/08/2015 |
TVN CORPORATION LIMITED | 01/02/2007 | 29/11/2011 |
TVSN LIMITED | 01/02/2007 |
Computershare Sydney
6 Hope St Ermington NSW 2115
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 2 8235 8150
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name changed to TVN Corporation Limited | 01/02/2007 |
the Deed of Company Arrangement is fully effectuated | 23/01/2007 |
company advises that the resolutions contained in the Notice of General Meeting were approved at the meeting of shareholders held today on a show of hands - the company also releases its new constitution | 15/01/2007 |
company provides notice of annual general meeting to be held at 10:00am on 15/1/2007 at the History Function House Room, 133 Macquarie St Sydney | 14/12/2006 |
ASIC grants relief from compliance with certain financial reporting requirements | 06/10/2006 |
deed administrators have executed an agreement to sell the listed shell - it is expected the shell will be re-listed on the ASX by the end of the year | 11/09/2006 |
liquidator's examinations of TVSN directors begin | 13/06/2006 |
the Deed administrators are currently in negotiations that may lead to the recapitalisation of the company | 14/03/2006 |
Deed Administrator advises that he is unable to confirm the current value of shares (while admitting it is unlikely there will be a return) - they may potentially have value if there is a sale of the shell and a recapitalisation - he anticipates that he should know if that is going to happen by the end of November 2005 | 19/10/2005 |
company enters into a Deed of Company Arrangement | 03/08/2005 |
following the creditors meeting today, two companies within the group will go into liquidation and four will be placed under a Deed of Company Arrangement - creditors may receive between 4.5 cents and 6.5 cents in the dollar | 19/07/2005 |
administrators (and receivers) report to creditors, recommending that the company enter into a Deed of Company Arrangement - this will be considered at a meeting of creditors on 19 July 2005 | 11/07/2005 |
an application to hold the meeting of creditors is extended to 19 July | 15/06/2005 |
court grants an extension of time to hold the second meeting of creditors to 21 June 2005 | 11/04/2005 |
administrator advises of his intention to apply for an extension of time to hold the second meeting of creditors to 21 June 2005 | 07/04/2005 |
creditors resolve that the second meeting of creditors be adjourned for a period of up to 60 days | 21/02/2005 |
creditors to meet 21 February | 11/02/2005 |
administrators advise that the Altona Engine Block Project will not be completed - the divestment process for the remainder of the ION Group's businesses is continuing with a promising level of interest shown to date | 11/02/2005 |
court grants an extension of time to hold the second creditors meeting to 14 February 2005 - shares will be suspended at least until then | 18/11/2004 |
receivers and managers announce a Heads of Agreement with Interfine Holdings Pty Ltd for the sale of the TVSN and Expo Channels for an undiclosed price | 16/11/2004 |
receivers David Winterbottom and Martin Midden of KordaMentha appointed receivers and managers by St George Bank | 28/10/2004 |
company appoints PA Billingham and TM Pogroske of Grant Thornton as administrators - administration never augurs well for shareholders but it is too early speculate on the outcomes | 28/10/2004 |
shares suspended from quotation | 27/10/2004 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 10 | 10/07/2002 |
name changed to TVN Corporation Limited | 01/02/2007 |
the Deed of Company Arrangement is fully effectuated | 23/01/2007 |
company advises that the resolutions contained in the Notice of General Meeting were approved at the meeting of shareholders held today on a show of hands - the company also releases its new constitution | 15/01/2007 |
company provides notice of annual general meeting to be held at 10:00am on 15/1/2007 at the History Function House Room, 133 Macquarie St Sydney | 14/12/2006 |
ASIC grants relief from compliance with certain financial reporting requirements | 06/10/2006 |
deed administrators have executed an agreement to sell the listed shell - it is expected the shell will be re-listed on the ASX by the end of the year | 11/09/2006 |
liquidator's examinations of TVSN directors begin | 13/06/2006 |
the Deed administrators are currently in negotiations that may lead to the recapitalisation of the company | 14/03/2006 |
Deed Administrator advises that he is unable to confirm the current value of shares (while admitting it is unlikely there will be a return) - they may potentially have value if there is a sale of the shell and a recapitalisation - he anticipates that he should know if that is going to happen by the end of November 2005 | 19/10/2005 |
company enters into a Deed of Company Arrangement | 03/08/2005 |
following the creditors meeting today, two companies within the group will go into liquidation and four will be placed under a Deed of Company Arrangement - creditors may receive between 4.5 cents and 6.5 cents in the dollar | 19/07/2005 |
administrators (and receivers) report to creditors, recommending that the company enter into a Deed of Company Arrangement - this will be considered at a meeting of creditors on 19 July 2005 | 11/07/2005 |
an application to hold the meeting of creditors is extended to 19 July | 15/06/2005 |
court grants an extension of time to hold the second meeting of creditors to 21 June 2005 | 11/04/2005 |
administrator advises of his intention to apply for an extension of time to hold the second meeting of creditors to 21 June 2005 | 07/04/2005 |
creditors resolve that the second meeting of creditors be adjourned for a period of up to 60 days | 21/02/2005 |
creditors to meet 21 February | 11/02/2005 |
administrators advise that the Altona Engine Block Project will not be completed - the divestment process for the remainder of the ION Group's businesses is continuing with a promising level of interest shown to date | 11/02/2005 |
court grants an extension of time to hold the second creditors meeting to 14 February 2005 - shares will be suspended at least until then | 18/11/2004 |
receivers and managers announce a Heads of Agreement with Interfine Holdings Pty Ltd for the sale of the TVSN and Expo Channels for an undiclosed price | 16/11/2004 |
receivers David Winterbottom and Martin Midden of KordaMentha appointed receivers and managers by St George Bank | 28/10/2004 |
company appoints PA Billingham and TM Pogroske of Grant Thornton as administrators - administration never augurs well for shareholders but it is too early speculate on the outcomes | 28/10/2004 |
shares suspended from quotation | 27/10/2004 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 10 | 10/07/2002 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
Ron Baskin | Chairman | |
Moshe Ozana | Vice Chairman, Executive Director | |
John Porter | Non Exec Director | |
Eric Melman | Non Exec Director | |
Trevor Pogroske | Administrator | |
Paul Billingham | Administrator | |
Robert Ewing | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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