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deListed Australia
Any AUS or NZ company

Browse Australian delisted companies

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Browse terminated Australian managed funds

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Find any Australian or New Zealand company or fund (dead or alive) by using SEARCH above or go directly to the site:

deListed and InvestoGain acknowledge the support of ASX and ASA:

Australian Securities Exchange
Australian shareholders association

Thank you


Thank you to the many users of our website for your patronage since 2002. Some of your comments are provided below. It was this support that was the motivation for us to continue to expand on the original concept. We also wish to acknowledge the help of the Australian Securities Exchange in particular and also the Australian Shareholders’ Association.


Great people to deal with - fast and efficient. I highly recommend deListed. S Geraty, The Gap

deListed is the bible for those of us who work in share registries.

Thank you so much for sorting out my worthless shares, it has been a stressful journey to close my SMSF but you have been such a big help and I will have no hesitation in recommending your service to anyone in the same situation.

Your advice has helped me find a significant amount of money that 2 financial advisors and an accountant could not help me with. I had a good feeling when paying your small fee and will get my wife to do a search as you advised and so cleverly picked up that we may be related. My thanks for the terrific job you do.

Your service is exemplary and your company is a pleasure to deal with. I'm extremely impressed. If only the directors of the many companies whose shares are sold through deListed had as much regard for investors. MD Harris, Mascot

Just wanted to say - your website is awesome. I have been working on reconstructing a blind mans share trading from 2004 to 2008 due to missing paperwork & your website has been a great source of assistance.

To the team at, a big thankyou for your excellent site. I am a trader but i like to keep track of all the companies in the asx 200. Your site makes this an easy task especially with name changes.

 deListed is a great resource, Ive been using it to verify a historical database I’ve been building for my own investment strategy. Having all this info on delisted companies is great for back-testing strategies 

Thanks for a wonderful site. As an SMSF auditor, it is invaluable

Thank you so much for assisting with this. I contacted the registry today and they did confirm there are CBA shares [value: $42,000] in my sister's name. I have put ......... in contact with them so she can update her address and will thereafter be able to claim the dividends [value: $3764]  and sell her shares if she chooses. We really appreciate your help, this money will be of huge assistance to ..... What a fantastic service you provide.

This is excellent!.  Thank you so much for organising this.  The [share prices] data is perfect and seems to be much better (more accurate) than many of the other data bases I have accessed this from.  It is also the only data base I am aware of that provides historical data for delisted IPO’s.

I have found your site to be a valuable asset in my line of work. I have been looking for a solid resource to track corporate actions, and I am very impressed by this site.

I think the service your organisation provides is fantastic!

This site is an unbelievable time-saver in the day-to-day tax workings of a Chartered Accountant.I've been using it for a couple of years now and gladly introduce my collegues to it if I discover they are not using it. Everyone comments on how easy life has become after using deListed! Not only useful for Capital Loss purposes, this site makes it SO EASY to track company name changes, takeovers, mergers, etc that happen so often these days. Keep up the great work.

This is a fabulous service, Ive just downloaded details on SGW and will save myself considerable tax. I feel like I owe you something! I will pass onto associates you website address (I am a financial planner)

I am very impressed by the efficiency of your service and very appreciative of your help.

You have created a very interesting and useful web site.

Having spent the last 30 odd years of my career working with listed companies, and as a director of a number of companies, I have always had need for historical information about companies and their status. The WWW has been brilliant in that respect, BUT, the availability of information (somewhere) is only as useful as being able to locate just the information you need, without endless searching. Your web site assembles extremely useful information in easily accessible form, which would be difficult/ near impossible to find elsewhere

I have been searching for a source of ASX code-changes.  The ASX site goes back only to 2001.  Your site goes way back.  It is not only far more complete than the ASX and ASIC sites, but it is far better laid out and easier to use.  It is superb.

HIH, SGW I was informed that the loss could only be claimed after a detailed notification was received from the ADMINISTRATOR . I have not received a single page regarding the above matter and I would like to thank your DELISTED site for making all the relevant information available.

Thank you for a great site, clear and easy to use with information galore. I am very grateful for the info on Pasminco as I did not receive the 31 March 2005 letter ….

WOW, that really is service.  Thank you so much. Pam Perry, Hobart TAS 

Excellent. Keep up the good work. Pierpont

What a godsend of a service.

I find your website a great resource. Tracking changes to a company name (and ASX code) is particularly useful.   A McGregor Pymble, NSW

Where can I find out whether I have any holding in SMX and whether or not I have a tax loss. What a magnificent site you have! Thanks

Congrats on your site - a terrific reference tool.

Thanks to the publishers of this enormously useful web site. 

Just found your site by chance what a fantastic service, you have saved me a lot of worry with 4 companies that I own shares in. Disappeared from the radar and I was scratching my head as to what to do to find them.

Thank you for an excellent and unique website

Thank you for your quick response and thank you for your wonderful resource(tracking some of the incarnations of some of these companies makes me dizzy!)

I just wanted to let you know that I have just discovered your website and think it is wonderful. Thankyou for having such information available at the click of a mouse! I work as a Financial planner and the information from your website has been a welcome addition to my office. Thanks again and keep up the good work!

Your last email has completely answered my query about the CPVentures to Innerhadden takeover and I would like to thank you most sincerely for your excellent service in this matter.    If I have other ASX queries, I now know where to go.

I am very impressed with your company.  No one has ever been willing to assist in this way. It is a real public service.

I just wanted to say thank you for providing an easy to use site. As a tax consultant it is impossible to know details of every company listed on the ASX. It is even more difficult keeping up with those in liquidation etc and knowing when a client can realise a Capital Loss. Thank you for providing the information in an easy to use format and all in the one place. A lot of clients do not produce their liquidator declarations and your site makes it easier to find the information required to complete their tax returns.

Your site is marvelous.    It has helped me sort out some of my 'shoebox' stocks and provided declaration of liquidators for delisted stocks.   Thanks again.

I must commend you on your excellent website which gathers information which, otherwise, is not available or at least as I see it, cannot be easily found in the public record.

I visited your website for the first time today and am impressed that someone has had the foresight to host such a site

I use your site frequently and find it both friendly and helpful

Thanks for providing a very helpful site, the information you have collated is excellent.

Thank you for your article on August 2 re the above site. I looked it up, and to make a long story short, I will be able to realise losses on shares dating back to 1987, all de-listed (4 different companies, amounting to over 5 grand) Due to my bower bird habits, I have the original certificates.

To who ever thought of such a website, I have to say a heap big thankyou. Having been invested and 'lost track' of many companies, your site was a real pleasant surprise and a very great help. The information you have is amazing, and must be a boon to any investor who has lost track of the myriad companies On behalf of myself, and I'm sure many 'mum & dad' investors, and the big boys of course, A TRULY GREAT EFFORT by all concerned.

Read about your service in the Australian yesterday and looked you up today. It is a great service you offer as it is hard to keep track of companies that have delisted without wasting the time of the receiver/liqidator and your own money in phone calls. Keep up the good work

Also just letting you know that your website has been of great assistance in finding contact details and updates on many companies in which we have lost contact with over the years.

Your website, is a wonderful tool

Firstly, thanks for website - it is brilliant.

I'm impressed. I spent 34 years in the IT industry and the last 5 of those involved in Internet activities. You have won the prize for the most responsive

I wish to express my appreciation for this website, which I find is a great assistance in my daily work in maintaining the company registry records for Public Trustee of **. Really like the associated information for some of the suspended companies and it is great to be able to produce the liquidator's declarations when these are needed. Keep up the great work - really love the index

Thank you very much for this information.  It is a fantastic service.

Thanks again - has saved me tearing my hair out tracking down previous names for companies yet again! This really is a great service and has been really helpful in my research work at UNSW

In closing, I would like to say how impressed I have been by the website you operate. My clients have spent ages trying to trace these shares and it took me about 10 minutes! Thanks. Steve

Thanks for the prompt reply.  We have just started using your website this week and it is providing us with information that previously took weeks, or months, to find.  We will be using this site as our main source of information from now on.

Just wanted to let you know what a valuable resource is and how important it will become in the future as one of the very few sources of information about delisted companies. Whilst there is much information on the internet about listed companies, as soon as they become delisted, the information disappears without a trace!

And this is why deListed was established:

Compliments on your effort in setting up this site. This service should have been established years ago by ASIC as a duty and public service. Some time ago I sought info on Harris Scarfe. My accountant referred me to ASIC. They referred me to share registrar. They referred me to SA Accounting firm. They referred me to receivers in SA. Person in charge of this matter was not available. Days later and [after] numerous calls to SA, I received info. Your site saves many a similar experience. Congratulations. Good Luck.



deListed and InvestoGain are largely the result of voluntary effort. We welcome input and updates from investors, company officers, insolvency practitioners, regulatory bodies, registries and others to

Investigate before you invest again to InvestoGain


Thank you for the wonderful service you provide through your website. I've had the pleasure of selling a parcel of shares: easy, efficient, and very cost-effective. And I especially like the super-easy way your site allows me to chase up companies' various name changes, and so remain up-to-date.
I Brandli, Coffs Harbour NSW

…out of all the exchanges that I do research for, your particular web site makes finding information so easy. I wish the rest of the world would follow your footsteps. Reuters

Thank you so much for assisting with this. I contacted the registry today and they did confirm there are …… shares [value: $42,000] in my sister’s name. I have put ......... in contact with them so she can update her address and will thereafter be able to claim the dividends [value: $3764] and sell her shares if she chooses. We really appreciate your help, this money will be of huge assistance to ..... What a fantastic service you provide.