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A demerger occurs when a company splits its operations into two or more entities or groups and distributes to its shareholders a direct interest in one or more of the parts. New tax rules applied to demergers from 1 July 2002. Broadly the tax consequences are:
relief from capital gains tax (CGT) that would otherwise be payable as a result of the demerger transaction;
the cost base in the original interest is spread between the original interest and the interest in the demerged entity (based on the relative split in market values); and
an exemption from the provisions that would otherwise treat the shareholder as having received a taxable dividend from the transaction, subject to specific anti-avoidance rules.
any pre-CGT interests retain their pre-CGT status.
Key tax relief criteria
To our knowledge our table contains the key features of all demergers of listed companies since 1996 and in most cases a link to the relevant ATO Class Ruling. As a general rule the following applies to individual taxpayers (unless they acquired their shares under an employee share scheme) who are Australian residents for tax purposes, who acquired their shares after 19 September 1985 and who hold shares as an investment asset rather than as trading stock.
To qualify for tax relief the key criteria are:
The underlying ownership of the demerged entity must be maintained. (The ATO will examine the proportional interests and market values of ownership interests.)
The Head Entity must divest at least 80% of its ownership interests in the demerged entity. This is to ensure that only ‘genuine’ demergers are able to obtain the tax relief. (Importantly, demerger relief will not be available for disposals of the remaining ownership interests at a later date.)
Shareholder action
The Head Entity will normally advise shareholders if it has undertaken an eligible demerger and shareholders should be aware that:
they may be entitled to choose rollover relief (see below) for any capital gain or loss
they are required to calculate immediately after the demerger the cost base and reduced cost base of their interests in the Head Entity and their new interests in the Demerged Entity
Rollover relief
If shareholders choose rollover relief:
any capital gain or loss is disregarded
the new interests are acquired on the date of the demerger. (Note that if a proportion of your original interests was acquired before 20 September 1985 (pre-CGT), the same proportion of the new interests is treated as pre-CGT assets)
If shareholders do not choose rollover relief:
any capital gain or loss cannot be disregarded
all of the new interests are acquired on the date of the demerger
A calculator at the ATO website helps shareholders work out the capital gains tax consequences under a demerger, including the BHP Billiton, CSR, Sonic Healthcare, Mincor and WMC demergers. It can be accessed here.
Here is an extract from the full table of demergers 1996-2024. Please click on the link below to download the full table updated to 31 December 2024.
DEMERGERS 1996-2024 (to 31/12/2024) Last updated: 12 January 2025 |
Date | Head (or Demerging) Entity | Demerged Entity | IPO or distribution to existing shareholders | Do the new rules apply? |
(Note 1) Reduce cost base etc |
Acquisition date |
(Note 2) Acquisition cost per share |
(Note 3) % of market value |
Click on ATO etc for rulings and further info
Apr-00 | Amcor Limited | Paperlinx Limited | One for three |
ATO | |
Dec-03 | AMP Limited | HHG plc | Rights to acquire |
Shareholders should click on the ATO link for the AMP Ltd demerger calculator
ATO | |||
Jun-00 | AGL Limited | Australian Pipeline Trust | IPO priority alloc. |
Unitholders paid $2.00 a unit on 13 June 2000
Feb-07 | Arafura Resources NL | NuPower Rersources Limited | One for three |
ATO Arafura | |||
Aug-08 | ARC Energy Ltd | Buru Energy Ltd | 0.425 for one |
Yes |
25-Aug 08 |
9.13 |
Table contains details (including CGT treatment) of the following demergers:
Adelaide Resources Ltd Alkane Resources Limited Amcom Telecommunications Ltd Amcor Limited Amcor Limited AMP Limited AGL Limited Alterra Limited Alumina (see WMC Limited below) APN News & Media Limited Arafura Resources NL ARC Energy Ltd Arrow Energy Limited ATI Global Limited Australian Finance Group Limited Australian Mines Limited Auzex Resources Limited Aviva Corporation Ltd Bardoc Gold Limited BHP Billiton Limited BHP Limited BHP Billiton Limited Blackwall Limited Bondi Mining Limited Boral Limited Boral Limited Brambles Limited Cardno Limited Cassini Resources Limited Cellnet Group Ltd Centro Properties Group Chalice Mining Limited ChemGenix Pharmaceuticals Limited Coca Cola Amatil Ltd ConocoPhillips Company Cordlife Ltd Crown Limited CSR Limited Dairy Farmers Milk Co-operative Ltd Delta Gold Limited Donaco International Limited EcoBiotics Limited Elkedra Diamonds NL Enterprise Metals Limited Equatorial Coal Limited Fairfax Media Limited Firefly Resources Limited Foodland Associated Limited Foster's Group Limited Foster's Group Limited Futuris Corporation Ltd Gindalbie Metals Limited Graincorp Limited Heron Resources Limited Iluka Resources Limited Iluka Resources Limited ImpediMed Limited Indiana Resources Limited (formerly IMX Resources Limited) Intoll International Limited Intoll Trust (II) Invion Limited iSignthis Ltd Leyshon Resources Limited Life Therapeutics Ltd Lion Selection Limited Liontown Resources Limited Macquarie Infrastructure Group Magmatic Resources Limited Magnis Resources Limited Mayne Group Limited (now Symbion Health Limited) McPhersons Limited Metals X Limited Mincor Resources NL Minemakers Limited Mineral Deposits Limited Minotaur Exploration Limited Minotaur Resources Limited Moby Oil & Gas Ltd MPH Limited MPI Mines Limited National Australia Bank Neometals Ltd New Zealand Oil & Gas News Corporation One Asia Resources OreCorp Limited Orica Limited Orocobre Limited PBL Limited Pelorus Private Equity Ltd Pelorus Private Equity Ltd Publishing and Broadcasting Limited Reckon Limited Rex Minerals Limited Rox Resources Limited Seafarms Group Limited Sirius Resources NL Sonic Health Care Ltd South Boulder Mines Ltd Straits Resources Ltd Strategic Energy Resources Limited Strategic Energy Resources Limited Summit Resources Limited Sunrise Energy Metals Limited Symbion Health Limited (see Mayne Group above) Syrah Resources Limited Tabcorp Holdings Limited Tabcorp Holdings Limited Tawana Resources NL Tamaska Oil and Gas Limited Telecom Corporation of New Zealand Ltd Texon Petroleum Ltd TGP Australia Limited TPG Corporation Limited TNG Limited Toll Holdings Ltd Tower Ltd Transerv Energy Limited Trustees Australia Limited TTG Pty Ltd UraniumSA Limited Village Roadshow Ltd Virtualplus Holdings Limited Wesfarmers Limited West Australian Metals Limited Westfield Corporation Limited Westfield Group Westfield Retail Trust Westgold Resources Limited Wingate Group Holdings Pty. Ltd WMC Limited (now Alumina) Woolworths Group Limited World Titanium Resources Limited Iron Road Limited Australian Strategic Minerals Limited iiNet Limited Paperlinx Limited Orora Limited HHG plc Australian Pipeline Trust Carbon Conscious Investments Limited WMC Resources Limited NZME Limited NuPower Rersources Limited Buru Energy Ltd Dart Energy Limited Commercial Credit Holdings Limited Establish Property Group Ltd Norwest Minerals Limited Auzex Exploration Limited NGM Resources Ltd Edge Minerals Limited BHP Steel Limited (now BlueScope) OneSteel Limited (now Arrium) South32 Limited WOTSO Limited Lyell Resources Ltd Envestra Limited Origin Energy Limited Recall Holdings Limited Intega Group Limited Caspin Resources Limited Mercury Mobility Ltd Prime Retail Group Falcon Metals Ltd Autogen (subsequently renamed Verva Pharmaceuticals Ltd) Coca Cola Beverage Phillips 66 Cordlife Pte Ltd (Cordlife Singapore) Consolidated Media Holdings Limited Rinker Group Limited Australian Co-operative Foods Limited Zimbabwe Platinum Mines OMI Holdings Limited (now Isentric) QBiotics Limited Uramet Minerals Limited Enterprise Uranium Limited ImmuneTX Limited Domain Holdings Australia Limited Firetail Resources Limited Progressive Enterprises Holdings Limited Treasury Wine Estates Limited Australian Leisure & Hospitality Australian Agricultural Co Coda Minerals Limited United Malt Group Limited Ardea Resources Limited Deterra Royalties Limited Sierra Rutile Holdings Limited Impedance Cardiology Systems Inc Graphex Mining Limited Macquarie International Roads Limited Macquarie Atlas Roads Limited Chronic Airway Therapeutics Limited ISX Financial EU Plc Leyshon Energy Limited NuSep Ltd Lion Selection Group Limited Minerals 260 Limited Sydney Roads Group Australian Gold and Copper Ltd Uranium Africa Limited Mayne Pharma Limited MPG Printing Ltd Westgold Resources Limited Tethyan Copper Company TNT Mines Limited Teranga Gold Corporation Demetallica Limited Minotaur Exploration Limited Enegex NL AV Jennings Homes Leviathan Resources Limited Clydesdale Bank Widgie Nickel Limited Pan Pacific Petroleum We understand the separation of the print and entertainment businesses was not a demerger. Nusantara Resources Limited Solstice Minerals Limited DuluxGroup Limited Elementos Limited eCorp Limited BlackWall Funds Management Ltd BQF Restructure - see Crown Limited above GetBusy Plc White Rock Minerals Limited Cannon Resources Limited CO2 Australia Limited S2 Resources SciGen Limited Duketon Mining Ltd Straits Metals Ltd Tarcoola Gold Limited Ionic Industries Limited Pacific Mines Limited Clean TeQ Water Limited Mayne Pharma Limited Jacana Minerals Limited Echo Entertainment Group Limited The Lottery Corporation Limited Cowan Lithium Limited TMK Montney Ltd Chorus Limited Talon Petroleum Ltd Kogi Iron Limited Tuas Limited Todd River Resources Limited Asciano Ltd Tower Australia Group Ltd TSV Montney Ltd Jimmy Crow Limited McAleese Limited Samphire Uranium Limited Austereo Limited Novacoat Holdings Limited Coles Group Limited Austin Engineering Limited OneMarket Limited Webjet Westfield Corp Scentre Group Scentre Group Castile Resources Limited Now Finance Group Holdings Pty Ltd WMC Resources Limited World Titane Holdings Limited Eneabba Gas Limited UIL Energy Ltd Endeavour Group Limited
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