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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
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Our website ranking of 8EC: rating 2
(2 out of 5)


Boardroom Pty Ltd
Level 8, 210 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : +61 2 9290 9600 or 1300 737 760
Fax : +61 2 9279 0664 or 1300 653 459
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
ISIN: AU0000008EC1
Address: Level 11, 131 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel:  +61 (0)2 8274 2088

Date first listed: 01/12/2015

Sector: N/A

name changed to Lanyon Investment Company Limited


Lanyon Investment Company Limited wishes to provide the following update regarding the current capital raising. Whilst indicative commitments for the offer have exceeded the minimum subscription as outlined in the prospectus, given the change in broader share market conditions, the Company has decided not to proceed with the capital raising at this time. The applications made to date will be returned to investors.


The company releases a notice of cancellation of proposed issue of securities. Given the change in broader share market conditions, the company has decided not to proceed with the capital raising at this time.


The company releases the results of its meeting and on or about this date consolidates its shares with holders receiving 1 for every 7 shares they held previously


The company releases a prospectus for an offer of up to 5,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price of $5.00 per share to raise up to $25 million, with the ability to accept oversubscriptions for up to $5,000,000.


The company provides an update on the proposed issue of securities. The timetable has been updated.


The company's AGM will be held on 29 November 2021, and the closing date for the receipt of nominations from persons wishing to be considered for election as a director is 27 September 2021.


The company releases an addendum to its notice of EGM.


The unaudited pre-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 31 August 2021 is as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.7352 per share and Post-Tax NTA $0.7352 per share.


The company releases its Corporate Governance Statement and Appendix 4G.


The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


The company releases a notice of consolidation of securities. Shareholders get 1 share for every 7 presently owned.


The company will hold an EGM on 27 September 2021 at 10:00am (Adelaide time) at Piper Alderman Level 16, 70 Franklin Street Adelaide SA 5000.


The unaudited pre-tax net tangible assets of the company is as follows: pre-tax NTA: $0.7562 per share; and post-tax NTA: $0.7562 per share.


The unaudited pre-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 30 June 2021 is as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.7737 per share; Post-Tax NTA $0.7737 per share.


Pitcher Partners Sydney has resigned as auditor of the company. The company has received consent to act, and the directors appointed Grant Thornton Audit as the incoming auditor.


The unaudited pre-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 31 May 2021 is as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.7914 per share; Post-Tax NTA $0.7914 per share.


The unaudited pre-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 30 April 2021 is as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.8409 per share; Post-Tax NTA $0.8409 per share.


The unaudited pre-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 31 March 2021 is as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.8582 per share; Post-Tax NTA $0.8582 per share.


Lanyon is nearing completion of the company's capital raising prospectus and will shortly formally commence implementation of the new capital raising strategy. Lanyon and the company will target a capital raising that provides the optimal balance between achieving sufficient market liquidity whilst providing an opportunity to create value for all shareholders from an appropriately sized asset base.


The unaudited pre-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 28 February 2021 is as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.8840 per share and Post-Tax NTA $0.8840 per share.


The company lodges its Half Yearly Report and Accounts.


As at 31 January 2021, the Company held the following portfolio of assets: FREMANTLE OCTOPUS GROUP: 606,060 (quantity); 842,423.40 (market value); 79.6%; CASH: 215,588.40 (market value); 20.4%; TOTAL $1,058,011.80 (market value); 100%


The company releases an ASIC Form 484, which sets out the number of shares bought back and cancelled.


The unaudited pre- and post- tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 31 December 2020 were as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.9689 per share and Post-Ta.x NTA $0.9534 per share.


The company releases a Final share buy-back notice - Appendix 3F.


The company releases a Daily share buy-back notice - Appendix 3E.


The company releases a notice of changes relating to buy-back - Appendix 3D.


The Board has resolved to delay the capital raising until such time as market conditions improve. Lanyon is currently reviewing the company's last remaining non-cash investment and is considering options to realise the value of this investment in an orderly manner. Over the first quarter of 2021, the company will look to refresh the composition of the Board. 8EC has engaged in discussions with ASX with a view to having its securities re-admitted the official list of the ASX and for its securities to recommence trading. The company will need to re-comply with Chapters 1 & 2 of the listing rules for it to be reinstated to the ASX.


The unaudited pre-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 30 November 2020 is Pre-Tax NTA: $0.9877 per share.


The company releases a buy back offer booklet.


The cocmpany has 1,150,656 fully paid ordinary shares on issue following the implementation of the share consolidation, approved by shareholders at the general meeting held on 13 November 2020. New holding statements have been despatched to shareholders advising them of their holdings on a post-consolidation basis.


The company releases an announcement of buy-back - Appendix 3C.


The company releases its 2020 Annual General Meeting Results.


The company releases the Chairman's Address to Shareholders.


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 41


The company releases an Appendix 2A.


The company releases a notice of consolidation of its securities. Shareholders get 1 share for every 41 presently owned.


The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - 8EC.


The company releases the results of its general meeting.


The company releases the Chairman's Address to Shareholders.


The unaudited pre- and post-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 30 September 2020 were as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.0324 per share and Post-Tax NTA $0.0304 per share.


The indicative timetables included in the notice of meeting and explanatory memorandum are amended.


The unaudited pre and post-tax net tangible assets of the company as at 31 October 2020 were as follows: pre-tax NTA: $0.0262 per share; post-tax NTA: $0.0260 per share.


The company has received the report prepared by Hall Chadwick on the carrying value of 8EC's investment in Fremantle Octopus Group. Based on that, the 8EC Board has resolved to adjust the carrying value of the FOG investment to $842,423 (adopting Hall Chadwick's valuation of $1.39 per FOG ordinary share). This reduction represents approximately 0.38 cents per 8EC share.


The meeting of shareholders will now be held on 13 November 2020 (11.0am AEDT).


The company's virtual AGM will be held at 3.00pm (AEDT) on 27 November 2020. Here is the link for the meeting:


To ensure a fully informed market, the NTA calculation has been delayed pending the receipt by 8EC of the FY2020 financial statements for Fremantle Octopus Group. The company expects to receive the FY2020 financial statements for FOG within the next 2 weeks. 8EC has postponed the Meeting for 3 weeks until Friday 6 November 2020 (11.00am AEDT).


The securities of the company will be suspended from Official Quotation in accordance with Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, 15 October 2020, following its failure to lodge the relevant periodic report by the due date.


The suspension of trading in the securities of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by 8EC of an announcement regarding the recapitalisation agreement with Lanyon Asset Management Pty Limited.


The Company provides further information regarding the agreement with Lanyon Asset Management in relation to the future of 8EC. On 29 July 2020, the Company announced a fourth capital distribution of 2.0 cents per share, which was paid to shareholders on 11 August 2020. It is proposed that the Capital Raise be for up to $150,000,000 (with a minimum raising of $25,000,000) at a price per share equal to the post-tax NTA per share as at the time of the Capital Raise. Currently it is intended that the Capital Raise will not be underwritten. The Placement, Novation, Ancillary Transactions and Capital Raise may not proceed if shareholder approval is not forthcoming.


The unaudited pre- and post-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 31 August 2020 were as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.0333 per share; Post-Tax NTA $0.0309 per share.


The company will hold a general meeting at 11.00am (AEDT) on Friday 16 October 2020 using the Lumi GM application.


The unaudited pre- and post-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 31 August 2020 were as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.0533 per share and Post-Tax NTA $0.0509 per share.


The company releases an Appendix 4G & Corporate Governance Statement.


The company lodges its Annual Report 2020.


The unaudited pre- and post-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 31 July 2020 were as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.0540 per share; Post-Tax NTA $0.0513 per share.


we understand that on or about this date the company made a capital return of 2 cents per share


RAMCap has withdrawn its offer to acquire up to a maximum of 600,000 shares in the Company (representing approximately 1.46% of 8EC's issued capital). With respect to the Lanyon Proposal, the Notice of Meeting is in the process of being finalised with the ASX and will be sent to shareholders as soon as it has been approved by the ASX and 8EC Board.


The company releases a notice of Return of Capital - 8EC.


The company will make a fourth distribution of capital of $0.02 per share to all shareholders on a pro-rata basis. Once this has been paid, the company will have returned a total of $0.81 per share to shareholders on a pro-rata basis. Following the fourth distribution, the company's asset portfolio will reduce to approximately $1.45 million, of which approximately 31% will be represented by cash.


The company's unaudited pre- and post-tax net tangible assets as at 30 June 2020 were as follows: Pre-Tax NTA - $0.0540 per share; and Post-Tax NTA - $0.0509 per share.


On 24 June 2020, ASX advised the company that based on the information provided by 8EC and the facts known at that date, ASX is not aware of any reason that would cause 8EC not to have a structure and operations suitable for a listed entity for the purposes of Listing Rule 1.1 Condition 1 or that which would cause ASX to exercise its discretion to refuse admission to the Official List under Listing Rule 1.19. The draft notice of meeting relating to the Lanyon proposal has been completed and will be lodged with the ASX today for its review. 8EC shareholders may have received in the mail recently a further letter from RAMCap Limited dated 29 June 2020. The 8EC Board considers that the RAMCap Second Proposal is not superior to the Lanyon Proposal and therefore RECOMMENDS THAT 8EC SHAREHOLDERS TAKE NO FURTHER ACTION with respect to the RAMCap Second Proposal.


The unaudited pre- and post-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 31 May 2020 were as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.0442 per share and Post-Tax NTA $0.0406 per share.


The company has submitted its application to the ASX for in-principle advice in relation to its reinstatement to the ASX following the capital raising, in accordance with the Lanyon Proposal. The next step, assuming ASX approval of that application, will be completion of the Notice of Meeting relating to the Lanyon Proposal to be sent to shareholders. It is currently expected this will be sent shareholders following ASX review, by late June/early July for consideration at a general meeting to be held 28 days after despatch. Shareholders have received the third distribution of capital of $0.05 per share. Also, the 8EC Board considers that the RAMCap Proposal is not superior to the Lanyon Proposal and therefore RECOMMENDS THAT 8EC SHAREHOLDERS TAKE NO ACTION with respect to the RAMCap Proposal. The 8EC Board remains committed to implementing the Lanyon Proposal, in the absence of a superior proposal.


The unaudited pre- and post-tax net tangible assets of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 31 March 2020 were as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.0424 per share; Post-Tax NTA $0.0387 per share.


we understand that on or about this date the company made a capital return of 5 cents per share


The company releases a notice of Return of Capital - 8EC.


The company will make a third distribution of capital of $0.05 per share to all shareholders on a pro-rata basis. In respect of the Lanyon proposal, the company is at an advanced stage in preparation of the notice of meeting which is required to be prepared for shareholders.


The unaudited pre- and post-tax net tangible assets (NTA) of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited as at 31 March 2020 were as follows: Pre-Tax NTA $0.0902 per share; and Post-Tax NTA $0.0862 per share.


The securities of 8IP Emerging Companies Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately, following the announcement that it has entered into an agreement with Lanyon Asset Management Pty Limited with respect to a proposed recapitalisation. 8EC's securities will remain suspended until ASX is satisfied that all relevant information required under Guidance Note 12: Change to Activities has been announced to the market. ASX has also exercised its discretions under Listing Rule 11.1.2 to require the Proposed Recapitalisation to be conditional on approval by 8EC's ordinary security holders and under Listing Rule 11.1.3 to require 8EC to recomply with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules. If ASX is satisfied that 8EC has provided sufficient information to enable its securities to be reinstated and security holders approve the Proposed Recapitalisation, it is expected that 8EC's securities will again be suspended from quotation immediately following such security holder approval and will remain suspended until 8EC has recomplied with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules.


we understand that on or about this date the company made a capital return of 22 cents per share


we understand that on or about this date the company made a capital return of 52 cents per share


listed entity carried for record purposes only

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    19/10/2018Geoffrey Wilson164,656$0.828$136,253
    05/09/2016Tony McDonaldOn market20,000$1.000$20,000

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Kenneth WilliamsChairman01/04/2021
    David PrescottNon Exec Director16/03/2020
    Richard WillsonNon Exec Director01/04/2021
    Natalie ClimoCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Jonathan SweeneyNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director26/09/201501/04/2021
    Tony McDonaldIndependent Director26/09/201501/04/2021
    Robin BurnsDirector11/04/201801/04/2021
    Kerry SeriesExecutive Director01/12/201525/11/2020
    Geoffrey WilsonNon Exec Director11/04/201829/09/2020

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.