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ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)


ASX, Legal & CGT Status


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Our website ranking of ACB: rating 4
(4 out of 5)


Advanced Share Registry Services
110 Stirling Hwy, Nedlands WA 6009
Tel : +61 8 9389 8033
Fax : +61 8 9262 3723
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
ISIN: AU000000ACB7
Address: 52 Ord Street West Perth WA 6005
Tel:  +61 (0) 401 876 534

Date first listed: 19/05/2006

Sector: Energy
Industry Group: XEJ
Activities: Minerals exploration & development

delisted at entity's request under Listing Rule 17.11


we understand Lotus Resources Limited acquired 100% of A-Cap's issued shares (one share in Lotus for every 3.54 ACap shares) and ACap's listed options (one share in Lotus for every 500 ACap listed options)


The scheme of arrangement between A-Cap and its shareholders and the scheme of arrangement between A-Cap and its listed option holders, pursuant to which Lotus Resources Limited would acquire 100% of A-Cap's issued shares and ACap's listed options, as previously announced by the Company to ASX on 13 July 2023, have been implemented.


The company releases a notification of cessation of securities.


The Company has approved the conversion of 30,000,000 ACBAT Performance Rights. The converted shares were made to existing shareholders without disclosure under Part 6D.2 of the Corporations Act, using Acap's ASX 7.1 and 7.1A (15% and 10%) Placement Capacity, under sections 708(1) and 708(8) of the Corporations Act.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


Lotus and A-Cap Merger approved by Federal Court. Lotus has sufficient cash to complete all planned work programmes. Lotus's cash resources will be supplemented by A-Cap's cash post implementation of the Schemes. The Federal Court of Australia has made orders approving the Share Scheme and the Option Scheme, which have been lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, making the Schemes legally effective - A-Cap shares and listed options have been suspended from trading. - Implementation date confirmed as 7 November 2023. Lotus and A-Cap merger creates a leading uranium player with significant scale and resources, positioning Lotus for a market re-rating - Lotus will hold Mineral Resources of 241Mlbs U3O8 (100% basis) at Kayelekera and Letlhakane, increasing Lotus's Mineral Resources almost five-fold, the third largest among ASX listed peers2 - The merger positions Lotus for a market re-rating to bring it in line with ASX listed peers on an EV/lb resource basis. Lotus's enlarged project portfolio is also significantly more attractive to potential offtake partners and financiers - Lotus will leverage its proven uranium expertise in developing Letlhakane, one of the world's largest undeveloped uranium resources in one of the world's top mining jurisdictions, Botswana.


The securities of A-Cap Energy Limited will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading on Friday, 27 October 2023 under Listing Rule 17.2, following lodgement of the Federal Court of Australia orders with ASIC approving the scheme of arrangement by which Lotus Resources Limited will acquire all of the issued shares and listed options in ACB.


Lotus and A-Cap Merger approved by Federal Court. Lotus has sufficient cash to complete all planned work programmes. Lotus's cash resources will be supplemented by A-Cap's cash post implementation of the Schemes. The Federal Court of Australia has made orders approving the Share Scheme and the Option Scheme, which have been lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, making the Schemes legally effective - A-Cap shares and listed options have been suspended from trading. - Implementation date confirmed as 7 November 2023. Lotus and A-Cap merger creates a leading uranium player with significant scale and resources, positioning Lotus for a market re-rating - Lotus will hold Mineral Resources of 241Mlbs U3O8 (100% basis) at Kayelekera and Letlhakane, increasing Lotus's Mineral Resources almost five-fold, the third largest among ASX listed peers2 - The merger positions Lotus for a market re-rating to bring it in line with ASX listed peers on an EV/lb resource basis. Lotus's enlarged project portfolio is also significantly more attractive to potential offtake partners and financiers - Lotus will leverage its proven uranium expertise in developing Letlhakane, one of the world's largest undeveloped uranium resources in one of the world's top mining jurisdictions, Botswana.


The suspension of trading in the securities of A-Cap Energy Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release of a response to an ASX price and volume query and announcements regarding a capital raising and progress on ACB's Wiluna project.


The company releases the results of drilling at the Wilconi Nickel-Cobalt project at Wiluna.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities..


The company releases the prospectus for the renounceable entitlement offer.


The company releases a notice of renounceable entitlement issue. One for four Renounceable Rights Issue to raise up to approximately $14.17 million. Attractively priced at 6.5 cents per share. Discount of 28% to 30 day VWAP. Fully Underwritten by Mahe Capital, with the major shareholder Shenke to participate for its full entitlement and sub-underwrite collectively $13.18. Shareholders can also apply for additional shares in addition to their entitlement. Funds raised will be used to repay debt and meet costs of the offer.


The company issues a response to ASX Price and Volume Query.


The Company request that the voluntary suspension be extended until no longer than opening on Monday 27 September 2021. This is pending the finalisation of a release in respect of an ASX query on Volume and Price, an announcement on capital raising and progress on its Wiluna project.


The Company request that the voluntary suspension be extended until no longer than opening on Friday 24 September 2021. This is pending the finalisation of a release in respect of an ASX query on Volume and Price, an announcement on capital raising and progress on its Wiluna project.


The securities of ACap Energy Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of ACB, pending the release of a response to an ASX price and volume query and an announcement regarding a capital raising.


The suspension of trading in the securities of A-Cap Energy Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by ACB of an announcement regarding an off-market transfer of a relevant interest in shares in ACB.


The company has been informed by substantial shareholder Jiangsu Shengan Resources Group of a conditional off market transfer of its relevant interest in 357,786,934 fully paid shares in the company to Singapore Shenke International Investment. Jiangsu released an exchange announcement to the New Third Board on 23 December 2019 confirming Jiangsu shareholder approval of the conditional off-market transfer, which transfer is subject to material terms and conditions. The off-market transfer will be held in escrow by A-Cap pending completion of the conditions. If the off-market transfer fails to meet the conditions within twelve months from 21 December 2019, the off-market transfer will no longer take effect unless Jiangsu and Shenke agree otherwise.


The securities of A-Cap Energy Ltd will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of ACB, pending the release of an announcement regarding an off-market transfer of a relevant interest in 357,786,934 fully paid shares in the Company which is currently being considered by independent directors for the purposes of purposes of item 7 in section 611 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and ASIC Regulatory Guide 74.


name changed from A-Cap Resources Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)


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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    08/02/2017John Fisher-Stamp38,000$0.074$2,812
    30/10/2012Andrew TunksOn market110,505$0.136$15,000

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    John Fisher-StampDirector22/06/2015
    Catherine AndersonDirector, Company Secretary07/11/2023
    Keith BowesDirector07/11/2023

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Jiandong HeChairman28/02/202007/11/2023
    Paul IngramDeputy Chairman01/06/200907/11/2023
    Andrew TunksManaging Director, CEO29/08/200607/11/2023
    Jijing NiuNon Exec Director20/09/201607/11/2023
    Michael LiuDirector03/07/201507/11/2023
    Zhenwei LiDirector02/10/202007/11/2023
    Mark SyropouloDirector02/12/201907/11/2023
    Meng WeijunDirector28/02/202002/10/2020
    Angang ShenChairman06/11/201328/02/2020
    Chenghu ZhuNon Exec Director20/09/201628/02/2020
    Paul ThomsonCEO22/02/201208/08/2018
    Paul WoolrichNon Exec Director18/12/200720/09/2016
    Harry StacpooleDirector30/03/200520/09/2016
    Richard LockwoodNon Exec Director22/02/201222/06/2015
    Robert PettChairman12/01/201011/06/2015
    Pat VolpeNon Exec Chairman11/03/200312/01/2010
    Peter PenaDirector11/03/200318/12/2007
    Desmond WanNon Exec Director25/08/200319/05/2006

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.