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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
Former (or subsequent) names
INOVAX LIMITED16/05/199410/11/2003
Shareholder links


Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: 19 Ledgar Road , BALCATTA , WA, AUSTRALIA, 6021
Tel:  (08) 9240 0000 Fax: (08) 9240 2900

Date first listed: 07/11/1991

Sector: Health Care Equipment & Services
Industry Group: XHJ
Activities: Wholesale distribution of pharmaceutical, medical and surgical products

company deregistered 7/04/2012


a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued (this declaration was issued on 22 April 2010) - (this declaration is probably valid notwithstanding the incorrect spelling of the company's name)


delisted following failure to pay listing fees


we understand that following the failure of the reconstruction deed, liquidators have been appointed


as the Reconstruction Deed has failed the consolidation of capital will need to be reversed and the change of name will not be effected


the Reconstruction Deed entered into on 8 August 2008 has failed but the Deed Administrators are still pursuing the re-quotation of the company's shares


all resolutions put to the meeting on 20 October 2008 were passed including approval for a consolidation of capital (on a 1 for 40 basis) election of directors, adoption of a new constitution, the issue of shares and the change of name to AHG Corporation Limited


provides notice of general meeting to be held on 20 October 2008


securities suspended from quotation following the appointment of administrators - this is usually disastrous for shareholders (and often not much better for creditors) but it will be a month or so before administrators report on the financial position of the company and whether anything can be salvaged


securities reinstated to quotation


releases its Annual Financial Report


at the General Meeting of shareholders held today, all resolutions went to poll and were passed


the company advises that a further letter to shareholders of Advance Healthcare Group Limited from Michael Boyd of Fulcrum Equity Limited has been despatched in regard to a general meeting to be held on Monday, 19 March 2007


the Company advises that a letter to shareholders of Advance Healthcare Group Limited from Michael Boyd of Fulcrum Equity Limited is being despatched in regard to a general meeting to be held on Monday, 19 March 2007


releases its Preliminary Final Report


PharmAust Limited (ASX:PAA) (PharmAust) announced today that it has made the decision that it will not be proceeding with an offer in respect of the ordinary fully paid shares in AHG


Fulcrum Equity Ltd announces that it has entered into a conditional agreement to acquire a controlling interest in Advanced Healthcare Group Ltd - the acquisition will be effected through the purchase of shares and existing convertible notes from Hawkesbridge Private Equity


the Company has deferred an equity placement to raise $400,000 until Pharmaust's position in relation to its proposed takeover announced on 5 January 2007 has been clarified


provides notice of an extraordinary general meeting, explanatory statement and proxy form for a meeting of shareholders to be held on Monday, 19 March 2007, at the offices of Lavan Legal, Level 20, The Quadrant, 1 William Street, Perth, Western Australia - there are a number of resolutions important to the ongoing solvency, restructure and recapitalisation of the Company


the company refers to an ASX announcement dated 11 January 2007 in regard to advice received from shareholders of over 40% of issued capital that they would not be accepting the 1.5 cent per share bid proposed by Pharmaust Limited in their announcement of 5 January 2007 and releases letters from Hawkesbridge and Mr Atkinson confirming this advice


at the shareholders meeting proposed to be held in early March the Company proposes to seek shareholder ratification of the issues of securities approved at the 2006 AGM (which are the subject of PharmAust Limited's current proceedings) - if the resolutions are passed it will render PharmAust Limited's current proceedings futile and unnecessary


Pharmaust provides a market update regarding its conditional offer for the issued shares in Advance Healthcare Group Limited


the Directors advise that today they have resolved to make a placement of 20,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price of 2 cents per share to raise $400,000


the company's board advises of Pharmaust's proposed intention to take over the company by offering 1.5 cents per share with significant pre-conditions - the Board does not consider the proposed highly conditional offer to be in the interests of shareholders - Pharmaust's actions over the past seven months have had the effect of disrupting and destabilising AHG's business for Pharmaust's own benefit, namely to attempt to purchase below value assets - the Board believes that Pharmaust has attempted to mislead AHG shareholders under the guise of protecting shareholders when in fact its actions are motivated solely by self interest (shareholders should see the full release)


the mediation conference held yesterday in relation to the Pharmaust litigation has been adjourned - AHGL remains hopeful that the litigation can be resolved without the time and cost associated with a Supreme Court trial


AHGL advises that it has received advice from its solicitors that given Pharmaust has publicly proposed to make a takeover bid for AHGL, Pharmaust is now required pursuant to the Corporations Act to make offers to all shareholders within two months after the date of its proposal (ie on or before 5 March 2007) - AHGL is, however, concerned that the penultimate sentence of the Pharmaust announcement appears to contradict the balance of the announcement in stating that 'there is no certainty that merger terms will be agreed upon or that a formal offer will be made'


with regard to the sale to Covenant Nominees Pty Ltd of the entire convertible note holding in the Advance Healthcare Group Ltd of Hawkesbridge Limited and HET No 1 Pty Ltd - the sale will also include Covenant acquiring 80,000,000 shares in the company from Hawkesbridge Limited reducing Hawkesbridge's shareholding in the company to approximately 5%


PharmAust Limited (ASX:PAA) (PharmAust) announced today that it has submitted to the board of Advance Healthcare Group Ltd (AHG) a merger proposal which includes an intention to make an offer for all of the ordinary fully paid shares in AHG for a cash consideration of $0.015 per share, or a scrip alternative of equivalent value


Hawkesbridge Private Equity has today informed the Company that it has agreed to sell the entire convertible noteholding in the Company held by Hawkesbridge Limited and HET No. 1 Pty Ltd to Covenant Nominees Pty Ltd, an entity associated with Mr Michael Boyd - the transactions will require the approval of AHG shareholders at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders which the Company expects to hold in late January 2007


company advises that ASX considers it appropriate for the Company's securities to remain suspended until the Court proceedings (see note of 21/08/06 below) initiated by Pharmaust are resolved


the company releases its Half Yearly Report & Half Year Accounts


company advises that Pharmaust Limited has initiated proceedings in the WA Supreme Court relating to a decision by the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting held on 2 August 2006 not to accept as valid a corporate representative appointment sent by facsimile during the meeting - Pharmaust Limited are seeking to overturn the result of a number of resolutions and also seeking the cancellation of various share and convertible notes issued to Hawkesbridge Limited and its associates and to an associated company of Quay Capital Pty Ltd


company applies for the quotation of additional shares and options


company advises that, at the Annual General Meeting held on 2 August 2006 all resolutions went to poll - following adjournment for completion of counting of the polls, results of the vote were that all resolutions were passed with the exception of 5.1 and 5.2 in regard to the issue of securities to proposed CEO and director


at the Annual General Meeting today Mr Chris Rowe was confirmed as a Director having been appointed in June 2006 - Dr Ray Steedman and Messrs Adrian Loader and Malcolm Cole were also elected to the Board - Mr Alex Bajada retired at the Annual General Meeting and did not seek re-election - Dr Chris Denz has resigned as a Director of the Company effective from 3 August 2006


Mr. Peter Woods OAM, has resigned as a director of the Group effective 29 June 2006 - Christopher K G Rowe has been appointed as a director of the Company effective 29 June 2006 and will also take over the position of Chairman


the company releases its annual report to 31 December 2005


the company advises it has now been substantially recapitalised and is working towards finalising its 2005 Annual Accounts and Annual Report - once these are lodged, which should be very soon, a date for the AGM will be announced


company announces the appointment of Miss Karen Brown as Company Secretary - the registered office and principal place of business is now: 19 Ledgar Road, Balcatta WA 6021 Tel: 08 9240 0000 Fax: 08 9240 2900


company advises of the agreement of the Hawkesbridge Group to provide up to $10 million in convertible note funding - the Hawksbridge Group proposal, together with other matters requiring the consideration of shareholders, will be put to shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting proposed to be held in late May - in the interim, the Hawksbridge Group has already provided the company with loan funding in the amount of $7.5 million


Pharmanet advises that it has now completed the assignment of the securities taken over from the National Australia Bank to Advance Healthcare Group Limited and received the full amount of $150,000 plus costs, in consideration for the assignment - it is continuing negotiations with Advance Healthcare Group Limited with respect to the balance of the outstanding matters relating to the sale of Medical Products Group Pty Ltd


IBA Health Limited today announced that the Convertible Note in Advanced Healthcare Group Limited acquired by IBA on 30 June 2005 for $2 million will be fully redeemed together with interest by 31 December, 2005


company advises that it has received notification from the National Australia Bank that Medical Products Group Pty Ltd (MPG) has defaulted its financing arrangements in relation to the facilities which were guaranteed by the Company - these facilities were to be taken over by Advance Healthcare Group Limited (AHG) following settlement of the transaction on 23 June 2005 - negotiations have been ongoing with respect to the takeover of these facilities by AHG since settlement - in view of the default the National Australia Bank has exercised its rights against the Company's $150,000 fixed deposit securing the MPG overdraft facilities - the Bank has agreed to assign the securities to the Company


company advises that its CEO has been replaced - also that its focus in the short term is to seek additional funding to enable the Company's major business, Cottman Australia, to move forward with its national expansion plans, and to provide ongoing capital for the Company's Pharmeasy business - the Company has today received confirmation from Hawkesbridge Limited that it will make available to the group $1 million in loan funds for this purpose as soon as legal documentation has been put in place - Hawkesbridge is an Australian private equity firm which manages over $90m on behalf of institutional investors


shares suspended from quotation


name changed from Inovax Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Ken AtkinsonCEO
    Raymond SteedmanNon Exec Director
    Adrian LoaderNon Exec Director

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.