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Boardroom Pty Ltd
Level 8, 210 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : +61 2 9290 9600 or 1300 737 760
Fax : +61 2 9279 0664 or 1300 653 459
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: 285 Goodwood Road Kings Park SA 5034
Tel:  61 88271 4001 Fax: 61 88271 6378

Date first listed: 13/10/2000

Sector: Utilities
Industry Group: XUJ
Activities: Producer and implementer of power and communications technologies for commercial and renewable energy applications

The liquidator reports on their activities during the court appointed winding-up of the company.


a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued (this declaration was issued on 30 June 2021)


the liquidator has made a successful application to the Supreme Court of SA that will see funds flow into the liquidation of AES early in the new year - he will then be seeking input from creditors of AES regarding payment of a dividend to creditors or funding legal action in China - ultimately if creditors don't support the legal action in China he will be in a position to issue a declaration of loss for shareholders before the end of the financial year


the liquidator has managed to recover some funds for creditors and still believes there to be a slim chance of recovery that would be of benefit to shareholders, he is thus unable to issue a loss declaration at this juncture


Anthony Phillips of Heard Phillips appointed liquidator - this company an absolute disaster from the outset - a very real possibility that shareholders' funds were diverted into a real estate development rather than to the development of energy systems as originally intended


delisted from the close of trading on Thursday, 31 December 2015, pursuant to Listing rule 17.12 and Guidance Note 33


we understand that it is ASX policy to automatically remove from the official list any entity whose securities have been suspended from trading for a continuous period of 3 years


The company lodges its 2013 Annual Report.


The company lodges its December 2013 Half Yearly Report and Accounts


The company lodges its December 2012 Half Yearly Report and Accounts


The company lodges its 2012 Annual report.


The company lodges its December 2011 Half Yearly Report and Accounts


The company lodges its 2011 Annual Report


company intends to continue to be listed


resolutions considered at the AGM are passed and a statement by the Chairman is released


the General Meeting of Shareholders of Advanced Energy Systems Ltd ABN 72 066 908 530 ("Company") will be held at and on the following place, date and time: Seminar Room, Ground Floor National Innovation Centre Australian Technology Park Eveleigh NSW 2015 Commencing at: 9:30am (AEDT) on Monday, 9 January 2012


the Company applied to ASIC for an extension of time to hold the Annual General Meeting for the year ending 30 June 2011. ASIC has granted an extension to 9 January 2012 on condition that the meeting not be held between 17 December 2011 and 8 January 2012. On the basis of those conditions, the only date on which the meeting can be held is 9 January 2012. A Notice of Meeting will be lodged and despatched in the near future


on 7 November 2011 the Company lodged an announcement of a Notice of Meeting for a meeting to be held on 23 December 2011. The meeting will not be held on that date, and will be held early in the new year. A revised Notice of Meeting will be lodged in due course - no explanation is given for the delay of a meeting that was already late


the Annual General Meeting for the Company's 2011 AGM, is to be held at 9:30am on Friday, 23 December 2011 at the Seminar Room, Ground Floor, National Innovation Centre, Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh NSW 2015


suspended from quotation following failure to lodge financial reports


the suspension of trading in the securities of Advanced Energy Systems Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, in accordance with listing rule 17.8, following receipt of the Company's Preliminary Final Report for the period ended 30 June 2010


releases preliminary final report


suspended from quotation following failure to lodge its preliminary financial report


securities reinstated to quotation


releases a timetable for the reorganisation of capital including a consolidation of capital on a one for three basis


the Deed of Company Arrangement has been effectuated and the company has therefore emerged from external administration


all resolutions considered at today's meeting were carried on a show of hands


releases a timetable for the reorganisation of capital including a consolidation of capital on a one for three basis


a meeting of shareholders is to be held (to consider a recapitalisation proposal) at the offices of KordaMentha, Level 11, 37 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA on Thursday 27 September 2007 at 2pm (WST)


the administrators release various deeds, in particular a deed of variation of the deed of company arrangement


Messrs Strickland and Williamson from Sims Partners in Perth cease to act as Receivers & Managers (the company is still in administration)


the deed administrator reports to creditors


the administrator advises he is reconvening the meeting of creditors


the administrator issues a further comprehensive report to creditors and advises of a reconvened meeting of creditors to be held on 16 March 2007 - he is now recommending that creditors consider adopting a proposal for a deed of company arrangement leading to a possible recapitalisation of the company


the administrator reports to creditors and recommends the company be wound up


creditors today resolve to adjourn the creditors meeting for a period not to exceed 60 days - prior to the expiry of that period the deed administrator will provide an updated report


the deed administrator advises that the creditors meeting on 16 January 2007 was reconvened to 29 January to consider a revised proposal to recapitalise the company


there will be a creditors meeting on 16 January 2007 to consider a proposal to recapitalise the company


creditors have asked the deed administrator to explore the potential for a variation to the current Deed of Company Arrangement and he is doing so - he expects that to be completed in January 2007 and that a further creditors report will be issued in late January 2007


the creditors meeting is to be reconvened on October 20 - the deed administrator is going to recommend the termination of the DOCA as it cannot be completed - the secured creditor has indicated a preference to pursue its own remedies


creditors meeting adjourned to see if issues could be resolved


deed administrator advises that a meeting of creditors is to be held on 21 September - Bollway has still not responded substantively to the deed administrators numerous requests for details of its ability to complete the DOCA - the appointment of an administrator to the new entities has complicated matters for creditors and the deed administrator questions the validity of the appointment of receivers and managers - the deed administrator is going to propose the DOCA be terminated - we wonder who benefits from all this?


Messrs Strickland and Williamson from Sims Partners in Perth are appointed as Receivers & Managers


the company's board flags a wide range of company problems leading to the appointment of an administrator - given the nature of the problems, questions must also be raised as to how involved the directors were in their oversight of the company


Dean McVeigh of Foremans Business Advisors is the Administrator


an administrator is appointed to the company - no mention of who


deed administrator advises of problems in the completion of the Deed of Company Arrangement by Bollway Pty Ltd (the proponent of the DOCA) and is seeking confirmation from them as to whether they can complete it or not - other parties have expressed interest - a meeting of creditors in June will possibly determine the way forward


company provides an update of activities and will request that the Deed Administrator seek a formal extension of the restructuring completion date from creditors to 30 June 2006 - this will take place at a proposed meeting of creditors in February


company advises of amendments to the Deed of Company Arrangement


apparently at a meeting in November, creditors voted in favour of a settlement of their claims by the issue of shares at 20 cents each on a post consolidation basis - the consolidation evidently being 1 for 10


provides updated timetable


the completion date for the Deed of Company Arrangement is extended to 16 September and it may be further extended


the completion date for the Deed of Company Arrangement is extended to 2 September


shares are consolidated on a one for ten basis


all resolutions at today's meeting were passed on a show of hands - many of the resolutions were modified so that they are subject to satisfaction of the capital raising condition (per the DOCA)


company is to raise at least $4m by the issue of 20 cent shares (to satisfy a condition of the DOCA)


the completion date for the Deed of Company Arrangement is extended to 1 August to accommodate the holding of the company's annual general meeting on that date


lodges half yearly report


calls AGM for 1 August and lodges annual report for year ended 30 June 2004 - shareholders are being asked to consider a reconstruction and recapitalisation proposal


company advises it will write off its investments in America and India


administrators advise of an extension of the key date for raising new equity (originally 31 March 2005) to 30 June 2005 - no explanation is provided for why it has been necessary to extend this period


Deed Administrators advise that Stephen Phillips was removed as a director on 7 December 2004 by administrator Mervyn Kitay


gets extension to 15 April 2005 to lodge half yearly reports


we have asked the Deed Administrator Brian McMaster if he is able to disclose the key terms of the Deed, particularly insofar as it may impact on shareholders and what are the main developments since his appointment - he has provided details included in our note below of 8/12/2004


Deed of Company Arrangement executed - Brian McMaster of KordaMentha is the Deed Administrator - control of trading operations now reverts to the directors - under the terms of the DOCA the directors must raise new equity by 31 March 2005, employees will be paid in full, unsecured creditors will receive a distribution and accept an issue of shares, capital will be consolidated on a 1 for 10 basis and existing AES shareholders will receive 4 options per share exercisable on or before 31 December 2006


shares suspended from quotation following the appointment of a voluntary administrator M Kitay of Grant Thornton - the bank evidently required a reduction in banking facilities "within a time frame" and the company is unable to meet this requirement

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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shareholders deceived throughout - take a note of the people involved and never go near any company they are associated with

24/01/2018 16:45:03
it looks like the Directors have take the money and run!05/05/2015 15:21:29
It has been more than 5 months since the company secretary resigned with no information yet about a replacement.  No news about the Gouger Street Project or the resumption of trade for almost a year ago.  I have tried phoning over the last 3 months but no-one ever picks up.  Does anybody know what is going on with this company?17/02/2015 16:36:10

I invested in this company because I believed in solar energy as a renewable and sustainable resource.

I trusted in the directors to do the right action for the shareholders.

11/11/2014 10:10:02
I am still trying to contact representatives/directors of the company to arrange to meet them to push my case for the company to go back to its documented principal activities of 'Development of renewable energy products' instead of the companies money being used for property development. Stuart Anderson Phone 0427 68627005/11/2013 10:51:09
As a shareholder, can anyon explain are we likely to ever get any money back on these shares?
this company was always impressive with its fundamentals back before delisting occured and their technology seemed good to. 
19/10/2013 22:39:59
Mr Farah,
I have been in contact with the ASX and they have directed as to how I can arrange
a shareholders meeting in order for me to be able to put forward my program of change
for AES.
Our businesses at the moment include:
Total Aged Care Pty Ltd
BluEnergy Farms
Green to GO Fuel
A substantial property at 34 Maloja Street, Caloundra.
We can bring strength to AES through our 'Green to GO Fuel' Program.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Stuart Anderson
17 North Street
Caloundra Qld 4451
08/10/2013 14:44:39

We have asked company secretary Elias Farah (  the following questions: If as you say, financials were being sent to auditors on 6 March, other financials would be lodged forthwith and shareholders would be apprised of developments, why has there not been an announcement since?

Where is the company at with respect to its discussions with ASX?

09/08/2013 08:19:41
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Chenghui XuChairman, Managing Director17/08/2007
    Chuanlong MuDirector21/09/2012
    Chunying LengDirector24/12/2010

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Elias FarahDirector11/09/2014
    Gabriel EhrenfeldDirector17/08/200714/09/2012

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.