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26 March 2025
Name: | AFT CORPORATION LIMITED (AFT) | |||||||||||||||
ISIN: | AU000000AFT2 | |||||||||||||||
Date of Listing: | 16 January 1992 | |||||||||||||||
Date of Delisting: | 30 September 2020 | |||||||||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 30 September 2020.Legal Status:
ACN: 004 701 062ABN: 33 004 701 062
Registration Date: 14 July 1967
Deregistration Date: 14 July 2023
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This entity was deregistered on 14 July 2023. Deregistration is a Capital Gains Tax Event. In our opinion you are entitled to crystallise any capital loss in the tax year that deregistration occurs providing you have not previously done so. If you did not crystallise your loss in the tax year the entity was deregistered, you may seek to re-open that year’s assessment but anyway should seek professional advice as to how best to proceed.
Updates, corrections, disagreements please email to
Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
VOICENET (AUST) LIMITED | 12/01/1998 | 06/06/2003 |
SOUTHERN GROUP LIMITED | 26/04/1991 | 12/01/1998 |
AMPERSAND INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | 31/12/1987 | 26/04/1991 |
Boardroom Pty Ltd
Level 8, 210 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : +61 2 9290 9600 or 1300 737 760
Fax : +61 2 9279 0664 or 1300 653 459
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail
company is deregistered today | 14/07/2023 |
delisted from the commencement of trading on Wednesday, 30 September 2020, pursuant to Listing rule 17.12. | 30/09/2020 |
we understand this company failed and ASX removed the company from listing because its securities have been suspended from trading for a period of two years | 30/09/2020 |
The company has released its 2020 Half Year Financial Report, which has not been reviewed by the company's auditors as the company has relied on relief granted by ASIC to extend the lodgement date of the reviewed Half Year Financial Report. | 04/09/2020 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activity Report and Appendix 4C. | 03/08/2020 |
The company releases the Results of its Annual General Meeting. | 31/07/2020 |
The company's AGM will be on FRIDAY, 31 July 2020, commencing at 2.00 pm (Sydney time) via Zoom meeting: Meeting ID is 754 9650 9725 and passcode is 7L0Qi7. Here's the link to attend the AGM via webcast: | 29/07/2020 |
The company's AGM will be held on 31 July 2020 at Level 4, 56 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 at 2 pm (AEST). | 01/07/2020 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G. | 06/05/2020 |
The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders. | 06/05/2020 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activity Report and Appendix 4C. | 01/05/2020 |
AFT Corporation Limited will delay the release of its full year Annual Report for at least 1 month. The Company does not anticipate material changes to the financials described in the Appendix 4E Preliminary Financial Report. This delay is due logistical challenges associated to the Covid 19 crises. | 27/03/2020 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4E - Preliminary Final Report. | 02/03/2020 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4C. | 31/01/2020 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4C - Quarterly. | 31/10/2019 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4D and 2019 Half Year Audited Accounts. | 02/09/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow - Appendix 4C. | 31/07/2019 |
The company releases the results of its AGM. | 31/05/2019 |
The company releases a notice of AGM. The AGM will be held on Thursday 30 May 2019 at the offices of Banks Group on Level 4, 56 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 at 5 pm (AEST). | 30/04/2019 |
The company lodges an Appendix 4C - quarterly. | 30/04/2019 |
The company releases an Appendix 4G. | 01/04/2019 |
The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders. | 29/03/2019 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4E and Preliminary Financial Report FY2018. | 28/02/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Appendix 4C Report. | 31/01/2019 |
PetBacker Pte Ltd have mutually agreed to rescind the Term Sheet that was announced on 22 February 2018. Accordingly the Company will not pursue raising AUD$2m in funding in return for a 50% stake in the Australian proprietary limited company previously announced. AFT remains committed to it's original MOU, announced on 7 November 2017, to continue collaborating with PetBacker to develop solar powered products in the pet space in return for licensing fees. The pre-conditions necessary for the Darcodo agreement to becoming binding have not materialised, and AFT is able to confirm that this transaction will not proceed as the parties originally hoped. AFT have decided to place maximum effort to re-focus on finding a suitable commercial partner(s) in the solar market. Certain targets have already been identified and approaches being considered. | 13/12/2018 |
The company lodges an Appendix 4C - quarterly. | 31/10/2018 |
The company's voluntary suspension is necessary to assist the Company in managing its continuous disclosure obligations while the ASX makes a determination on a submission made to the ASX with respect to the applicability (or not) of Chapter 11. The Company requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Tuesday 25 September 2018, or when an announcement is released to the market. | 11/09/2018 |
The securities of AFT Corporation Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding a determination by ASX under Chapter 11 of the ASX Listing Rules in relation to the nature of the Company's activities. | 11/09/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of AFT Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be lifted before the commencement of trading tomorrow, Tuesday 6 August 2013, following receipt of the Company" Appendix 4C for the quarter ended 30 June 2013. Security Code: AFT | 05/08/2013 |
The securities of AFT Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, following failure to lodge its Quarterly Report for the period ended 30 June 2013 in accordance with the Listing Rules. Security Code: AFT | 05/08/2013 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 10/04/2007 |
shares suspended from quotation pending finalisation of a bid for its subsidiary Microgenix Technology Limited | 30/03/2007 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 05/09/2006 |
shares suspended from quotation following failure to lodge half year report and accounts | 01/09/2006 |
name changed from Voicenet (Aust) Limited | 06/06/2003 |
company is deregistered today | 14/07/2023 |
delisted from the commencement of trading on Wednesday, 30 September 2020, pursuant to Listing rule 17.12. | 30/09/2020 |
we understand this company failed and ASX removed the company from listing because its securities have been suspended from trading for a period of two years | 30/09/2020 |
The company has released its 2020 Half Year Financial Report, which has not been reviewed by the company's auditors as the company has relied on relief granted by ASIC to extend the lodgement date of the reviewed Half Year Financial Report. | 04/09/2020 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activity Report and Appendix 4C. | 03/08/2020 |
The company releases the Results of its Annual General Meeting. | 31/07/2020 |
The company's AGM will be on FRIDAY, 31 July 2020, commencing at 2.00 pm (Sydney time) via Zoom meeting: Meeting ID is 754 9650 9725 and passcode is 7L0Qi7. Here's the link to attend the AGM via webcast: | 29/07/2020 |
The company's AGM will be held on 31 July 2020 at Level 4, 56 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 at 2 pm (AEST). | 01/07/2020 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G. | 06/05/2020 |
The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders. | 06/05/2020 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activity Report and Appendix 4C. | 01/05/2020 |
AFT Corporation Limited will delay the release of its full year Annual Report for at least 1 month. The Company does not anticipate material changes to the financials described in the Appendix 4E Preliminary Financial Report. This delay is due logistical challenges associated to the Covid 19 crises. | 27/03/2020 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4E - Preliminary Final Report. | 02/03/2020 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4C. | 31/01/2020 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4C - Quarterly. | 31/10/2019 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4D and 2019 Half Year Audited Accounts. | 02/09/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow - Appendix 4C. | 31/07/2019 |
The company releases the results of its AGM. | 31/05/2019 |
The company releases a notice of AGM. The AGM will be held on Thursday 30 May 2019 at the offices of Banks Group on Level 4, 56 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 at 5 pm (AEST). | 30/04/2019 |
The company lodges an Appendix 4C - quarterly. | 30/04/2019 |
The company releases an Appendix 4G. | 01/04/2019 |
The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders. | 29/03/2019 |
The company lodges its Appendix 4E and Preliminary Financial Report FY2018. | 28/02/2019 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Appendix 4C Report. | 31/01/2019 |
PetBacker Pte Ltd have mutually agreed to rescind the Term Sheet that was announced on 22 February 2018. Accordingly the Company will not pursue raising AUD$2m in funding in return for a 50% stake in the Australian proprietary limited company previously announced. AFT remains committed to it's original MOU, announced on 7 November 2017, to continue collaborating with PetBacker to develop solar powered products in the pet space in return for licensing fees. The pre-conditions necessary for the Darcodo agreement to becoming binding have not materialised, and AFT is able to confirm that this transaction will not proceed as the parties originally hoped. AFT have decided to place maximum effort to re-focus on finding a suitable commercial partner(s) in the solar market. Certain targets have already been identified and approaches being considered. | 13/12/2018 |
The company lodges an Appendix 4C - quarterly. | 31/10/2018 |
The company's voluntary suspension is necessary to assist the Company in managing its continuous disclosure obligations while the ASX makes a determination on a submission made to the ASX with respect to the applicability (or not) of Chapter 11. The Company requests that the voluntary suspension remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Tuesday 25 September 2018, or when an announcement is released to the market. | 11/09/2018 |
The securities of AFT Corporation Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding a determination by ASX under Chapter 11 of the ASX Listing Rules in relation to the nature of the Company's activities. | 11/09/2018 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of AFT Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be lifted before the commencement of trading tomorrow, Tuesday 6 August 2013, following receipt of the Company" Appendix 4C for the quarter ended 30 June 2013. Security Code: AFT | 05/08/2013 |
The securities of AFT Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, following failure to lodge its Quarterly Report for the period ended 30 June 2013 in accordance with the Listing Rules. Security Code: AFT | 05/08/2013 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 10/04/2007 |
shares suspended from quotation pending finalisation of a bid for its subsidiary Microgenix Technology Limited | 30/03/2007 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 05/09/2006 |
shares suspended from quotation following failure to lodge half year report and accounts | 01/09/2006 |
name changed from Voicenet (Aust) Limited | 06/06/2003 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
Alan Beasley | Non Exec Chairman | 14/12/2017 |
Patrick Yeoh | Deputy Chairman, Executive Director | 01/08/2019 |
Ram Navaratnam | Managing Director | 24/07/2019 |
Julian Rockett | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Bill Wilkinson | Non Exec Director | 08/09/2017 | 31/07/2019 |
Lawrence Cao | Non Exec Director | 29/11/2016 | 24/07/2019 |
Neil Bourne | Non Exec Director | 14/02/2007 | 02/07/2018 |
Stone Wang | Non Exec Chairman | 21/12/2007 | 08/09/2017 |
John Zhang | Director | 16/04/2009 | 29/11/2016 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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