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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
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Our website ranking of AGG: rating 4
(4 out of 5)


Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
ISIN: AU000000AGG7
Address: 11 Diagonal Street, JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA, 2001
Tel:  +27 11 637 6000 Fax: +27 11 637 6624

Date first listed: 16/11/1999

Sector: Materials
Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Gold producer with 21 operations on four continents, a project pipeline and a worldwide exploration program

The company has been deregistered as of 12/11/2024


Strike-Off Action In Progress


delisted at entity's request under Listing Rule 17.11


we understand the company delisted because of the trading infrequency and low volume of shares being traded on ASX and the compliance and administrative costs no longer justified the listing - the company's securities are still traded on the JSE, NYSE and GhSE


The suspension of trading in the securities of AngloGold Ashanti Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by AGG of an announcement advising that the dividend record date for CDI holders has changed to 18 March 2021.


On February 22, 2021 AngloGold Ashanti Ltd declared a dividend for the year ended 31 December 2021 of 705 South African cents per ordinary share. Due to an administrative error in lodging Form 3A.1, the record date for Dividend no. 122 for CDI holders has changed from 12 March 2021 to 18 March 2021. The ex-date is now 17 March 2021. The dividend payment date for CDI holders of 26 March 2021 is unchanged. The AUD dividend per CDI will be A$0.1186859.


The company releases a notice of dividend distribution.


The securities of AngloGold Ashanti Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.3. The securities will remain suspended until the basis of quotation of the dividend announced on 22 February 2021 is clarified


name changed from Anglogold Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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RE: Compulsory Sale Process payment (paid 03 October 23)

We refer to the AngloGold Ashanti Limited (AngloGold Ashanti or the Company) voluntary delisting from the ASX, announced on 12 May 2023.
The AngloGold Ashanti Shares that you had a beneficial interest in were sold under the Compulsory Sale Process on the Johannesburg Stock
Exchange (JSE) at ZAR 324.144597 per Share equating to ZAR 64.8289194 per CHESS Depositary Interest (CDI). The proceeds from the sale were converted to Australian dollars at a rate of ZAR 1.00 to A$0.0823. (this equates to $A5.33542292 per AGG CDI)

The Company has paid all brokerage and any related costs, levies or fees associated with the sale of Shares on the JSE on your behalf

10/10/2023 14:16:03
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    06/03/2018Srinivasan Venkatakrishnan5,293$111.849$592,016
    06/03/2018Srinivasan Venkatakrishnan11,632$111.680$0
    27/02/2018Christine Ramon11,300$111.446$1,259,343
    27/02/2018Christine Ramon6,320$113.000$714,160
    26/02/2018Christine Ramon5,177$114.000$590,178

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Maria RamosChairman01/06/2019
    Alberto CalderonCEO01/09/2021
    Ian KramerCFO01/07/2022
    Scott LawsonIndependent Director01/12/2021
    Jinhee MagieIndependent Director01/06/2023
    Sindiswa ZilwaIndependent Director01/04/2017
    Wiseman NkuhluIndependent Director04/08/2006
    Kojo BusiaIndependent Director01/08/2020
    Alan FergusonIndependent Director01/10/2018
    Rhidwaan GasantIndependent Director12/08/2010
    Diana SandsIndependent Director01/06/2023
    Jochen TilkIndependent Director01/01/2019
    Maria RichterNon Exec Director01/01/2015
    Nozipho January-BardillNon Exec Director01/10/2011
    Albert GarnerNon Exec Director01/01/2015
    Gillian DoranExecutive Director, CFO01/01/2023
    Rodney RustonDirector01/01/2012
    Maria Esperanza Sanz PerezGeneral Counsel, Company Secretary01/09/2012
    Charles CarterInvestor Relations

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Nelisiwe MagubaneIndependent Director01/01/202030/10/2022
    Christine RamonExecutive Director, CFO01/10/201430/06/2022
    Sipho PityanaChairman13/02/200708/12/2020
    Kelvin DushniskyExecutive Director, CEO01/09/201801/09/2020
    David HodgsonIndependent Director25/04/201409/05/2019
    Michael KirkwoodNon Exec Director01/06/201209/05/2019
    Srinivasan VenkatakrishnanExecutive Director, CEO01/08/200530/08/2018
    Richard DuffyCFO01/06/201301/10/2014
    Tito MboweniIndependent Director01/06/201010/05/2014
    Tony O'NeillExecutive Director20/02/201319/07/2013
    Fred Ohene-KenaIndependent Director01/06/201013/05/2013
    Frank ArismanNon Exec Director01/04/199813/05/2013
    William NairnNon Exec Director01/01/200013/05/2013
    Mark CutifaniCEO, Director17/09/200731/03/2013
    James MotlatsiDeputy Chairman, Non Exec Director01/04/199817/02/2011
    Russell EdeyChairman, Non Exec Director01/04/199801/06/2010
    Joseph MensahNon Exec Director04/08/200615/05/2009
    Reginald BannermanNon Exec Director10/02/200615/05/2009
    Simon ThompsonNon Exec Director30/04/200428/07/2008
    Elisabeth BradleyNon Exec Director01/04/199806/05/2008
    Cynthia CarrollNon Exec Director16/05/200709/10/2007
    Rene MedoriNon Exec Director01/09/200509/10/2007
    Bobby GodsellCEO01/04/199801/10/2007
    Harry CalverAlternate Director16/05/200111/07/2007
    Tony TraharNon Exec Director01/10/200004/05/2007
    Colin BrayshawNon Exec Director01/01/199704/05/2007
    Sam JonahNon Exec Director, President01/05/200412/02/2007
    Polelo ZimNon Exec Director30/04/200404/08/2006
    David BarberAlternate Director29/04/200204/08/2006
    Kelvin WilliamsExecutive01/04/199806/05/2006
    Jonathan BestFinance Director01/04/199831/07/2005
    Tony LeaNon Exec Director31/07/200131/07/2005
    Peter WhitcuttAlternate Director01/10/200131/07/2005
    Julian ThomsonNon Exec Director01/04/199830/04/2004
    Nicky OppenheimerNon Exec Director01/04/199830/04/2004
    Victor FungNon Exec Director01/04/199830/04/2003
    Bob GarnettAlternate Director01/04/199816/05/2001

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.