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Date first listed: 28/07/2005

name changed to APN/UKA European Retail Property Group

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APN European Retail Property Group (the Group) delisted from the ASX on 3 September 2012. The Group, managed by APN Funds Management Limited has entered into a consensual wind-down and asset sale programme with its principal lender The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).

All of the AEZ assets have now been sold and the process of liquidating the Group’s entities is ongoing. Further announcements will be made as the liquidation process progresses.
Source: APN Website 20 July 2014
20/07/2014 10:30:39
AEZ was a stapled trust until 26 June 2014 when APN cancelled all units in APN European Retail Property Management Trust and 99% of the units in APN European Retail Property Holding Trust. Source: APN Transaction Confirmation Statement dated 30 June 2014.
20/07/2014 10:28:02
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