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26 March 2025
Date of Listing: | 11 June 1987 |
Date of Delisting: | 27 September 2016 |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 27 September 2016.Legal Status:
To our knowledge this entity was the subject of a takeover or merger such that your securities were acquired for consideration in the form of cash or scrip. We have not therefore verified the current legal status of this entity. If you have questions about your shareholding, as we say elsewhere, they may be taken up here: Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
To our knowledge this entity was the subject of a takeover or merger such that your securities were acquired for consideration in the form of cash or scrip. You will need to seek independent tax advice in relation to Capital Gains Tax or other tax matters but any other enquiries relating to your shareholding in the company should be followed up via our online form here:
Updates, corrections, disagreements please email to
Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Security Transfer Australia Pty Ltd
No longer operating
delisted from the close of trading on Tuesday 27 September 2016 pursuant to Listing rule 17.11. | 27/09/2016 |
we understand Droxford International Limited acquired all of the shares in Atlantic Limited, via a Scheme of Arrangement, for the consideration of A$0.003 cash per Atlantic share | 27/09/2016 |
The Scheme of Arrangement has been implemented today. Droxford International Limited now holds all the issued capital of Atlantic. The Scheme Consideration of A$0.003 cash per Atlantic share held on the Record Date (13 September 2016) has been sent to all eligible shareholders. Atlantic intends to apply for removal from the office list of ASX shortly | 21/09/2016 |
The Federal Court of Australia made orders yesterday approving the scheme of arrangement under which Droxford International Limited will acquire all of the shares in Atlantic Ltd. Atlantic shareholders who hold shares at 5:00 pm on Tuesday 13 September 2016 "“ the Scheme Record Date for determining entitlements to receive the Scheme Consideration "“ will be paid A$0.003 cash per share. Those Atlantic shareholders will be sent the Scheme Consideration on the Implementation Date, Tuesday 20 September 2016. | 06/09/2016 |
Atlantic Ltd is pleased to announce that all resolutions put to yesterday's Scheme Meeting of shareholders in relation to Droxford International Limited's proposal to acquire all of the shares in the Company via a Scheme of Arrangement as set out in the Company's Notice of Scheme Meeting dated 20 July 2016 were passed by the requisite majorities. | 25/08/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 01/08/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 29/07/2016 |
ASIC has registered the Scheme Booklet in relation to the previously announced Scheme of Arrangement under which Droxford proposes to acquire all of the Atlantic shares which it does not already own. A copy of it was despatched to shareholders. | 26/07/2016 |
The Federal Court of Australia has ordered a meeting of Atlantic shareholders to consider and vote on the previously announced Scheme of Arrangement under which Droxford International Limited proposes to acquire all of the Atlantic shares which it does not already own. If the Scheme is approved and all conditions precedent are satisfied, Atlantic shareholders will receive a total cash payment of A$0.003 per Atlantic share on the implementation date (which is currently expected to be on or about Tuesday 20 September 2016). The Scheme Meeting will be held at 11.30 am (AWST) on Wednesday 24 August 2016 at the QV1 Conference Centre, Level 2, QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth. | 21/07/2016 |
The company previously announced that it had executed a scheme implementation deed with Droxford. A draft Scheme booklet has been prepared and lodged with ASIC for review and the first Court hearing for the Scheme is now scheduled to take place on Tuesday 19 July 2016. If the Court convenes a Scheme meeting, the Scheme booklet is expected to be sent to shareholders shortly after the first Court hearing.Atlantic has entered into a deed of variation with Droxford to amend the latest date for the Scheme to be implemented as set out in the Implementation Deed and the Scheme to 30 September 2016 (previously 30 June 2016). | 30/06/2016 |
The company is pleased to announce that the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) has provided notification that the Australian Government has no objections in terms of its foreign investment policy with Droxford International Limited's proposed acquisition of all of the Atlantic shares which it does not already own by way of a scheme of arrangement | 30/05/2016 |
The company is pleased to announce that it has completed the acquisition of the Windimurra vanadium and iron ore project with the support of its major shareholder and creditor Droxford International Limited. | 27/05/2016 |
The company lodges the results of its 2015 Annual General Meeting. | 06/05/2016 |
The company lodges the results of its 2014 Annual General Meeting. | 06/05/2016 |
The company releases its Presentation to the Annual General Meeting. | 06/05/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 02/05/2016 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report. | 29/04/2016 |
The company is pleased to announce that it has entered into a binding settlement deed with a group of insurers representing 77.5% of the insurance programme covering the major fire in the beneficiation plant at the Windimurra project on 4 February 2014. Given the settlement deed has only been entered into with the Majority Insurers, this settlement will result in Atlantic receiving approximately $15.9 million within 14 days. Atlantic, in consultation with the Receivers and Managers of MVPL, is currently considering all its options in relation to its outstanding business interruption insurance claim covered by the insurers representing the remaining 22.5% of the insurance programme. | 19/04/2016 |
The company's Independent Director is pleased to announce that Atlantic has entered into a Scheme Implementation Deed with Droxford International Limited under which it is proposed that Droxford will acquire all of the Atlantic shares which it does not already own by way of a scheme of arrangement for cash consideration of $0.003 per share. Droxford is the largest shareholder of Atlantic with 17.4% of Atlantic's issued capital. | 08/04/2016 |
The company gives notice that the 2015 annual general meeting of Shareholders will be held at 11.00 am Perth time Friday, 6 May 2016 at Boardroom Level 11, Brookfield Place, 125 St Georges Terrace Perth, Western Australia. | 07/04/2016 |
Atlantic Ltd gives notice that the 2014 annual general meeting of Shareholders will be held at: 10.30 am Perth time on Friday, 6 May 2016 at Boardroom Level 11, Brookfield Place, 125 St Georges Terrace Perth, Western Australia. | 07/04/2016 |
The company lodges its half yearly report and accounts. | 17/03/2016 |
The company releases its corporate governance statement. | 17/02/2016 |
The company lodges its 2015 annual report to shareholders. | 17/02/2016 |
Atlantic is pleased to announce the proposal to acquire the Windimurra vanadium and iron ore project has been approved by over 99% of creditors of both Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd and Atlantic Vanadium Holdings Pty Ltd at a creditors' meeting held on 12 February 2016. | 15/02/2016 |
Atlantic Ltd is pleased to announce that it has made a proposal to acquire the Windimurra vanadium and iron ore project with the support of its major shareholder and creditor Droxford International Limited. | 03/02/2016 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 29/01/2016 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report. | 29/01/2016 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI; Atlantic or the Company) is pleased to present its activities report for the quarter ended 30 September 2015. | 30/10/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 30/10/2015 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI) (Atlantic or the Company) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a further forbearance agreement with its largest shareholder and major creditor Droxford International Limited (Droxford). Under the terms of the new forbearance agreement, the existing forbearance arrangements remain in place, however the period of the forbearance is extended until 6 April 2016. Under the forbearance agreement, Droxford agrees that it will forbear and not take any action to accelerate any of its convertible bond or promissory note debts, subject to certain conditions including that there are no further defaults by Atlantic under those finance documents. | 07/10/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 03/08/2015 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI; Atlantic or the Company) is pleased to present its activities report for the quarter ended 30 June 2015. | 31/07/2015 |
The company lodges its half year report for the six months ended 31 December 2014. | 26/06/2015 |
The company lodges its 2014 Annual Report to shareholders | 26/06/2015 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI) (Atlantic or the Company) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a forbearance agreement with its largest shareholder and major creditor Droxford International Limited (Droxford). Under the terms of the forbearance agreement, Droxford agrees that it will forbear and not take any action to accelerate any of its convertible bond or promissory note debts that matured in March 2015 until 6 October 2015, subject to certain conditions including that there are no further defaults by Atlantic under those finance documents. In consideration for this forbearance, Atlantic agrees to pay a total of $2.26 million to Droxford in part payment of outstanding convertible bond interest due for payment | 06/05/2015 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI) (Atlantic or the Company) announces that it has been informed by the financial advisers to a group of the holders of the senior secured notes (Notes) issued by its wholly owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL) and Atlantic's largest shareholder Droxford International Limited that discussions between them regarding a consensual restructure of MVPL have been terminated | 12/02/2015 |
the director of Atlantic's subsidiaries Atlantic Vanadium Holdings Pty Ltd (AVHPL) and MVPL has today appointed Darren Weaver, Martin Jones and Ben Johnson of Ferrier Hodgson as Joint and Several Administrators of AVHPL and MVPL as there is now no reasonable prospect of a consensual restructuring being agreed. Atlantic understands that following this appointment, the Notes will appoint Norman Oehme, Keith Crawford and Matt Caddy of McGrathNicol as Receivers and Managers of AVHPL and MVPL. As at 31 January 2015, parent entity Atlantic had approximately $13.5 million in cash. As such, Atlantic continues to operate | 12/02/2015 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI) (Atlantic or the Company) has advised the market from time to time of ongoing discussions between its stakeholders regarding the additional funding required by the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL) to implement MVPL's business plan, as well as an appropriate longer term capital structure for the business. Those discussions have involved principally: - Representatives of MVPL's senior secured note holders (the Notes); and - Droxford International Limited (Droxford), Atlantic's largest shareholder. The Company confirms that it remains in discussions with the above parties on a commercial-inconfidence basis | 04/02/2015 |
announce the successful completion of the consent solicitation voting process to complete the mechanics of the forbearance and support agreement that was referred to in the Company's ASX announcement dated 22 December 2014. Senior secured note holders of Atlantic's wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL) representing 76.7% of the notes on issue voted in favour of the proposals. The consent process involved directions to the trustee and the security trustee to provide for the extension of the forbearance, support agreement between MVPL and a majority of the holders of MVPL's senior secured notes and technical amendments to the senior secured notes indenture, which related to MVPL's ability to incur up to an additional $10 million in permitted indebtedness if a restructuring agreement is executed among MVPL and the supporting note holders | 16/01/2015 |
presents its production and sales report for the month of November relating to its wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd | 23/12/2014 |
announces the successful completion of the consent solicitation voting process which was referred to in the Company's ASX announcement dated 19 November 2014. Senior secured note holders of Atlantic's wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL) representing 78.5% of the notes on issue voted in favour of the proposals | 15/12/2014 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI) (Atlantic or the Company) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the consent solicitation voting process which was referred to in the Company's ASX announcement dated 19 August 2014. Senior secured note holders of Atlantic's wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL) representing 74.4% of the notes on issue voted in favour of the proposals | 03/10/2014 |
lodges Monthly Production and Sales Report | 18/09/2014 |
releases Half Year Accounts - 31 Dec 13 | 21/08/2014 |
he Company announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL) has entered into a new forbearance and support agreement with a majority of the holders of MVPL's senior secured notes to extend the existing standstill arrangements that ended on 15 August 2014 until 14 November 2014 | 19/08/2014 |
lodges the unaudited consolidated interim financial report of Atlantic Vanadium Holdings Pty Ltd (AVHPL) for the period ended 31 March 2014. AVHPL is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Atlantic Ltd (Atlantic) and owns 100% of the issued capital of Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL). MVPL owns the Windimurra vanadium project | 15/07/2014 |
releases a Monthly Production and Sales Report | 30/06/2014 |
presents its production and sales report for the month of April relating to its wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd | 30/05/2014 |
The securities of Atlantic Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: ATI | 06/02/2014 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Atlantic Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately following the release of the Company's announcement concerning the appointment of a director. Security Code: ATI | 16/12/2013 |
The securities of Atlantic Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: ATI | 04/12/2013 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 06/03/2012 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 06/03/2012 |
securities suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending an announcement | 05/03/2012 |
securities to be reinstated to quotation on 18 Oct | 13/10/2010 |
Atlantic has provided the ASX with all relevant information and understands that its application is being processed, with a firm date for reinstatement expected later this week | 04/10/2010 |
advises of the completion of the acquisition of 100% of the Windimurra vanadium project and the associated $55.5 million capital raising - shares should be reinstated in the near future | 24/09/2010 |
lodges a Prospectus | 16/09/2010 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 25 | 30/08/2010 |
securities suspended from quotation following an announcement about a proposed change of activities | 13/08/2010 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 06/08/2010 |
securities suspended from quotation following an announcement | 02/08/2010 |
securities suspended from quotation following an announcement about a proposed change of activities | 22/10/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 25/09/2009 |
securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement | 24/09/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 13/11/2008 |
shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement | 12/11/2008 |
securities suspended from quotation following failure to lodge its half report for the period ended 31 December 2007 | 03/03/2008 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 03/03/2008 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 14/08/2007 |
the Deed of Company Arrangement executed on 30 April 2007 has been fully effectuated | 09/08/2007 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 2 | 10/07/2007 |
lodges a prospectus for the issue of 70m shares at 0.5 cents to raise $350,000, 240m shares at 1 cent to raise $2.4m and 70m free options exercisable at 1 cent each | 06/07/2007 |
the capital of the company is to be consolidated one for two, effective 10 July 2007 | 06/07/2007 |
all three directors resign and are replaced by three new directors | 04/07/2007 |
company executes a deed of company arrangement | 30/04/2007 |
administrators release a supplementary report - a creditors meeting is to be held on 27 April 2007 - the administrators are recommending the company enter into a deed of company arrangement | 20/04/2007 |
at the second meeting of creditors held today, creditors resolve to adjourn the meeting for up to 60 days | 15/03/2007 |
administrators release their report - the second meeting of creditors is to be held on 15 March 2007 and administrators are recommending an adjournment of up to 60 days to allow time to negotiate with parties regarding a possible recapitalisation of the company | 08/03/2007 |
company appoints administrators (Brian McMaster and Jack James of KordaMentha) - this never augurs well for shareholders - it will possibly be a month or so before anything substantive on the administration is available for shareholders | 16/02/2007 |
in response to a note asking "what steps are being taken towards the reinstatement to quotation of the company's securities", the chairman has informed us that "Atlantic Ltd will advise shareholders on further developments in due course" - given that the shares have been suspended from quotation since June 2006 "pending release of an announcement", we believe directors should be advising shareholders specifically what measures they are taking to regain quotation | 30/01/2007 |
all resolutions considered at todays meeting were passed | 29/11/2006 |
gives notice that the company's AGM will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, 1 Mews Road Fremantle, on November 29, 2006 at 10.00am | 27/10/2006 |
Atlantic Ltd has completed its 12th Pearl Harvest and has sold 75% of the pearls for A$550,000 - the remaining 25% will be auctioned on the 19th/20th October 2006 at the Myanmar Emporium - the results of the harvest were disappointing as the volume and price were significantly below the projections | 04/10/2006 |
releases Preliminary Final Report | 12/09/2006 |
in response to a request for a brief note of any developments since the announcement of 8 August, chairman, Giuseppe Rotondella informs us the company "will advise its shareholders on further developments in due course" | 08/09/2006 |
Peter Michael Crook has resigned as Company Secretary | 15/08/2006 |
the company is currently negotiating with companies in relation to the acquisition of Atlantic's Pearl Farm in Myanmar, and other companies in relation to ongoing ventures and will remain suspended until further notice | 08/08/2006 |
shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement | 26/06/2006 |
Atlantic Limited was one of 43 that failed to put the adoption of the company's remuneration report to a non-binding vote at the company's annual general meeting (AGM) this year - ASIC said "that is not good enough...shareholders need to know in advance what resolutions are being voted on at the AGM so they can decide whether to attend the meeting or vote by prox" | 20/12/2005 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 3 | 15/07/1997 |
delisted from the close of trading on Tuesday 27 September 2016 pursuant to Listing rule 17.11. | 27/09/2016 |
we understand Droxford International Limited acquired all of the shares in Atlantic Limited, via a Scheme of Arrangement, for the consideration of A$0.003 cash per Atlantic share | 27/09/2016 |
The Scheme of Arrangement has been implemented today. Droxford International Limited now holds all the issued capital of Atlantic. The Scheme Consideration of A$0.003 cash per Atlantic share held on the Record Date (13 September 2016) has been sent to all eligible shareholders. Atlantic intends to apply for removal from the office list of ASX shortly | 21/09/2016 |
The Federal Court of Australia made orders yesterday approving the scheme of arrangement under which Droxford International Limited will acquire all of the shares in Atlantic Ltd. Atlantic shareholders who hold shares at 5:00 pm on Tuesday 13 September 2016 "“ the Scheme Record Date for determining entitlements to receive the Scheme Consideration "“ will be paid A$0.003 cash per share. Those Atlantic shareholders will be sent the Scheme Consideration on the Implementation Date, Tuesday 20 September 2016. | 06/09/2016 |
Atlantic Ltd is pleased to announce that all resolutions put to yesterday's Scheme Meeting of shareholders in relation to Droxford International Limited's proposal to acquire all of the shares in the Company via a Scheme of Arrangement as set out in the Company's Notice of Scheme Meeting dated 20 July 2016 were passed by the requisite majorities. | 25/08/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 01/08/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report. | 29/07/2016 |
ASIC has registered the Scheme Booklet in relation to the previously announced Scheme of Arrangement under which Droxford proposes to acquire all of the Atlantic shares which it does not already own. A copy of it was despatched to shareholders. | 26/07/2016 |
The Federal Court of Australia has ordered a meeting of Atlantic shareholders to consider and vote on the previously announced Scheme of Arrangement under which Droxford International Limited proposes to acquire all of the Atlantic shares which it does not already own. If the Scheme is approved and all conditions precedent are satisfied, Atlantic shareholders will receive a total cash payment of A$0.003 per Atlantic share on the implementation date (which is currently expected to be on or about Tuesday 20 September 2016). The Scheme Meeting will be held at 11.30 am (AWST) on Wednesday 24 August 2016 at the QV1 Conference Centre, Level 2, QV1 Building, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth. | 21/07/2016 |
The company previously announced that it had executed a scheme implementation deed with Droxford. A draft Scheme booklet has been prepared and lodged with ASIC for review and the first Court hearing for the Scheme is now scheduled to take place on Tuesday 19 July 2016. If the Court convenes a Scheme meeting, the Scheme booklet is expected to be sent to shareholders shortly after the first Court hearing.Atlantic has entered into a deed of variation with Droxford to amend the latest date for the Scheme to be implemented as set out in the Implementation Deed and the Scheme to 30 September 2016 (previously 30 June 2016). | 30/06/2016 |
The company is pleased to announce that the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) has provided notification that the Australian Government has no objections in terms of its foreign investment policy with Droxford International Limited's proposed acquisition of all of the Atlantic shares which it does not already own by way of a scheme of arrangement | 30/05/2016 |
The company is pleased to announce that it has completed the acquisition of the Windimurra vanadium and iron ore project with the support of its major shareholder and creditor Droxford International Limited. | 27/05/2016 |
The company lodges the results of its 2015 Annual General Meeting. | 06/05/2016 |
The company lodges the results of its 2014 Annual General Meeting. | 06/05/2016 |
The company releases its Presentation to the Annual General Meeting. | 06/05/2016 |
The company lodges its Quarterly Cashflow Report. | 02/05/2016 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report. | 29/04/2016 |
The company is pleased to announce that it has entered into a binding settlement deed with a group of insurers representing 77.5% of the insurance programme covering the major fire in the beneficiation plant at the Windimurra project on 4 February 2014. Given the settlement deed has only been entered into with the Majority Insurers, this settlement will result in Atlantic receiving approximately $15.9 million within 14 days. Atlantic, in consultation with the Receivers and Managers of MVPL, is currently considering all its options in relation to its outstanding business interruption insurance claim covered by the insurers representing the remaining 22.5% of the insurance programme. | 19/04/2016 |
The company's Independent Director is pleased to announce that Atlantic has entered into a Scheme Implementation Deed with Droxford International Limited under which it is proposed that Droxford will acquire all of the Atlantic shares which it does not already own by way of a scheme of arrangement for cash consideration of $0.003 per share. Droxford is the largest shareholder of Atlantic with 17.4% of Atlantic's issued capital. | 08/04/2016 |
The company gives notice that the 2015 annual general meeting of Shareholders will be held at 11.00 am Perth time Friday, 6 May 2016 at Boardroom Level 11, Brookfield Place, 125 St Georges Terrace Perth, Western Australia. | 07/04/2016 |
Atlantic Ltd gives notice that the 2014 annual general meeting of Shareholders will be held at: 10.30 am Perth time on Friday, 6 May 2016 at Boardroom Level 11, Brookfield Place, 125 St Georges Terrace Perth, Western Australia. | 07/04/2016 |
The company lodges its half yearly report and accounts. | 17/03/2016 |
The company releases its corporate governance statement. | 17/02/2016 |
The company lodges its 2015 annual report to shareholders. | 17/02/2016 |
Atlantic is pleased to announce the proposal to acquire the Windimurra vanadium and iron ore project has been approved by over 99% of creditors of both Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd and Atlantic Vanadium Holdings Pty Ltd at a creditors' meeting held on 12 February 2016. | 15/02/2016 |
Atlantic Ltd is pleased to announce that it has made a proposal to acquire the Windimurra vanadium and iron ore project with the support of its major shareholder and creditor Droxford International Limited. | 03/02/2016 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 29/01/2016 |
The company lodges its quarterly activities report. | 29/01/2016 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI; Atlantic or the Company) is pleased to present its activities report for the quarter ended 30 September 2015. | 30/10/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 30/10/2015 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI) (Atlantic or the Company) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a further forbearance agreement with its largest shareholder and major creditor Droxford International Limited (Droxford). Under the terms of the new forbearance agreement, the existing forbearance arrangements remain in place, however the period of the forbearance is extended until 6 April 2016. Under the forbearance agreement, Droxford agrees that it will forbear and not take any action to accelerate any of its convertible bond or promissory note debts, subject to certain conditions including that there are no further defaults by Atlantic under those finance documents. | 07/10/2015 |
The company lodges its quarterly cash flow report. | 03/08/2015 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI; Atlantic or the Company) is pleased to present its activities report for the quarter ended 30 June 2015. | 31/07/2015 |
The company lodges its half year report for the six months ended 31 December 2014. | 26/06/2015 |
The company lodges its 2014 Annual Report to shareholders | 26/06/2015 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI) (Atlantic or the Company) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a forbearance agreement with its largest shareholder and major creditor Droxford International Limited (Droxford). Under the terms of the forbearance agreement, Droxford agrees that it will forbear and not take any action to accelerate any of its convertible bond or promissory note debts that matured in March 2015 until 6 October 2015, subject to certain conditions including that there are no further defaults by Atlantic under those finance documents. In consideration for this forbearance, Atlantic agrees to pay a total of $2.26 million to Droxford in part payment of outstanding convertible bond interest due for payment | 06/05/2015 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI) (Atlantic or the Company) announces that it has been informed by the financial advisers to a group of the holders of the senior secured notes (Notes) issued by its wholly owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL) and Atlantic's largest shareholder Droxford International Limited that discussions between them regarding a consensual restructure of MVPL have been terminated | 12/02/2015 |
the director of Atlantic's subsidiaries Atlantic Vanadium Holdings Pty Ltd (AVHPL) and MVPL has today appointed Darren Weaver, Martin Jones and Ben Johnson of Ferrier Hodgson as Joint and Several Administrators of AVHPL and MVPL as there is now no reasonable prospect of a consensual restructuring being agreed. Atlantic understands that following this appointment, the Notes will appoint Norman Oehme, Keith Crawford and Matt Caddy of McGrathNicol as Receivers and Managers of AVHPL and MVPL. As at 31 January 2015, parent entity Atlantic had approximately $13.5 million in cash. As such, Atlantic continues to operate | 12/02/2015 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI) (Atlantic or the Company) has advised the market from time to time of ongoing discussions between its stakeholders regarding the additional funding required by the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL) to implement MVPL's business plan, as well as an appropriate longer term capital structure for the business. Those discussions have involved principally: - Representatives of MVPL's senior secured note holders (the Notes); and - Droxford International Limited (Droxford), Atlantic's largest shareholder. The Company confirms that it remains in discussions with the above parties on a commercial-inconfidence basis | 04/02/2015 |
announce the successful completion of the consent solicitation voting process to complete the mechanics of the forbearance and support agreement that was referred to in the Company's ASX announcement dated 22 December 2014. Senior secured note holders of Atlantic's wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL) representing 76.7% of the notes on issue voted in favour of the proposals. The consent process involved directions to the trustee and the security trustee to provide for the extension of the forbearance, support agreement between MVPL and a majority of the holders of MVPL's senior secured notes and technical amendments to the senior secured notes indenture, which related to MVPL's ability to incur up to an additional $10 million in permitted indebtedness if a restructuring agreement is executed among MVPL and the supporting note holders | 16/01/2015 |
presents its production and sales report for the month of November relating to its wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd | 23/12/2014 |
announces the successful completion of the consent solicitation voting process which was referred to in the Company's ASX announcement dated 19 November 2014. Senior secured note holders of Atlantic's wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL) representing 78.5% of the notes on issue voted in favour of the proposals | 15/12/2014 |
Atlantic Ltd (ASX: ATI) (Atlantic or the Company) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the consent solicitation voting process which was referred to in the Company's ASX announcement dated 19 August 2014. Senior secured note holders of Atlantic's wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL) representing 74.4% of the notes on issue voted in favour of the proposals | 03/10/2014 |
lodges Monthly Production and Sales Report | 18/09/2014 |
releases Half Year Accounts - 31 Dec 13 | 21/08/2014 |
he Company announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL) has entered into a new forbearance and support agreement with a majority of the holders of MVPL's senior secured notes to extend the existing standstill arrangements that ended on 15 August 2014 until 14 November 2014 | 19/08/2014 |
lodges the unaudited consolidated interim financial report of Atlantic Vanadium Holdings Pty Ltd (AVHPL) for the period ended 31 March 2014. AVHPL is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Atlantic Ltd (Atlantic) and owns 100% of the issued capital of Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd (MVPL). MVPL owns the Windimurra vanadium project | 15/07/2014 |
releases a Monthly Production and Sales Report | 30/06/2014 |
presents its production and sales report for the month of April relating to its wholly-owned subsidiary Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd | 30/05/2014 |
The securities of Atlantic Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: ATI | 06/02/2014 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Atlantic Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately following the release of the Company's announcement concerning the appointment of a director. Security Code: ATI | 16/12/2013 |
The securities of Atlantic Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: ATI | 04/12/2013 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 06/03/2012 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 06/03/2012 |
securities suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending an announcement | 05/03/2012 |
securities to be reinstated to quotation on 18 Oct | 13/10/2010 |
Atlantic has provided the ASX with all relevant information and understands that its application is being processed, with a firm date for reinstatement expected later this week | 04/10/2010 |
advises of the completion of the acquisition of 100% of the Windimurra vanadium project and the associated $55.5 million capital raising - shares should be reinstated in the near future | 24/09/2010 |
lodges a Prospectus | 16/09/2010 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 25 | 30/08/2010 |
securities suspended from quotation following an announcement about a proposed change of activities | 13/08/2010 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 06/08/2010 |
securities suspended from quotation following an announcement | 02/08/2010 |
securities suspended from quotation following an announcement about a proposed change of activities | 22/10/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 25/09/2009 |
securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement | 24/09/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 13/11/2008 |
shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement | 12/11/2008 |
securities suspended from quotation following failure to lodge its half report for the period ended 31 December 2007 | 03/03/2008 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 03/03/2008 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 14/08/2007 |
the Deed of Company Arrangement executed on 30 April 2007 has been fully effectuated | 09/08/2007 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 2 | 10/07/2007 |
lodges a prospectus for the issue of 70m shares at 0.5 cents to raise $350,000, 240m shares at 1 cent to raise $2.4m and 70m free options exercisable at 1 cent each | 06/07/2007 |
the capital of the company is to be consolidated one for two, effective 10 July 2007 | 06/07/2007 |
all three directors resign and are replaced by three new directors | 04/07/2007 |
company executes a deed of company arrangement | 30/04/2007 |
administrators release a supplementary report - a creditors meeting is to be held on 27 April 2007 - the administrators are recommending the company enter into a deed of company arrangement | 20/04/2007 |
at the second meeting of creditors held today, creditors resolve to adjourn the meeting for up to 60 days | 15/03/2007 |
administrators release their report - the second meeting of creditors is to be held on 15 March 2007 and administrators are recommending an adjournment of up to 60 days to allow time to negotiate with parties regarding a possible recapitalisation of the company | 08/03/2007 |
company appoints administrators (Brian McMaster and Jack James of KordaMentha) - this never augurs well for shareholders - it will possibly be a month or so before anything substantive on the administration is available for shareholders | 16/02/2007 |
in response to a note asking "what steps are being taken towards the reinstatement to quotation of the company's securities", the chairman has informed us that "Atlantic Ltd will advise shareholders on further developments in due course" - given that the shares have been suspended from quotation since June 2006 "pending release of an announcement", we believe directors should be advising shareholders specifically what measures they are taking to regain quotation | 30/01/2007 |
all resolutions considered at todays meeting were passed | 29/11/2006 |
gives notice that the company's AGM will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, 1 Mews Road Fremantle, on November 29, 2006 at 10.00am | 27/10/2006 |
Atlantic Ltd has completed its 12th Pearl Harvest and has sold 75% of the pearls for A$550,000 - the remaining 25% will be auctioned on the 19th/20th October 2006 at the Myanmar Emporium - the results of the harvest were disappointing as the volume and price were significantly below the projections | 04/10/2006 |
releases Preliminary Final Report | 12/09/2006 |
in response to a request for a brief note of any developments since the announcement of 8 August, chairman, Giuseppe Rotondella informs us the company "will advise its shareholders on further developments in due course" | 08/09/2006 |
Peter Michael Crook has resigned as Company Secretary | 15/08/2006 |
the company is currently negotiating with companies in relation to the acquisition of Atlantic's Pearl Farm in Myanmar, and other companies in relation to ongoing ventures and will remain suspended until further notice | 08/08/2006 |
shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement | 26/06/2006 |
Atlantic Limited was one of 43 that failed to put the adoption of the company's remuneration report to a non-binding vote at the company's annual general meeting (AGM) this year - ASIC said "that is not good enough...shareholders need to know in advance what resolutions are being voted on at the AGM so they can decide whether to attend the meeting or vote by prox" | 20/12/2005 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 3 | 15/07/1997 |
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Phiong Darma | Non Exec Director | 18/11/2010 |
Bradley Ellis | Non Exec Director | 16/12/2013 |
Michael Daniel | Non Exec Director | 13/01/2014 |
Terry Bourke | General Counsel | 10/06/2013 |
Glen Zurcher | Investor Relations | |
Tony Veitch | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Gary Lewis | Non Exec Chairman | 12/03/2014 | 19/10/2015 |
Daniel Harris | CEO | 09/10/2012 | 29/06/2015 |
Michael Minosora | Chairman, Managing Director | 25/09/2009 | 12/03/2014 |
Anthony Veitch | Executive Director | 04/07/2007 | 29/11/2013 |
Ross Glossop | CFO | 25/07/2011 | 14/11/2012 |
Jay Wacher | Non Exec Director | 12/04/2010 | 06/03/2012 |
Alan Mulgrew | Non Exec Director | 12/04/2010 | 06/03/2012 |
Ian McMaster | Chairman | 11/04/2010 | 29/02/2012 |
Jim Malone | Non Exec Director | 04/07/2007 | 27/11/2009 |
Joe Rotondella | Executive Chairman, Company Secretary | 11/08/2006 | 04/07/2007 |
Sergio DeCeglie | Non Exec Director | 04/07/2007 | |
Edel Conroy | Non Exec Director | 04/07/2007 | |
Vernon Egerton-Warburton | Non Exec Director | 14/12/2004 | |
Peter Crook | Company Secretary | 11/03/2004 | 14/12/2004 |
Marshall Thompson | Non Exec Director | 25/07/1997 | 11/03/2004 |
George Egerton-Warburton | Non Exec Director | 01/10/2001 | 23/10/2001 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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