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Reconstructed as ACI International Limited


name changed to ACI Australia Limited


delisted following Scheme of Arrangement between the company and its members


name changed from Australian Glass Manufacturers Limited

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I worked at the ACI South Dowling Street laboratory as a technical officer doing differential thermogravimetric analysis research on glass smelting reactions from 1967 to 1970.

Whilst there I worked with Michael Simpson, John O\'Conner, Julian Edgerton, Peter Stitt, Alan Draycott and John De Teliga et al. 

ACI sponsored my undertaking an MSc (Pysics) at UNSW.

I left ACI in 1970 changing my career to Medicine.

Jurriaan Beek

11/09/2018 23:57:11
My recollection is that they produced some Pyrex products under licence in Sydney in the early 1960s, when I worked for ACI.  It may have produced by ACI before or after that time as well.  On the legal front, I understand that Pyrex was a patented and/or trademarked product from Corning Glass Company of the USA.09/07/2015 13:47:12
Just wondering if this was the company that made pyrex, (casserole dishes)
Many thanks
30/05/2015 12:14:36
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