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Link Market Services Limited
Level 12, 680 George Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : 61 1300 554 474
Fax : 02 9287 0303
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: 72 Christie Street , ST LEONARDS , NSW, AUSTRALIA, 2065
Tel:  (02) 9921 2999 Fax: (02) 9921 2552

Sector: Utilities
Industry Group: XUJ
Activities: Retailer of gas and electricity with a portfolio of wholly and partly-owned investments in energy infrastructure, infrastructure management and other energy companies

AGL shareholders - a capital gains tax (CGT) event happened as a result of both the exchange of AGL shares for shares in New Alinta and the buyback of New Alinta converting shares for AGL Energy shares (see note immmediately below) - in both cases, most AGL shareholders are eligible for CGT concessions that will mean they do not need to include anything in their 2006-07 tax return from this transaction - they do, however, have to work out the CGT cost base of their shares in New Alinta and AGL Energy - if they subsequently sell or have sold any of the New Alinta or AGL Energy shares they received under the merger, they use the cost base to work out the capital gain or capital loss that arises as a result


delisted at the request of the company following implementation of the company's scheme of arrangement - this involved the merger of Alinta Mergeco Limited's and The Australian Gas Light Company's infrastructure businesses


we understand AGL Scheme Participants (other than Ineligible Overseas AGL Shareholders) were entitled to 0.5775 New Alinta ordinary shares and one New Alinta converting share for every 1 AGL share they held on the AGL Scheme Record Date (18 October 2006) - (immediately after the AGL shareholders received the New Alinta converting shares, they were bought back by New Alinta and as consideration for the buy-back of those converting shares, shareholders received one AGL Energy ordinary share for each converting share bought back) - Alinta Scheme Participants (other than Ineligible Overseas Alinta Shareholders) were entitled to 1 New Alinta share for every 1 Alinta share they held at the Alinta Scheme Record Date (18 October 2006)


although the Court found that the Takeovers Panel erred in finding that Alinta's acquisition of units in APT breached the Corporations Act, the Court decided that the other part of the Panel's declaration of unacceptable circumstances should be allowed to stand - Alinta has decided to appeal this aspect of the Court's decision - the Court has granted a stay of the Takeovers Panel's orders in relation to the units pending the determination of the appeal


Alinta's takeover offer for ordinary shares in AGL remains open - however, in light of the impending implementation of the Alinta Scheme and AGL Scheme, Alinta does not intend to extend its takeover offer - accordingly, Alinta's takeover offer will close on 31 October 2006


we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - proposed merger - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record


shares suspended from quotation


the company makes a return of capital to shareholders of 50 cents a share - shareholders should reduce the cost base and reduced cost base of each share by 50 cents - for each share that had a cost base of less than 50 cents, the difference was a capital gain in 2004-05


we understand that on or about this date the company made a capital return of 50 cents per share


we understand that on or about this date the company demerged Australian Pipeline Trust - AGL proprietors, with an Australian address, on the register as at 27 March 2000 were eligible to participate in a priority offering of units

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Why has the value of AGL shares fallen over recent times?

06/12/2021 11:12:40
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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Mark JohnsonChairman, Non Exec Director
    Paul AnthonyManaging Director, CEO
    Greg HayesCFO
    Carolyn HewsonNon Exec Director
    Ronald BrierleyNon Exec Director
    David CraigNon Exec Director
    Max OuldNon Exec Director
    Charles AllenNon Exec Director
    Graham ReaneyNon Exec Director
    Graeme ThompsonInvestor Relations
    Jane McAloonCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.