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ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)


ASX, Legal & CGT Status


(updated at weekends)
Former (or subsequent) names
ENTERPRISE ENERGY NL16/01/200404/01/2008
Shareholder links
Our website ranking of BND: rating 5
(5 out of 5)


Computershare Brisbane
Level 1, 200 Mary Street Brisbane QLD 4000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 7 3229 9860
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Level 4, 260 Queen Street, BRISBANE, QLD, AUSTRALIA, 4001
Tel:  07 3041 4400 Fax: 07 3041 4444

Date first listed: 14/05/2004

Sector: Energy
Industry Group: XEJ
Activities: Oil and gas exploration

company is deregistered today


a Deregistration Request has been made - the Liquidator is Not Acting Or Affairs Wound Up


delisted from the close of trading on Monday, 29 August 2016 pursuant to Listing rule 17.15.


we understand the company failed and was delisted because it did not pay its annual ASX listing fee


Under listing rule 17.6, any entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Monday 22 August 2016 will have its securities suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Tuesday 23 August 2016. The company has not paid its annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2017 but the securities are already suspended from official quotation.


a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued


Grant Dene Sparks, Martin Ford and Philip Carter of PPB Advisory appointed liquidators


releases a Progress Report which states there is a a 70% increase in Probable Reserves for the Springsure Creek Coal Project as a result of additional drilling undertaken during 2014.


releases a Progress Report


administrators consider it unlikely there will be any return to shareholders


the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Bandanna Energy Limited (Administrators Appointed) ACN 009 356 665 (Company) will be held at the Caribbean Room, Christie Conference Centre, Level 1, 320 Adelaide Street, Brisbane QLD 4000, on Thursday, 14 May 2015 at 11:30am (Brisbane time).


the Administrators of Bandanna Energy Limited (ASX: BND) (Administrators Appointed) (the Company) engaged Macquarie Capital (Australia) Ltd (Macquarie) to commence a process focused on the Company or its business continuing as a going concern and/or maximising the outcome for all stakeholders. This process may include the restructuring or realisation of all or part of the Company and its subsidiaries


On 13 March 2015 Orders were made by the Supreme Court of Queensland granting an extension to the convening period to 21 October 2015 to call the second meetings of creditors of various subsidiaries of Bandanna Energy Limited


On 13 March 2015 Orders were made by the Supreme Court of Queensland granting an extension to the convening period to 21 October 2015 to call the second meetings of creditors for subsidiaries of Bandanna Energy Limited


releases Full Year Statutory Accounts


Bandanna Energy Limited (ASX: BND) (Administrators Appointed) (the Company) advises of the appointment of Grant Sparks, Phil Carter and Martin Ford of PPB Advisory as Administrators, effective 18 February 2015, to various subsidiaries of Bandanna Energy Ltd:


The ASX have notified the administrators that in accordance with Rule 8.5.4 of the ASX Settlement Operating Rules, because the suspension has continued for 60 business days, ASX Settlement Pty Limited (ASX Settlement) has revoked approval of the Company's Financial Products ie shares. This means that the CHESS subregister for these shares has been closed and it has converted to an issuer sponsored sub-register.


Credit Suisse AG appoint David John Winterbottom and Robert William Hutson of Korda Mentha receivers and managers (Receivers) of all of the present and after acquired property and certain other specific property of the following subsidiaries of Bandanna Energy Limited (ASX: BND) (Administrators Appointed) (the Company): ï‚· Springsure Creek Coal Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) ï‚· Springsure Property Holdings Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed).


On 10 October 2014 Orders were made by the Supreme Court of Queensland (in accordance with the Orders posted on the PPB website on 9 October 2014) granting a 12 month extension to the convening period to call the second meeting of creditors of Bandanna Energy Limited


The first meeting of creditors of Bandanna Energy Limited (ASX: BND) (Administrators Appointed) (the Company) was held in Brisbane on 2 October 2014 at 10am (the Meeting). No nominations or consents to act were received in relation to alternate Administrators. Accordingly, Grant Sparks, Martin Ford and Philip Carter will continue in their role as joint and several administrators of the Company


The Administrators of the Company mailed their First Report to creditors on 24 September 2014. A copy of the report can be downloaded from the Creditor Information section of the PPB Advisory website


The Board of Bandanna Energy Limited and group entities today resolved to place Bandanna Energy Limited into voluntary administration - the Board resolved to appoint Grant Sparks, Martin Ford and Phillip Carter of PPB Advisory as joint and several voluntary administrators of the BND Group


Bandanna requested that its securities be placed into voluntary suspension due to ongoing discussions with Credit Suisse AG concerning the restructure of the terms of the Guarantee Facility Agreement driven by the delays in the grant of mining leases on that facility. The terms of that restructure are not yet finalised and are the subject of ongoing discussions between the Company and Credit Suisse


: Bandanna's securities remain in voluntary suspension due to ongoing negotiation of the restructure of the terms of the Guarantee Facility Agreement with Credit Suisse AG. The terms of that restructure are not yet finalised and are the subject of ongoing discussions between the Company and Credit Suisse


a second objection to the Springsure Creek Coal Project mining lease applications was withdrawn yesterday


a revised Resource estimate has been prepared for its Springsure Creek Project (project). The revised Resource estimate includes an 86% increase in the Measured Resource at the project from 74Mt to 138Mt and 113% increase in Indicated Resources from 207Mt to 440Mt


requests that its securities remain in voluntary suspension


the Commonwealth Government has issued its approval permit pursuant to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act) for the Springsure Creek Coal Project


The securities of Bandanna Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending an announcement in relation to a restructure of a senior secured guarantee facility agreement. Security Code: BND


securities reinstated to quotation


company announces the successful completion of the transaction previously announced to the market on 7 May 2008 - the transaction entailed acquisition of all the issued share capital of Bandanna Coal Pty Ltd, a 1 for 10 consolidation of shares, a capital raising of $10 million and a change of company name, following shareholder approval on 15 September 2008


name changed from Enterprise Energy Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)


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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    18/10/2013John PeglerOn market200,000$0.190$37,990

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Michael GrayManaging Director05/03/2012
    James PorterCOO08/12/2008
    Matthew ScottCFO03/11/2008
    Gil HaNon Exec Director20/01/2014
    Do LeeAlternate Director20/01/2014

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Gordon SaulNon Exec Director01/01/201306/02/2015
    Terrence O'ReillyNon Exec Director01/01/201306/02/2015
    Robert JohansenNon Exec Director03/10/200823/01/2015
    John PeglerNon Exec Chairman01/01/201210/12/2014
    Tess LyeCompany Secretary14/03/201217/03/2014
    Park ILDirector19/11/200920/01/2014
    Jeremy BarlowNon Exec Director03/10/200831/12/2012
    David GrahamNon Exec Director03/10/200831/12/2012
    Raymond ShawManaging Director07/05/200705/03/2012
    Stanley ElliottNon Exec Director07/05/200703/10/2008
    David LindhNon Exec Director05/01/200403/10/2008
    Norman ZillmanNon Exec Director07/05/200703/10/2008
    Clive ArmourNon Exec Director05/01/200401/11/2007
    Peter ButteryNon Exec Director05/01/200407/05/2007
    Warren LeslieManaging Director05/01/200401/07/2006
    Geoffrey HillNon Exec Director13/05/200415/07/2005

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.