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liquidators have filed their final report and the company is deregistered - that means the capital loss is crystallised in the year 2004/05 and can be claimed in that or succeeding years


we have finally been able to speak to an Adam Shepherd at Dean-Willcocks - Mr Shepherd did not know what a liquidators declaration was and after being informed why it was essential for the claiming of a capital loss, then refused to provide it, while at the same time admitting that it was unlikely there would be a return to shareholders - this is the sort of attitude that shareholders have with justification been complaining about for years - fortunately most insolvency practitioners are sympathetic to the plight of shareholders


we have asked the firm Dean-Willcocks several times for an update and in particular as to whether a liquidators declaration has been issued to enable shareholders to claim their loss, but receive no response


R Dean-Willcocks appointed liquidator


letter received from ASIC advising they have contacted the company secretary Peter Morgan who confirms the registered office address is 136 Ferry Road, Southport QLD 4215 - ASIC advise they have referred the issues raised to their Enforcement Directorate "for consideration of what action, if any, ASIC should take in relation to this matter"


ASIC acknowledge complaint saying they have forwarded it to the Queensland office


we have filed a formal complaint with ASIC - among other things we want to know why shareholders in this company (now called Greenwich Financial Services Limited) are not receiving an Annual Report and why an Annual General Meeting is not being held - this is in response to many questions from shareholders


subsequent to delisting from ASX this company changed its name to Epic Group Limited (The) and then to Greenwich Financial Services Limited - we have tried to track the company down but have been unable to locate anyone responsible - the last known address was Southport Queensland - if any shareholder has further information we would be glad to hear from you at


delisted pursuant to Listing Rule 17.15 for failure to pay listing fees.

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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