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26 March 2025
Date of Listing: | 19 December 2007 |
Date of Delisting: | 28 June 2013 |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 28 June 2013.Legal Status:
To our knowledge this is a current registered entity, not in any form of external administration. Subsequent to delisting it may have changed its name. If you have questions about your shareholding they may be taken up with us here: Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
To our knowledge this entity was delisted for reasons unrelated to either the takeover of its shares or the redemption of its securities. If you are seeking to crystallise a capital loss for tax purposes that process can be easily and quickly initiated at our online Worthless Shares facility here: Any other enquiries relating to your securities should be followed up via our online form here:
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Now called: BR COAL PTY LTD
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Since delisting from ASX this entity has been privatised. We are no longer monitoring its activities. | 08/02/2024 |
delisted following the implementation of the scheme of arrangement between Bathurst and its shareholders | 28/06/2013 |
we understand holders of Bathurst shares as at 5:00 pm (Australian Western Standard Time) on 27 June 2013 (except for ineligible foreign shareholders) were issued one (1) fully paid ordinary share in Bathurst NZ ("Bathurst NZ share") for every one (1) Bathurst share - the new company name is Bathurst Resources (New Zealand) Limited trading on ASX and NZX as BRL | 28/06/2013 |
Bathurst Resources Limited ("Bathurst") (ASX/NZX: BTU) and Bathurst Resources (New Zealand) Limited ("Bathurst NZ") (ASX/NZX: BRL) are pleased to report that the implementation of the scheme of arrangement between Bathurst and its shareholders has taken place today | 28/06/2013 |
The securities of Bathurst Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, Thursday 20 June 2013, at the request of the Company, following lodgement with ASIC of the court order approving the scheme of arrangement between the Company and its shareholders. Security Code: BTU | 20/06/2013 |
Bathurst Resources Limited ("Bathurst", ASX & NZX: BTU) is pleased to announce that the Orders of the Federal Court of Australia ("Court") ("Orders") approving the scheme of arrangement between Bathurst and its shareholders ("Scheme") have today been lodged with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission. The expected date of listing of Bathurst NZ on ASX and NZX, and trading of its shares on a deferred settlement basis, is Friday, 21 June 2013. Bathurst will be applying to be delisted from ASX and NZX on Monday, 1 July 2013. | 20/06/2013 |
we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - redomicile and restructure - CDIs converted to ordinary shares on a 1 for 1 basis - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record | 20/06/2013 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 15/11/2010 |
the securities will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement | 10/11/2010 |
Bathurst Resources Limited (ASX: BTU, "Bathurst" or "Company") advises that acceptances under the Company's 1 for 2 non renounceable rights issue ("Rights Issue") closed on 5 November 2010 with very strong support. Acceptances for 108,124,258 shares were received, representing a take-up of approximately 93% of the total shares available under the Rights Issue, leaving a shortfall of 8,145,099 shares | 10/11/2010 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 05/10/2010 |
lodges Bathurst Financial Report 2010 | 01/10/2010 |
the securities will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement - Bathurst Resources Ltd was suspended at its own request on pending the finalisation of a proposed capital raising. The company sought a trading halt over the capital raising on September 24 | 28/09/2010 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 16/06/2010 |
Bathurst Resources Limited ("Bathurst" or "Company") is pleased to announce: • the placement of 125 million new shares at $0.13 per share to raise $16.25 million; and • that it has formally signed the Sale and Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") for the Buller Coal Project from L&M Holdings Limited ("L&M") | 10/06/2010 |
the securities will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement | 08/06/2010 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 25/02/2010 |
resolutions considered at today's meeting were decided by a show of hands | 24/02/2010 |
company has signed an agreement to acquire BD Acquisition LLC which owns the Black Diamond Coal Mine and its exploration interests in the Appalachian Basin Coal Field in Kentucky, USA | 22/02/2010 |
the Annual General Meeting of the members of BATHURST RESOURCES LTD ("Bathurst" or "the Company") will be held on the date and at the location and time specified below: DATE: WEDENESDAY 24 FEBRUARY 2010 LOCATION: SOFITEL WENTWORTH 61 101 PHILLIP STREET SYDNEY NSW 2000 TIME: 9 AM | 27/01/2010 |
releases Annual Financial Report - 30 June 2009 | 30/12/2009 |
company advises shareholders that Stanton Partners Corporate Pty Ltd has been commissioned to prepare the Independent Experts Report to accompany the Notice of Annual General Meeting and Explanatory Statement that is anticipated to be sent to shareholders shortly - the Annual General Meeting, which will be held in January 2010, will include a resolution asking shareholders to ratify the reversal of the C&R Holding acquisition ("reversal") as required by ASX Listing Rules. The Stanton Partners Corporate Pty Ltd report will provide independent guidance to shareholders as to whether the reversal is fair and reasonable - Bathurst has continued to evaluate a number of exciting mining opportunities in the United States and elsewhere | 07/12/2009 |
Bathurst Resources Ltd ("Bathurst") advises that in Kentucky on 9 November 2009 a settlement agreement between Bathurst, C&R Holding of Eastern Kentucky LLC ("&R"), and the original vendors of C&R was executed which has the result of effectively reversing the acquisition of C&R which was first announced to ASX on 16 July 2008 and approved by shareholders at a general meeting held on 8 September 2008. This settlement agreement has been executed as a result of a dispute that has arisen in relation to substantial and fundamental matters relating to the original purchase agreements. The parties have agreed to settle the Dispute without admission of liability on any part or admission of any matter alleged as part of the Dispute | 12/11/2009 |
an officer from the Company and a representative from the Perth auditors will be flying over to Lexington today to ensure the finalisation of the US audit. The Board has revised its time table and is aiming to achieve completion and lodgement of the Annual Report within 7 to 14 days | 26/10/2009 |
the Board of Bathurst Resources Ltd advise that the company is continuing to work closely with its US auditors Messrs Crowe Horwath of Lexington Kentucky in relation to completion of the audit and financial report of Bathurst's US controlled entity Bathurst Resources USA LLC and its wholly controlled entity C & R Holding of Eastern Kentucky LLC - the Board is aiming to achieve completion and lodgement of the Annual Report by Friday 23 October 2009 | 16/10/2009 |
securities suspended from quotation following failure to lodge full year accounts | 01/10/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 10/09/2008 |
the securities will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement | 08/09/2008 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 16/07/2008 |
the securities will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement | 22/05/2008 |
Since delisting from ASX this entity has been privatised. We are no longer monitoring its activities. | 08/02/2024 |
delisted following the implementation of the scheme of arrangement between Bathurst and its shareholders | 28/06/2013 |
we understand holders of Bathurst shares as at 5:00 pm (Australian Western Standard Time) on 27 June 2013 (except for ineligible foreign shareholders) were issued one (1) fully paid ordinary share in Bathurst NZ ("Bathurst NZ share") for every one (1) Bathurst share - the new company name is Bathurst Resources (New Zealand) Limited trading on ASX and NZX as BRL | 28/06/2013 |
Bathurst Resources Limited ("Bathurst") (ASX/NZX: BTU) and Bathurst Resources (New Zealand) Limited ("Bathurst NZ") (ASX/NZX: BRL) are pleased to report that the implementation of the scheme of arrangement between Bathurst and its shareholders has taken place today | 28/06/2013 |
The securities of Bathurst Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, Thursday 20 June 2013, at the request of the Company, following lodgement with ASIC of the court order approving the scheme of arrangement between the Company and its shareholders. Security Code: BTU | 20/06/2013 |
Bathurst Resources Limited ("Bathurst", ASX & NZX: BTU) is pleased to announce that the Orders of the Federal Court of Australia ("Court") ("Orders") approving the scheme of arrangement between Bathurst and its shareholders ("Scheme") have today been lodged with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission. The expected date of listing of Bathurst NZ on ASX and NZX, and trading of its shares on a deferred settlement basis, is Friday, 21 June 2013. Bathurst will be applying to be delisted from ASX and NZX on Monday, 1 July 2013. | 20/06/2013 |
we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - redomicile and restructure - CDIs converted to ordinary shares on a 1 for 1 basis - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record | 20/06/2013 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 15/11/2010 |
the securities will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement | 10/11/2010 |
Bathurst Resources Limited (ASX: BTU, "Bathurst" or "Company") advises that acceptances under the Company's 1 for 2 non renounceable rights issue ("Rights Issue") closed on 5 November 2010 with very strong support. Acceptances for 108,124,258 shares were received, representing a take-up of approximately 93% of the total shares available under the Rights Issue, leaving a shortfall of 8,145,099 shares | 10/11/2010 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 05/10/2010 |
lodges Bathurst Financial Report 2010 | 01/10/2010 |
the securities will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement - Bathurst Resources Ltd was suspended at its own request on pending the finalisation of a proposed capital raising. The company sought a trading halt over the capital raising on September 24 | 28/09/2010 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 16/06/2010 |
Bathurst Resources Limited ("Bathurst" or "Company") is pleased to announce: • the placement of 125 million new shares at $0.13 per share to raise $16.25 million; and • that it has formally signed the Sale and Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") for the Buller Coal Project from L&M Holdings Limited ("L&M") | 10/06/2010 |
the securities will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement | 08/06/2010 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 25/02/2010 |
resolutions considered at today's meeting were decided by a show of hands | 24/02/2010 |
company has signed an agreement to acquire BD Acquisition LLC which owns the Black Diamond Coal Mine and its exploration interests in the Appalachian Basin Coal Field in Kentucky, USA | 22/02/2010 |
the Annual General Meeting of the members of BATHURST RESOURCES LTD ("Bathurst" or "the Company") will be held on the date and at the location and time specified below: DATE: WEDENESDAY 24 FEBRUARY 2010 LOCATION: SOFITEL WENTWORTH 61 101 PHILLIP STREET SYDNEY NSW 2000 TIME: 9 AM | 27/01/2010 |
releases Annual Financial Report - 30 June 2009 | 30/12/2009 |
company advises shareholders that Stanton Partners Corporate Pty Ltd has been commissioned to prepare the Independent Experts Report to accompany the Notice of Annual General Meeting and Explanatory Statement that is anticipated to be sent to shareholders shortly - the Annual General Meeting, which will be held in January 2010, will include a resolution asking shareholders to ratify the reversal of the C&R Holding acquisition ("reversal") as required by ASX Listing Rules. The Stanton Partners Corporate Pty Ltd report will provide independent guidance to shareholders as to whether the reversal is fair and reasonable - Bathurst has continued to evaluate a number of exciting mining opportunities in the United States and elsewhere | 07/12/2009 |
Bathurst Resources Ltd ("Bathurst") advises that in Kentucky on 9 November 2009 a settlement agreement between Bathurst, C&R Holding of Eastern Kentucky LLC ("&R"), and the original vendors of C&R was executed which has the result of effectively reversing the acquisition of C&R which was first announced to ASX on 16 July 2008 and approved by shareholders at a general meeting held on 8 September 2008. This settlement agreement has been executed as a result of a dispute that has arisen in relation to substantial and fundamental matters relating to the original purchase agreements. The parties have agreed to settle the Dispute without admission of liability on any part or admission of any matter alleged as part of the Dispute | 12/11/2009 |
an officer from the Company and a representative from the Perth auditors will be flying over to Lexington today to ensure the finalisation of the US audit. The Board has revised its time table and is aiming to achieve completion and lodgement of the Annual Report within 7 to 14 days | 26/10/2009 |
the Board of Bathurst Resources Ltd advise that the company is continuing to work closely with its US auditors Messrs Crowe Horwath of Lexington Kentucky in relation to completion of the audit and financial report of Bathurst's US controlled entity Bathurst Resources USA LLC and its wholly controlled entity C & R Holding of Eastern Kentucky LLC - the Board is aiming to achieve completion and lodgement of the Annual Report by Friday 23 October 2009 | 16/10/2009 |
securities suspended from quotation following failure to lodge full year accounts | 01/10/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 10/09/2008 |
the securities will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement | 08/09/2008 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 16/07/2008 |
the securities will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement | 22/05/2008 |
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08/04/2013 | Hamish Bohannan | On market | 400,000 | $0.242 | $97,000 |
23/11/2012 | Gerald Cooper | On market | 5,000 | $0.350 | $1,750 |
02/11/2012 | Gerald Cooper | On market | 468,000 | $0.407 | $190,620 |
07/05/2012 | Malcolm Macpherson | On market | 30,000 | $0.590 | $17,700 |
Craig Munro | Chairman | 04/12/2009 |
Hamish Bohannan | Managing Director | 08/09/2008 |
Richard Tacon | COO | 17/01/2012 |
Marshall Maine | CFO | 04/03/2013 |
Thomas Kapea | Independent Director | 29/05/2013 |
Rob Lord | Non Exec Director | 17/08/2010 |
Malcolm Macpherson | Non Exec Director | 05/01/2010 |
Laura Blechynden | General Counsel | 27/03/2012 |
Graham Anderson | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Ben Ringrose | CFO | 06/12/2012 | 04/03/2013 |
Gerald Cooper | Director | 12/11/2009 | 12/02/2013 |
Tim Manners | CFO | 01/04/2010 | 06/12/2012 |
Chuck Griffith | Non Exec Director | 18/02/2009 | 29/03/2010 |
Billy Shelton | Executive Director | 09/09/2008 | 09/11/2009 |
Richard Monti | Executive Director | 30/05/2007 | 04/09/2009 |
John Hannaford | Non Exec Chairman | 30/05/2007 | 26/02/2009 |
Frank Ashe | Non Exec Director | 26/10/2007 | 26/02/2009 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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