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15 March 2025
Name: | BEACONSFIELD GOLD NL (BCD) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now BCD RESOURCES NL. You should refer to that name for Status.) | ||||||
Date of Listing: | 19 May 1987 | ||||||
Subsequent Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now BCD RESOURCES NL. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now BCD RESOURCES NL. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now BCD RESOURCES NL. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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Company | FROM | TO |
BCD RESOURCES NL | 20/11/2009 | |
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name changed to BCD Resources NL | 20/11/2009 |
suspension of trading in the securities of Beaconsfield Gold NL will be lifted from the commencement of trading Friday, 20 April 2007 following the resumption of mining activities at the Beaconsfield Mine | 20/04/2007 |
company provides an update - it is now providing loan funds to the Allstate group during the re-start phase at the mine and Beaconsfield Gold executives now manage the Allstate group and the Beaconsfield Mine on a day-to-day basis - it will now be able to design and carry out an extensive regional exploration program at Beaconsfield | 16/04/2007 |
increased mining operations have been given the go-ahead at the Beaconsfield Mine by the relevant safety authority in Tasmania and production of gold bullion from the ore treatment plant is expected shortly | 04/04/2007 |
the company has finalised the placement of 14.25 million new shares at a price of 34 cents per share, raising $4.845 million - this follows the $4.08 million convertible notes raising announced on 13 February 2007 | 02/04/2007 |
Beaconsfield Gold has agreed to make a takeover offer to all remaining minority Allstate shareholders on the same terms accepted by Newmont if the minority shareholders of Allstate approve the transaction - those terms are that Beaconsfield Gold will acquire the majority shareholding in Allstate held by Newmont for 4.0 cents per fully paid share and 0.1 cents per partly paid share - based on the current timetable, offers on the terms outlined above would be made to the minority shareholders of Allstate on or before 21 May 2007 | 29/03/2007 |
company releases an updated broker presentation | 23/03/2007 |
releases Half Yearly Report & Half Year Accounts for the period to 31/12/2006 | 26/02/2007 |
the company announces that it has placed 12 million convertible notes at $0.34 each, for a total of $4.08 million, with an Australian fund - the proceeds will be used towards increasing Beaconsfield Gold's beneficial interest in the Beaconsfield Mine to at least 91% | 13/02/2007 |
Beaconsfield Gold has made a proposal to restructure the Allstate Explorations NL group - the Deed Administrator of the Allstate group has released an announcement, stating that he intends to convene an Allstate Creditors' Meeting on 27 February 2007 to recommend the acceptance of the proposal from Beaconsfield Gold - subject to approval by the Allstate creditors, the proposal will result in Beaconsfield Gold providing a loan to Allstate to enable unsecured trade creditors to receive 100% of their outstanding claims and the retirement of the Deed Administrator - Allstate will then be returned to the control of its directors | 12/02/2007 |
releases its Second Quarter Activities Report | 12/02/2007 |
the company having agreed to acquire Newmonts 57.2% holding in Allstate and agreed to purchase Allstate debts with a face value of $48m (for $2.85m) announces that it will negotiate a commercial agreement with Allstate's only secured creditor (Macquarie Bank) to restructure Allstate and bring it out of administration | 23/01/2007 |
releases address by Chairman to EGM 10 January 2007 and the results of its General Meeting (motions were carried on a show of hands as ordinary resolutions) | 10/01/2007 |
gives notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Beaconsfield Gold NL to be held at Level 20, CMA Centre, 500 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC on Wednesday, 10 January 2007 at 11.00am | 11/12/2006 |
reports that restructuring negotiations between the Beaconsfield mine joint venture partners, Allstate Explorations and Beaconsfield Gold, continue | 11/12/2006 |
blasting of the Beaconsfield Gold Mine's main Decline recommences today | 01/12/2006 |
releases its 2006 Annual General Meeting presentation and advises that resolutions considered at the AGM were passed | 30/11/2006 |
the venue for the Annual General Meeting to be held on 30 November at 11.00am has been changed to: - Chandelier Room Rialto Hotel (Flinders Lane level) 495 Collins Street Melbourne | 29/11/2006 |
the company has finalised the placement of 27.6 million new shares (15% of existing issued shares) at a price of 23 cents per share, raising $6.35 million | 16/11/2006 |
Beaconsfield Gold NL welcomes a request by Allstate Explorations NL to commence negotiations with a view to restructuring ownership of the Beaconsfield Gold Mine | 10/11/2006 |
ALX advises that work is to re-start on Beaconsfield Gold Mine Main Decline | 02/11/2006 |
the company releases its Report on Activities for the Quarter ended 30 September 2006 | 01/11/2006 |
company expects mining to restart at the Tasmanian mine this month - but it won't be for any recovery of gold, it will be development of a tunnel to open up deeper areas of the mine | 01/11/2006 |
gives notice of Annual General Meeting of Beaconsfield Gold NL to be held at Level 20, CMA Centre, 500 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC on Thursday, 30 November 2006 at 11.00am | 31/10/2006 |
chairman's address to the EGM today is released to the market | 04/10/2006 |
the resolutions considered at today's meeting to issue shares to sophisticated and professional shareholders were passed | 04/10/2006 |
Beaconsfield Gold's view remains that its pre-emptive rights under the Agreement are very clear and the Company will vigorously contest the appeal by Allstate | 22/09/2006 |
ALX has lodged an appeal regarding the courts judgement in relation to the pre-emptive rights under Clause 20.5 of the Beaconsfield Mine Joint Venture Agreement | 21/09/2006 |
BCD says the Supreme Court of Victoria has today confirmed Beaconsfield Gold Group's comprehensive pre-emptive rights under Clause 20.5 of the Beaconsfield Mine Joint Venture Agreement | 08/09/2006 |
ALX says it will continue to seek ways to restructure the company and come out of its deed of company arrangement | 08/09/2006 |
Allstate Explorations says limited mining operations may be able to restart within the next 2 months | 06/09/2006 |
BCD welcomes the announcement issued today by Allstate Explorations NL regarding the geotechnical assessment of the Beaconsfield Mine undertaken by Coffey Mining | 06/09/2006 |
calls an EGM for 4 October to seek shareholder approval for the placement of shares to sophisticated and professional investors | 01/09/2006 |
company releases its report on activities for the Quarter ended 30 June 2006 | 18/08/2006 |
Beaconsfield Gold group has today initiated an action in the Supreme Court of Victoria seeking declaratory relief in relation to the Beaconsfield Gold group's pre-emptive rights under the BMJV Agreement | 03/08/2006 |
releases resource statement and activities report | 01/08/2006 |
Allstate rejects BCD's assertion that BCD has pre-emptive rights over Allstate's interest in the joint venture | 28/07/2006 |
Beaconsfield Gold NL welcomes Allstate's attempt to restructure the ownership of the Beaconsfield Gold Mine (Allstate announced today that it seeks expressions of interest "for a possible transaction" - such as a share placement in the company or a sale of Allstate assets) - BCD asserts it has pre-emptive rights over Allstate's interest in the joint venture and is well positioned to acquire the shareholding | 27/07/2006 |
at the EGM today, authority was given to Directors to allot and issue up to 60,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company to selected sophisticated and professional investors - this may facilitate the buy out of Allstate Exploration - the company's chairman says it is likely that the trading suspension (of the company's securities) will remain until a clearer picture emerges of when, and under what circumstances, the Beaconsfield Mine will be allowed to reopen | 28/06/2006 |
provides notice of an EGM to be held at Level 20, CMA Centre, 500 Collins Street, Melbourne at 3.00pm on 28 June 2006 | 25/05/2006 |
the Tasmanian Minerals Council Limited advised today "The Beaconsfield Gold group of companies owns 48.49% of the Beaconsfield Mine Joint Venture ("BMJV"), but does not manage the BMJV or the Beaconsfield Mine. The Allstate group of companies owns 51.51% of the BMJV and, via Allstate Explorations NL (subject to deed of company arrangement), manages both the BMJV and the Beaconsfield Mine" | 24/05/2006 |
it may be several months before a decision can be made on the future of the Beaconsfield Gold Mine - Mine Manager Matthew Gill today confirmed it would take a minimum of two months to work through the safety and operational issues to satisfy the requirements of both mine management, Workplace Standards and the Coroner | 19/05/2006 |
underground mining operations are suspended while the safety of the mine is investigated by the Tasmanian Chief Inspector of Mines - Beaconsfield Gold is encouraged that, at a meeting of mine workers held in Beaconsfield yesterday, the unanimous decision of the workers was that the mine should progressively reopen in those areas of the mine that are established to be safe - while mine operations are suspended, the ore treatment plant has continued to process previously stockpiled material | 15/05/2006 |
company defers payment of its interim dividend | 03/05/2006 |
shares suspended from quotation pending clarification of the impact on the company of the incident at the Beaconsfield Mine on 25 April 2006 | 27/04/2006 |
name changed to BCD Resources NL | 20/11/2009 |
suspension of trading in the securities of Beaconsfield Gold NL will be lifted from the commencement of trading Friday, 20 April 2007 following the resumption of mining activities at the Beaconsfield Mine | 20/04/2007 |
company provides an update - it is now providing loan funds to the Allstate group during the re-start phase at the mine and Beaconsfield Gold executives now manage the Allstate group and the Beaconsfield Mine on a day-to-day basis - it will now be able to design and carry out an extensive regional exploration program at Beaconsfield | 16/04/2007 |
increased mining operations have been given the go-ahead at the Beaconsfield Mine by the relevant safety authority in Tasmania and production of gold bullion from the ore treatment plant is expected shortly | 04/04/2007 |
the company has finalised the placement of 14.25 million new shares at a price of 34 cents per share, raising $4.845 million - this follows the $4.08 million convertible notes raising announced on 13 February 2007 | 02/04/2007 |
Beaconsfield Gold has agreed to make a takeover offer to all remaining minority Allstate shareholders on the same terms accepted by Newmont if the minority shareholders of Allstate approve the transaction - those terms are that Beaconsfield Gold will acquire the majority shareholding in Allstate held by Newmont for 4.0 cents per fully paid share and 0.1 cents per partly paid share - based on the current timetable, offers on the terms outlined above would be made to the minority shareholders of Allstate on or before 21 May 2007 | 29/03/2007 |
company releases an updated broker presentation | 23/03/2007 |
releases Half Yearly Report & Half Year Accounts for the period to 31/12/2006 | 26/02/2007 |
the company announces that it has placed 12 million convertible notes at $0.34 each, for a total of $4.08 million, with an Australian fund - the proceeds will be used towards increasing Beaconsfield Gold's beneficial interest in the Beaconsfield Mine to at least 91% | 13/02/2007 |
Beaconsfield Gold has made a proposal to restructure the Allstate Explorations NL group - the Deed Administrator of the Allstate group has released an announcement, stating that he intends to convene an Allstate Creditors' Meeting on 27 February 2007 to recommend the acceptance of the proposal from Beaconsfield Gold - subject to approval by the Allstate creditors, the proposal will result in Beaconsfield Gold providing a loan to Allstate to enable unsecured trade creditors to receive 100% of their outstanding claims and the retirement of the Deed Administrator - Allstate will then be returned to the control of its directors | 12/02/2007 |
releases its Second Quarter Activities Report | 12/02/2007 |
the company having agreed to acquire Newmonts 57.2% holding in Allstate and agreed to purchase Allstate debts with a face value of $48m (for $2.85m) announces that it will negotiate a commercial agreement with Allstate's only secured creditor (Macquarie Bank) to restructure Allstate and bring it out of administration | 23/01/2007 |
releases address by Chairman to EGM 10 January 2007 and the results of its General Meeting (motions were carried on a show of hands as ordinary resolutions) | 10/01/2007 |
gives notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Beaconsfield Gold NL to be held at Level 20, CMA Centre, 500 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC on Wednesday, 10 January 2007 at 11.00am | 11/12/2006 |
reports that restructuring negotiations between the Beaconsfield mine joint venture partners, Allstate Explorations and Beaconsfield Gold, continue | 11/12/2006 |
blasting of the Beaconsfield Gold Mine's main Decline recommences today | 01/12/2006 |
releases its 2006 Annual General Meeting presentation and advises that resolutions considered at the AGM were passed | 30/11/2006 |
the venue for the Annual General Meeting to be held on 30 November at 11.00am has been changed to: - Chandelier Room Rialto Hotel (Flinders Lane level) 495 Collins Street Melbourne | 29/11/2006 |
the company has finalised the placement of 27.6 million new shares (15% of existing issued shares) at a price of 23 cents per share, raising $6.35 million | 16/11/2006 |
Beaconsfield Gold NL welcomes a request by Allstate Explorations NL to commence negotiations with a view to restructuring ownership of the Beaconsfield Gold Mine | 10/11/2006 |
ALX advises that work is to re-start on Beaconsfield Gold Mine Main Decline | 02/11/2006 |
the company releases its Report on Activities for the Quarter ended 30 September 2006 | 01/11/2006 |
company expects mining to restart at the Tasmanian mine this month - but it won't be for any recovery of gold, it will be development of a tunnel to open up deeper areas of the mine | 01/11/2006 |
gives notice of Annual General Meeting of Beaconsfield Gold NL to be held at Level 20, CMA Centre, 500 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC on Thursday, 30 November 2006 at 11.00am | 31/10/2006 |
chairman's address to the EGM today is released to the market | 04/10/2006 |
the resolutions considered at today's meeting to issue shares to sophisticated and professional shareholders were passed | 04/10/2006 |
Beaconsfield Gold's view remains that its pre-emptive rights under the Agreement are very clear and the Company will vigorously contest the appeal by Allstate | 22/09/2006 |
ALX has lodged an appeal regarding the courts judgement in relation to the pre-emptive rights under Clause 20.5 of the Beaconsfield Mine Joint Venture Agreement | 21/09/2006 |
BCD says the Supreme Court of Victoria has today confirmed Beaconsfield Gold Group's comprehensive pre-emptive rights under Clause 20.5 of the Beaconsfield Mine Joint Venture Agreement | 08/09/2006 |
ALX says it will continue to seek ways to restructure the company and come out of its deed of company arrangement | 08/09/2006 |
Allstate Explorations says limited mining operations may be able to restart within the next 2 months | 06/09/2006 |
BCD welcomes the announcement issued today by Allstate Explorations NL regarding the geotechnical assessment of the Beaconsfield Mine undertaken by Coffey Mining | 06/09/2006 |
calls an EGM for 4 October to seek shareholder approval for the placement of shares to sophisticated and professional investors | 01/09/2006 |
company releases its report on activities for the Quarter ended 30 June 2006 | 18/08/2006 |
Beaconsfield Gold group has today initiated an action in the Supreme Court of Victoria seeking declaratory relief in relation to the Beaconsfield Gold group's pre-emptive rights under the BMJV Agreement | 03/08/2006 |
releases resource statement and activities report | 01/08/2006 |
Allstate rejects BCD's assertion that BCD has pre-emptive rights over Allstate's interest in the joint venture | 28/07/2006 |
Beaconsfield Gold NL welcomes Allstate's attempt to restructure the ownership of the Beaconsfield Gold Mine (Allstate announced today that it seeks expressions of interest "for a possible transaction" - such as a share placement in the company or a sale of Allstate assets) - BCD asserts it has pre-emptive rights over Allstate's interest in the joint venture and is well positioned to acquire the shareholding | 27/07/2006 |
at the EGM today, authority was given to Directors to allot and issue up to 60,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company to selected sophisticated and professional investors - this may facilitate the buy out of Allstate Exploration - the company's chairman says it is likely that the trading suspension (of the company's securities) will remain until a clearer picture emerges of when, and under what circumstances, the Beaconsfield Mine will be allowed to reopen | 28/06/2006 |
provides notice of an EGM to be held at Level 20, CMA Centre, 500 Collins Street, Melbourne at 3.00pm on 28 June 2006 | 25/05/2006 |
the Tasmanian Minerals Council Limited advised today "The Beaconsfield Gold group of companies owns 48.49% of the Beaconsfield Mine Joint Venture ("BMJV"), but does not manage the BMJV or the Beaconsfield Mine. The Allstate group of companies owns 51.51% of the BMJV and, via Allstate Explorations NL (subject to deed of company arrangement), manages both the BMJV and the Beaconsfield Mine" | 24/05/2006 |
it may be several months before a decision can be made on the future of the Beaconsfield Gold Mine - Mine Manager Matthew Gill today confirmed it would take a minimum of two months to work through the safety and operational issues to satisfy the requirements of both mine management, Workplace Standards and the Coroner | 19/05/2006 |
underground mining operations are suspended while the safety of the mine is investigated by the Tasmanian Chief Inspector of Mines - Beaconsfield Gold is encouraged that, at a meeting of mine workers held in Beaconsfield yesterday, the unanimous decision of the workers was that the mine should progressively reopen in those areas of the mine that are established to be safe - while mine operations are suspended, the ore treatment plant has continued to process previously stockpiled material | 15/05/2006 |
company defers payment of its interim dividend | 03/05/2006 |
shares suspended from quotation pending clarification of the impact on the company of the incident at the Beaconsfield Mine on 25 April 2006 | 27/04/2006 |
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Denis Clarke | Chairman, Non Exec Director | |
Bill Colvin | CEO | |
Brian Coulter | CFO, Company Secretary | |
Michael Trumbull | Non Exec Director | |
Bill Tsingos | Non Exec Director | |
Kevin Perrin | Director | 24/02/2006 |
Richard Holder | Executive |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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