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Shareholders should have received a distribution on their shares of 0.00444658 a share - those who sold their shares to deListed (company Investogain Pty Limited) should deposit this distribution to Investogain Pty Limited, Bank, Westpac, Martin Place, Sydney - BSB: 032-024, Account No: 676351. Many thanks to those who have already done so. | 14/11/2022 |
Shareholders should have received a distribution on their shares of 0.00444658 a share - those who sold their shares to deListed (company Investogain Pty Limited) should deposit this distribution to Investogain Pty Limited, Bank, Westpac, Martin Place, Sydney - BSB: 032-024, Account No: 676351. Many thanks to those who have already done so. | 14/11/2022 |
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I inherited BGP Holdings back in May 2010. My accountant needs to know the value of the shares when I received them. How can I find this out?? | 02/10/2023 21:38:54 |
I have received a deposit in our Superannuation Fund from BGPU that I cannot find any documentation for When I checked the company it says no payments were made - where can I get the details of the deposit. | 06/07/2023 13:21:45 |
Residual capital for BGP Holdings PLC will be paid out 14 November 2022. | 09/11/2022 10:40:39 |
If the account number begins with the letter \'I\' it would be issuer-sponsored. If that\'s the case then there\'s a form that Link Market Services have called the standard transfer form. You could use this to distribute the shares to beneficiaries. The beneficiaries won\'t be able to sell them though; they\'ll have to wait until the company is wound up and any residual capital is paid to share holders. | 09/02/2021 15:30:28 |
i act as a executor for a deceased estate. how do i transfer the BGP interest to the beneficies via Link Market Services | 05/11/2020 10:17:11 |
I presume the BGPU shares have zero value so why are they still listed on the registry of Link Market Services | 31/05/2020 18:02:30 |
All those who act for deceased estates - the \"forms\" required are available through Link Market Services after logging in to the shareholder\'s account. | 13/02/2019 13:44:49 |
I failed to add a reply address to the question regarding disposal of shares due to a deceased estate. Please contact : | 07/11/2018 13:57:43 |
My question is very similar to others that I see posted. We are acting also for a deceased estate. Please advise what can be done in order to sell the holding. The SRN/HIN number commences with I - presuming that means it is issuer sponsored. | 07/11/2018 13:53:36 |
We own units / shares in the \'so called\' spin off from GPT because of their arrangement with Babcock & Brown. How do we get to sell them or do we get paid out the value of the units when the company is wound up - as I have been advised will happen. I have also been advised that the shares are not tradable and have no value. The whole deal is a \'fiasco\' thanks to the individuals responsible. What next - ha ha !!!!! | 03/11/2018 12:34:41 |
We act on behalf of a deceased estate in the name of Vera Pronenko. The deceased held shares in BGP Holdings, SRN 140064623291. We have been instructed to sell the shares. We understand the company has been de-listed. Please advise if there is a liquidity process to follow. Thank you. Kaylene Bradley Mann Legal Tel: 03 5224 2916 Email: | 30/10/2018 15:19:25 |
20/09/2018 10:26:48 | |
We act on behalf of a Deceased Estate in the name of Gladys Mary Neck who held shares in BGP, SRN I40064885211. Please advise if there is a liquidity process to follow. Jessica Linton - Planner Support Story Wealth Management Pty Ltd Tel: (03) 8560 3188 Email: | 30/07/2018 15:24:37 |
We act on behalf of a Deceased Estate in the names of Leslie James Moss & Constance Mary Moss. The deceased held shares in BGP, SRN I40064608420. Please advise if there is a liquidity process to follow. Kim Bell - Client Services Manager The Intelligent Financial Group Pty Ltd Tel: 1300 655 096 Email: | 30/07/2018 12:09:52 |
We act on behalf of a deceased estate in the name of George Phillip Garnett. The deceased held shares in BGP Holdings, SRN 140065007250. We have been instructed to sell the shares. We understand the company has been de-listed. Please advise if there is a liquidity process to follow. Thank you. Sarah Moore Southside Legal Gold Coast Tel: 07 5598 3266 Email: | 24/04/2018 09:33:09 |
We act on behalf of a deceased estate where there is a non-tradeable beneficial interest. SRN I40064540671 in the name of Estate of late Giselle Fernande de Jong. We have been instructed by the executor of the estate to sell the holding. Could you please advise what needs to be done by us to enable the sale to occur. Thank you. Maureen Miller Baker Deane & Nutt, Solicitors for the Estate Tel: 02 6299 3999 Email: | 17/04/2018 11:38:15 |
capital return coming now?
| 07/03/2018 10:59:39 |
?BGP holdings is the skelatal remains of Babcock Brown Infracstructure that collapsed during the 2007 financial crisis. I bought a few million BBI shares at 0.1c, but they never bounced back, They did a 100:1 consolidation then went offshore as BGP. \n\nThe residual capital has been paid out in 2017 as ~5c in Feb, and ~2c just now (30oct) , The company will liquidate shortly, and pay out the remaining capital (if any) \n\nThere is some info here | 05/11/2017 14:20:32 |
Final distribution just paid, 30/10/17 of 2.060274 cents/share. Any idea \n\nif any more income to be paid in future , I want to wind up a deceased | 02/11/2017 10:39:56 |
The income (interim dividend) paid in February 2017 is Foriegn Income. \n\nFollowing the first interim dividend of AUD 0.05860935 per share paid on February 7, a second distribution, around AUD 0.02 per share, is expected in Q3, when the formalities of a capital reduction are completed. After this the companies will be liquidated, a process which will take around two years due to residual obligations under the sale contracts. There should be no material returns from the final liquidation process. \n\n\n\n | 05/10/2017 13:26:06 | gives all the tax info required | 24/07/2017 16:26:19 |
A news item on the website indicates the next distribution is expected in quarter 3 of this year. \n\n\n\n The investor relations part of the above website provides an information pdf on the tax treatment for the \"interim dividend\" paid in February. | 23/05/2017 10:27:17 |
I would not be perfectly confident that this is a return of capital. The second payment which will relate to a capital reduction would likely be this. \n\nI would have thought the dividend received in February should be shown in the Foreign Income section of the 2017 tax return and therefore assessable in full. \n\nWhen the smaller distribution is received mid year which relates to the capital deduction, this will reduce the cost base and eventually you will be able to crystallise the CGT loss on the shares. | 20/04/2017 09:31:50 |
When do we receive the next dividend? Thank you for any assistance. | 19/04/2017 13:02:40 |
This dividend is from the Proceeds of the Sale of European \n\nProperty which BGP has sold. \n\nCan anyone, therefore, confirm if this dividend is a Return From my understanding, in the case that it is not an Unfranked Dividend, it is possible that only a Capital Gain, and nothing else, will need to be declared The Capital Gain will be equal to that amount below zero. \n\nIf it is not below zero, this dividend and subsequent dividends will continue to reduce the Cost Base and will only need to be taken into account when calculating the Capital Gain when the shares are finally disposed of. \n\nYou should have determined the Cost Base of your BGP Shares following Any views or comments are welcome. | 04/04/2017 13:00:11 |
The Amount shown under both the ‘Franked’ and ‘Unfranked’ headings on the Dividend Statement I received is $0.00. \n\nHowever, the ‘Total Amount’ of the Dividend is not $0.00 on my Statement. \n\nTherefore, this “Total Amount” cannot be declared as either a My question is, if the dividend cannot be declared in the “Dividends” section ( Section 11) of the ATO’s MyTax for the reason given above, what other section of the tax return can I declare this Dividend as ‘assessable income’? | 30/03/2017 16:13:40 |
and I got a cheque in the mail and the attachment with it said the payment was a dividend | 27/03/2017 13:01:15 |
it can be declared as a dividend, just a dividend with no franking | 27/03/2017 13:00:26 |
I am as happy as everyone else to receive this dividend. \n\nHowever, nobody, except one, seems to be worried about how There is no Unfranked Amount, No Franked Amount and No So it can’t be declared as Dividend Income. \n\nThe Dividend Statement advises that it should be disclosed But where can it be disclosed on your tax return? \n\nI would appreciate more interest and discussion on this This issue is common to us all. \n\nWe should all have a right to know how to declare this The BGP share registry has failed dismally to tell us So, if you can help, please let us all know how to deal with
| 15/03/2017 17:33:45 |
the shares are not listed and are not transferable ... the shares have no value except for what is represented by the amount available for the second and last liquidation dividend that will be paid later in 2017 ... about a third of the first liquidation dividend you have received ... \n\ngoogle the bgp website fro more info | 12/03/2017 13:50:40 |
One month after bank deposit of dividend - and still no supporting documentation! Anyone else in the same boat?? | 07/03/2017 12:55:11 |
same here.what is the story | 26/02/2017 12:55:29 |
Hello, I\'m trying to find share price information on BGP Holdings PLC. \n\nI received some shares through a beneficiary\'s estate. I believe, through reading posts, that this stock is being wound up/dissolved (not sure of the technical name). \n\nHow do I dispose of these shares? \n\nD | 22/02/2017 18:32:51 |
I was greatly surprised when a BGP divdend lobbed in by bank account nearly two weeks ago - all contributions gratefully received. I have not yet received any supporting documentation! My address has not changed in decades. Does anyone have similar experiences or comments? This whole business is a bit of a mystery to me. | 20/02/2017 14:54:26 |
...hmmm....7 years...european real estate....5c per unit....not my idea of a \'handsome\' return....i\'d rather the berlin apartment that someone has..... | 09/02/2017 14:52:49 |
Yes, good news indeeed! | 08/02/2017 14:43:52 |
Good News! | 07/02/2017 17:31:23 |
Good news. By coincidence (after posting here just yesterday), I have today received the initial distribution, credited to my CBA bank account. (Who would have thought something thought to be worthless would turn out to pay such a handsome distribution?) | 07/02/2017 13:51:27 |
We are now into February 2017 and the first distribution originally to be paid by the end of 2016, then to be paid in January 2017 has still not been forthcoming. I note that BGP have been very slow in providing updates. I\'d hate to be a person who had been relying on the previously indicated timeframes to be met! | 06/02/2017 14:46:23 |
How many shares issued in BGP? \n\n | 20/01/2017 12:02:08 |
The company has sold its real estate assets in Europe and will make a EUR 407 million distribution in January, and a further EUR 150 million distribution in the second quarter. Details on the BGP-Holdings (dot com) website. | 03/01/2017 02:12:57 |
Coy is in process of selling the major asset in Germany; This coy has some value. Formal announcement expected soon. | 20/07/2016 11:55:28 |
How long do we have to wait for a dividend? The latest Annual Report (December 2015) talks of positive activities ..... but where do we shareholders fit in? Still no suggestion of a dividend. Come on BGP, we are shareholders who have invested in your so-called success. This is not very encouraging for us. Decisions will have to be made sooner than later. ? | 27/06/2016 18:35:12 |
can\'t access financial statements - nor any uptodate info anywhere I hope the \"Directors\" aren\'t being paid much! \n\n | 22/06/2016 12:25:16 |
?All the above posted comments are almost exactly the same as my enquiry, I receive annual reports each year and AGM held in Malta. Though I phoned the number on my voting slip and had a chat with the guy at the other end, he filled in a few loose ends and I shall be happy till the next AGM. signed Weighting Patiently | 04/05/2016 19:26:34 |
Recommend heading to the company\'s website - | 20/01/2016 10:50:07 |
It's what was left of GPT in Europe isn't it. Great if you work for the company , nothing for the unit holders | 29/07/2015 11:50:27 |
Re Deceased estate. I just distributed my deceased mother's BGP units prorata to the beneficiaries. Registry is Link in Sydney - just ask for deceased estates | 23/07/2015 15:59:56 |
I don't know how I acquired trust holding shares of this company. it appeared in my private superannuation portfolio without my knowledge. I know nothing about it. and what they deal with. Can somebody enlighten me? | 17/07/2015 15:04:21 |
Refer: | 14/07/2015 11:51:56 |
Why can't I access the latest BGP Holdings Annual report and Financial Statements on line??? The link given in recent paperwork does not work !!! Get your act together BGP | 10/07/2015 15:35:19 |
Why can't I access the latest BGP Holdings Annual report and Financial Statements on line??? The link given in recent paperwork does not work !!! Get your act together BGP | 10/07/2015 15:33:59 |
mystery company for mystery investors | 07/07/2015 17:31:44 |
with 58,000 investors - you would have thought there might be more comments here! | 01/03/2015 14:56:54 |
I agree with the sentiment of 28/8/13. I cannot finalise a deceased estate until this is resolved!!! | 18/01/2015 19:45:30 |
What the heck are we meant to do with these worthless shares? It's annoying that we have to report it as an asset. There is almost no information about the current status of this company. Boo to GPT. | 28/08/2013 13:59:17 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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