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Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: 677 The Boulevard , EAGLEMONT , VIC, AUSTRALIA, 3084
Tel:  (03) 8458 1000 Fax: (03) 9459 2048

Date first listed: 21/10/2004

Sector: Software & Services
Industry Group: XIJ
Activities: Bill payment system operating nationally, through participating newsagencies

this company deregistered today


Peter Couper, the former CFO of the parent company of Bill Express, has been jailed following ASIC's appeal against a suspended jail sentence imposed on him over his role in the collapse of the payments processor.


Mr Enzo Di Donato, of Kew, Victoria, has pleaded guilty in the Country Court of Victoria to providing false or misleading information to ASIC during the course of an examination - Mr Di Donato was the sole director and secretary of 3D Salesforce Pty Ltd (under External Administration). 3D Salesforce was one of a network of companies that operated from the same premises in Eaglemont, Victoria, as Bill Express Limited (in Liq) (Bill Express) and its parent company, OnQ Group Limited.


Macquarie Bank is being sued for more than $10 million by a consortium of international investors over the illegal trading of shares by a broker in its equities arm. The shares were for Bill Express, a now defunct payment system operator that collapsed in 2008 under the weight of $209 million of debts. Law firm Slater and Gordon on Wednesday lodged a statement of claim on behalf of the consortium that comprises Al Othman Holdings Company, and Voice and Date Telecommunication Company, in the Federal Court registry in Sydney. It said that in 2007 the consortium formed a joint venture called Ipay Express and invested more than $9.5 million in Bill Express and its parent company OnQ Group Ltd. Between August 2007 and March 2008 Macquarie Equities, a subsidiary of Macquarie Bank, made representations to Ipay Express about the value of Bill Express. Macquarie Equities then brokered the sale of a large number of shares in Bill Express.


Peter Couper is facing criminal charges and a maximum penalty of 31 years in prison - Couper yesterday appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court to face 10 charges brought by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, following investigations prompted by the 2008 collapse of Bill Express and OnQ


a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued


reports that counsel for the liquidators, tells the court that an elaborate "money-go-round" of transactions allowed the "stripping" and "funnelling" of Bill Express assets into other companies


Justice Gordon today handed down a decision in the federal Court declaring that Bill Express contravened the Trade Practices Act by engaging in exclusive dealing and misleading and deceptive conduct - this action was brought by the ACCC


delisted following failure to pay listing fees


the company sells its holding of 271m shares in ETT in an off-market transaction


Ian Carson and Craig Crosbie of PPB are appointed liquidators


the Directors have resolved to appoint administrators to the Company which will take effect today


further to the Company's announcement on 28 May 2008, the Company is seeking an extension to the voluntary suspension of its securities for a further period of up to 5 days - the technical issues that have slowed the finalisation of the company's arrangements with various stakeholders are close to resolution


further to the Company's announcement on 19 May 2008, the Company is seeking an extension to the voluntary suspension of its securities for a further period of up to 5 days


further to the Company's announcement on 5 May 2008, the Company is seeking an extension to the voluntary suspension of its securities for a further period of up to 5 days - the Company is in an advanced stage of negotiations with its key stakeholders and expects to be in a position to make a full and detailed announcement within the next 5 days


the securities of Bill Express Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement by the Company


securities suspended from quotation because of failure to lodge full year accounts for the period to 30 June 2006


suspension of trading in the securities is lifted immediately, following receipt of the Company's Full Year Accounts for the period ending 30 June 2006

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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Why have Ian Christiansen and Julian Little- the architects and day to day managers of all businesses in the group  escaped sentences? Peter was only ever the front man for Peter McDougal (Australian Pure Fruits) and the Christiansens29/10/2014 18:50:26
Thank you to the person who posted the latest news. I have been waiting on news about this for many, many years. Appreciate it!
19/02/2014 21:31:48
I have just found that PPB issued a Declaration for the purposes of section 104-145 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 Dated 30 June 2010 to enable you to claim the capital loss from Bill Express Ltd. I have been looking every year on this site to see if one had been lodged to no avail but just did a google search and found the PPB one. You will have to ament your income tax returns as it is claimable in the 2010 year or if capital losses forward, they will need to be amended. This is the link: 11:52:40
It appears no one has been jailed and relatively small fines were given out! I cannot  believe this as they cunningly misled investors! As a shareholder I think ASIC have no spine! Shareholders shouldn't put up with this!! 28/02/2013 00:51:32
I was just wondering as a share holder do we get to claim anything.23/11/2012 18:28:22
So what is their relationship with Active8me?16/11/2012 13:31:39
Can I claim the capital loss on this company? Did Peter Couper get his 35 years?
27/06/2012 22:11:08
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Chris MurphyChairman
    Julian LittleExecutive Director
    Tania BianchinDirector
    Ian ChristiansenDirector
    Sean SlatteryDirector, CFO, Company Secretary
    Peter CouperDirector

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.