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26 March 2025
Date of Listing: | 20 December 1985 |
Date of Delisting: | 12 November 2012 |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 12 November 2012.Legal Status:
To our knowledge this entity was the subject of a takeover or merger such that your securities were acquired for consideration in the form of cash or scrip. We have not therefore verified the current legal status of this entity. If you have questions about your shareholding, as we say elsewhere, they may be taken up here: Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
The securities in this entity, in our opinion, are of little or no value. We have made that assessment by reference to the circumstances leading to a suspension and/or delisting, the length of a suspension, share trading history and last on-market share price, most recent financial and cash flow statements, prospects (including likelihood of re-financing), and other factors including in particular whether the entity is in external administration. If you are seeking to crystallise a capital loss on your securities, that process can be easily and quickly initiated at our online Worthless Shares facility here:
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Shareholders in this company may still have their holding in a company called Vaxart Inc - it will be greatly diminished and unless they had a very large holding they may wish to consider crystallising a capital loss in 2024/25 by selling their shares. This process is now much easier and quicker. It can be achieved online by entering transaction details here. While, this usually makes good economic sense we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities, your accountant is probably the best person. | 10/07/2024 |
delisted following implementation of the scheme of arrangement by which all the shares on issue were acquired by Nabi Biopharmaceuticals Inc. | 12/11/2012 |
we understand Nabi Biopharmaceuticals (which changed its name to Biota Pharmaceuticals) issued its new shares to Biota shareholders under the Scheme. For each share held by a BTA shareholder, Biota Pharmaceuticals has issued 0.1249539870 of a share in BOTA | 12/11/2012 |
The Scheme of Arrangement between Biota Holdings Limited (ASX:BTA; Biota) and the holders of its ordinary shares (Scheme) has been implemented today. Accordingly, all the ordinary shares in Biota have now been acquired by Nabi Biopharmaceuticals and which has changed its name to Biota Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 09/11/2012 |
Further to the disclosure in the 2012 Annual Report, Biota Holdings limited (ASX: BTA) today advised that it had received $4.2m in respect to the Australian Research and Development tax incentive ("Offset "), following submission of its 2012 Australian tax return. The cash position of Biota has improved by $4.2m and will be recognised as a tax credit in the income statement in the December quarter financial reports | 07/11/2012 |
Biota Holdings Limited (ASX:BTA) today advised that it had received written notification from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) that, for the three months ended 30 September 2012, there were no Relenza sales | 02/11/2012 |
The securities of Biota Holdings Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation from the close of trading today, 30 October 2012, at the request of the Company, following lodgement with ASIC of the court orders in relation to the scheme of arrangement under which the Company will merge with Nabi Biopharmaceuticals Inc. to form Biota Pharmaceuticals Inc. Security Code: BTA | 30/10/2012 |
we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - merger with Nabi Biopharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:NABI) - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record | 30/09/2012 |
we understand that on or about this date the company made a capital return of 6.26 cents per share | 03/12/2009 |
Shareholders in this company may still have their holding in a company called Vaxart Inc - it will be greatly diminished and unless they had a very large holding they may wish to consider crystallising a capital loss in 2024/25 by selling their shares. This process is now much easier and quicker. It can be achieved online by entering transaction details here. While, this usually makes good economic sense we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities, your accountant is probably the best person. | 10/07/2024 |
delisted following implementation of the scheme of arrangement by which all the shares on issue were acquired by Nabi Biopharmaceuticals Inc. | 12/11/2012 |
we understand Nabi Biopharmaceuticals (which changed its name to Biota Pharmaceuticals) issued its new shares to Biota shareholders under the Scheme. For each share held by a BTA shareholder, Biota Pharmaceuticals has issued 0.1249539870 of a share in BOTA | 12/11/2012 |
The Scheme of Arrangement between Biota Holdings Limited (ASX:BTA; Biota) and the holders of its ordinary shares (Scheme) has been implemented today. Accordingly, all the ordinary shares in Biota have now been acquired by Nabi Biopharmaceuticals and which has changed its name to Biota Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 09/11/2012 |
Further to the disclosure in the 2012 Annual Report, Biota Holdings limited (ASX: BTA) today advised that it had received $4.2m in respect to the Australian Research and Development tax incentive ("Offset "), following submission of its 2012 Australian tax return. The cash position of Biota has improved by $4.2m and will be recognised as a tax credit in the income statement in the December quarter financial reports | 07/11/2012 |
Biota Holdings Limited (ASX:BTA) today advised that it had received written notification from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) that, for the three months ended 30 September 2012, there were no Relenza sales | 02/11/2012 |
The securities of Biota Holdings Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation from the close of trading today, 30 October 2012, at the request of the Company, following lodgement with ASIC of the court orders in relation to the scheme of arrangement under which the Company will merge with Nabi Biopharmaceuticals Inc. to form Biota Pharmaceuticals Inc. Security Code: BTA | 30/10/2012 |
we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - merger with Nabi Biopharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:NABI) - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record | 30/09/2012 |
we understand that on or about this date the company made a capital return of 6.26 cents per share | 03/12/2009 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
has anyone found a solution in getting there Biota shares located since the merger of the Australian and American companies | 29/08/2020 15:16:22 |
where have my shares gone in biota | 22/07/2020 11:09:34 |
can someone please help biota shares just gone who do i contact for help. | 17/04/2018 07:41:15 |
Amstock has a new name : AST at You will be re-directed from the Amstock site to astfinancial. \n\nI have just sent an email about my Biota (now Aviragen therapeutics) shares. | 08/05/2017 16:30:02 |
Biota has changed its name to Aviragen Therapeutics. Old shareholders of Biota retain shares in this business. Contact the registry or on 1-718-921-8124 | 29/05/2016 09:11:13 |
?Why are there no quotes for BTA? Can\'t find any info anywhere. Thanks | 24/04/2016 19:57:53 |
Dear friends and BIOTA Can anyone please help to get the Medallion Signature Stamp to identify a true owner for BIOTA shares now become Nabi hold by Amstock ? Can BIOTA help to identify ?
Thank you in advance
| 24/07/2015 13:25:35 |
The shares are not gone- you just need to register under the US exchange. Email: Shareholder Services Department at They will get you to fill in a W8BEN form which can be downloaded from a google search - fill in Parts 1 to 4 & dont worry about the reference number. Given we dont have an AST number or any shareholder reference number I am going to enclose a note with the form to explain the situation. I have had several emails back and forth to get this info so wanted to share it to save other the trouble | 18/08/2014 22:28:06 |
My 360 shares gone, no notification, no explanation. How do i recover these? | 29/07/2014 20:51:55 |
This is the link to email them: | 10/07/2014 11:37:50 |
I am not happy with how this has been handled either. Link Market Services were unhelpful- I am trying to recover my share too as I was not notified either. They said the share registry for BOTA US is American Stock Transfer & Trust Co. I have just emailed them to explain the situation and find out where my shares are! | 10/07/2014 11:36:33 |
These comments are great but where do we find the answer. Is this an ICAC thing. I too cannot locate my original 2900 shares. Come on Biota send us confirmation of our shares. | 04/06/2014 13:38:47 |
I believe we are entitled to American Biota shares, how do we get confirmation of this | 17/03/2014 20:22:54 |
I own 4500 shares of BTA. Noticed that the share is no longer shown in my broker account. Where all these share go, how I can get them back (either as cash or share certificate?) | 03/03/2014 15:47:59 |
Who do you need to contact in the US. I am in the same situation, NOT HAPPY and do not know how to recover investment | 17/12/2013 15:47:11 |
I had 3700 shares and was not notified either re the takeover NOT HAPPY no one to discuss the matter at Biota Melb was told I had to callUSA at my expense. | 30/11/2013 17:23:52 |
What is market price of the Biota Shares on the Implementation Date ( 09/11/2012 ). Thank you . | 05/09/2013 16:45:45 |
I could not agree more with the previous comment regarding how Biota (Australian) went about the "arrangement" with the American company prior to consulting the shareholder. So far ( July 2013 ) I have received no information regarding my shares. | 28/07/2013 21:57:02 |
It is most unfortunate that Aust. investment in Biota Holdings Ltd has enabled them to enter a Scheme of Arrangement per 11/2012 without the opportunity for shareholders to sell their shares before they are 'wiped' off Although am not a large investor my little 300 shares now show 0 & has been delisted on ASX with no information as to how to make contact with new proprietors Very disappointing | 02/07/2013 16:33:01 |
31/10/2012 | Ian Gust | On market | 85,000 | $0.599 | $50,915 |
17/10/2012 | Ian Gust | On market | 50,000 | $0.684 | $34,200 |
03/10/2012 | Jeffrey Errington | On market | 15,000 | $0.700 | $10,500 |
02/10/2012 | Peter Cook | On market | 145,000 | $0.710 | $103,385 |
27/09/2012 | Ian Gust | On market | 100,000 | $0.713 | $71,300 |
James Fox | Chairman, Non Exec Director | |
Peter Cook | Managing Director, CEO | 05/12/2005 |
Damian Lismore | CFO, Investor Relations, Company Secretary | |
Richard Hill | Non Exec Director | 28/11/2008 |
Jeffrey Errington | Non Exec Director | |
Paul Bell | Non Exec Director | 08/09/2006 |
Ian Gust | Non Exec Director | 01/08/2001 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Grant Latta | Director | 09/02/2006 | 22/11/2010 |
John Grant | Non Exec Chairman | 30/08/2001 | 27/02/2009 |
Barbara Gibson | Non Exec Director | 01/04/1996 | 16/12/2008 |
Peter Molloy | Managing Director, CEO | 15/07/2002 | 09/12/2005 |
Andrew Tyndale | Non Exec Director | 06/06/2003 | 28/10/2005 |
Brian Healey | Chairman | 30/06/2004 | |
Thomas Quirk | Non Exec Director | 01/01/1989 | 30/06/2004 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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