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26 March 2025
ISIN: | AU000000BSP1 | ||||||
Date of Listing: | 05 July 2011 | ||||||
Date of Delisting: | 11 January 2021 | ||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 11 January 2021.Legal Status:
ACN: 147 370 312ABN: 90 147 370 312
Registration Date: 15 November 2010
Deregistration Date: 04 January 2025
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This entity was deregistered on 04 January 2025. Deregistration is a Capital Gains Tax Event. In our opinion you are entitled to crystallise any capital loss in the tax year that deregistration occurs providing you have not previously done so. If you did not crystallise your loss in the tax year the entity was deregistered, you may seek to re-open that year’s assessment but anyway should seek professional advice as to how best to proceed.
Updates, corrections, disagreements please email to
Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
Automic Registry Pty Ltd
Tel : +61 (2) 8072 1400 or 1300 288 664 (within Australia)
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail
The company has been deregistered as of 04/01/2025 | 04/01/2025 |
Strike-off action has been initiated against the company as of 24/10/2024 | 24/10/2024 |
delisted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 11 January 2021, pursuant to Listing rule 17.12. | 11/01/2021 |
we understand this company failed and ASX removed the company from listing because its securities have been suspended from trading for a period of two years | 11/01/2021 |
The company has completed a placement to institutional and sophisticated investors of 42,500,000 shares at $0.000588235 per share to raise $25,000.00. Funds raised under the placement will be utilised for working capital purposes. These securities are subject to a holding lock due to the company's securities having been suspended for more than 5 trading days in the last 12 months. | 04/08/2020 |
15,000,000 unlisted options having an expiry date of 3 August 2020 with an exercise price of $0.003 each. | 03/08/2020 |
The company lodges its June 2020 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 03/08/2020 |
The company lodges its March 2020 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 30/04/2020 |
Through a Farmout Agreement entered into between WESI and Discovery Energy Corp. and its local Australian entity, Discovery Energy SA Pty Ltd, WESI is to acquire a 50% direct interest and be appointed contract operator of PEL 512 South Block (comprised of South & Lycium Blocks) in South Australia's Cooper Basin, for A$2.5m. WESI had planned to raise seed capital of A$3.5m to fund the initial acquisition. There were a number of material conditions precedent which needed to be completed on or before 31 March 2020 in order for this transaction to complete, including WESI raising the seed capital of A$3.5m and the Company being reinstated to trading by the ASX. Due to the current market conditions, the Company has elected not to seek an extension to the End Date and has served a notice to WESI to terminate the Agreement as at the end of 31 March 2020. | 01/04/2020 |
The company lodges its December 2019 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 31/01/2020 |
The company releases its AGM Results. | 27/11/2019 |
The company has executed a share sale and purchase agreement to acquire all the shares in WESI PEL512. Through a Farmout Agreement entered into between WESI and Discovery Energy Corp. and their local Australian entity, Discovery Energy SA Pty Ltd, WESI will acquire a 50% direct interest and be appointed contract operator of PEL 512 South Block in South Australia's Cooper Basin, for A$2.5m payable within 45 days from the date of the Farmout Agreement, being 18 October 2019. WESI plans to raise seed capital of A$3.5m to fund the initial acquisition. As part of the transaction, the company proposes to raise a minimum of A$35m, with a maximum of $37 million by issuing 87,500,000 to 92,500,000 ordinary shares at $0.40 per share via a full form prospectus. The transaction requires shareholder approval and therefore may not proceed if that approval is not forthcoming. | 01/11/2019 |
The company lodges its September 2019 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 31/10/2019 |
The company's AGM will be held at 2:00pm WST on 26 November 2019 at HLB Mann Judd Level 4 130 Stirling Street Perth, Western Australia. | 21/10/2019 |
The company lodges its 2019 Annual Report. | 01/10/2019 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G Corporate Governance Disclosure. | 01/10/2019 |
The company lodges its June 2019 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 29/07/2019 |
The company lodges its March 2019 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 30/04/2019 |
The board is currently reviewing an opportunity to acquire direct and indirect interest in severl onshore oil & gas projects in South East Asia and Australia. The Company will initially seek an in-principle approval from the ASX regarding suitability of these projects as listing assets. | 01/04/2019 |
The company has entered into a loan agreement with Ms. Peichen Wu whereby she will lend the company up to A$60,000 on the following key terms: Tranche 1 of A$50,000, which the Company has received; Tranche 2 of A$10,000 by 31 March 2019; Annual interest rate of 7% per annum, with interest accumulated until the loan is repaid, with the interest rate increasing to 9% per annum if the loan is not repaid at on or before the end of the initial term; and Initial term of 24 months ending 15 March 2021, subject to the ability of the Company to repay at that date. | 22/03/2019 |
The company lodges its Half Year Financial Report 31 December 2018. | 15/03/2019 |
The company lodges its December 2018 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 30/01/2019 |
The company releases its AGM results. | 23/11/2018 |
The company lodges its September 2018 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 31/10/2018 |
The company releases the proxy form for its AGM. | 24/10/2018 |
The company releases a notice of AGM and explanatory statement. The meeting will be held at 3:00 pm WST on Friday, 23 November 2018 at Quest West Perth Level 1 54 Kings Park Road West Perth, Western Australia. | 24/10/2018 |
The board is actively reviewing suitable projects for acquisition or investment. Given the context of high energy prices and instability in global supplies due to war and sanctions, the Company's preference is to remain in the energy and resources sector. Black Star is currently reviewing an oil & gas project located in the United States. As at the date of this announcement it has not reached a stage which requires disclosure. | 12/10/2018 |
The company releases an Appendix 4G Corporate Governance Disclosure. | 28/09/2018 |
The company lodges its 2018 Annual Report. | 28/09/2018 |
The securities of Black Star Petroleum Limited will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, Thursday 20 September 2018, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.3, as ASX has determined that BSP's operations are not adequate to warrant the continued quotation of its securities and therefore it is in breach of Listing Rule 12.1. The suspension will continue until BSP is able to demonstrate compliance with Listing Rule 12.1 of the Listing Rules. | 20/09/2018 |
The suspension of trading in Black Star Petroleum Limited ASX codes BSP, BSPO will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement concerning the withdrawal of the fully underwritten renounceable issue announced on 10 June 2014. Please note that BSPN and BSPOA remain suspended. | 03/07/2014 |
The securities of Black Star Petroleum Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: BSP BSPN BSPO BSPOA | 01/07/2014 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Black Star Petroleum Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement by the Company. Security Code: BSP BSPO | 11/06/2014 |
The securities of Black Star Petroleum Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending release of an announcement. Security Code: BSP BSPO | 06/06/2014 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Black Star Petroleum Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement by the Company. | 10/03/2014 |
Black Star Petroleum Limited wishes to advise that its securities remain suspended at the request of the Company pending the release of an announcement regarding a financing arrangement. The Company continues to expedite the conclusion of these discussions and will continue to provide updates to the market as they progress | 25/02/2014 |
Black Star Petroleum Limited wishes to advise that its securities remain suspended at the request of the Company pending the release of an announcement regarding a significant financing arrangement. The Company advises that negotiations to facilitate an acceptable financing structure are ongoing. The Company has been presented with different structures on financing, that warrant further due diligence. These negotiations are critical to allow the Company to finance the next phase of its exploration programme at the Nebraska Oil Project | 16/12/2013 |
the Resolutions contained in the Notice of Annual General Meeting were approved at the meeting of shareholders on a show of hands | 26/11/2013 |
releases Annual Report 2013 | 23/09/2013 |
releases Annual Report to shareholders | 20/09/2013 |
The securities of Blackstar Petroleum Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding a significant financing arrangement. Security Code: BSP BSPO | 02/07/2013 |
Black Star Petroleum Limited (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 28 February 2013, following the Company" compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX listing rules. 51,885,000 ordinary shares fully paid 42,013,326 options exercisable at $0.20 each on or before 31 December 2017 Security Code BSP BSPO | 26/02/2013 |
completes entitlement offer | 22/01/2013 |
name changed from Sunseeker Minerals Limited | 13/12/2012 |
The company has been deregistered as of 04/01/2025 | 04/01/2025 |
Strike-off action has been initiated against the company as of 24/10/2024 | 24/10/2024 |
delisted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 11 January 2021, pursuant to Listing rule 17.12. | 11/01/2021 |
we understand this company failed and ASX removed the company from listing because its securities have been suspended from trading for a period of two years | 11/01/2021 |
The company has completed a placement to institutional and sophisticated investors of 42,500,000 shares at $0.000588235 per share to raise $25,000.00. Funds raised under the placement will be utilised for working capital purposes. These securities are subject to a holding lock due to the company's securities having been suspended for more than 5 trading days in the last 12 months. | 04/08/2020 |
15,000,000 unlisted options having an expiry date of 3 August 2020 with an exercise price of $0.003 each. | 03/08/2020 |
The company lodges its June 2020 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 03/08/2020 |
The company lodges its March 2020 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 30/04/2020 |
Through a Farmout Agreement entered into between WESI and Discovery Energy Corp. and its local Australian entity, Discovery Energy SA Pty Ltd, WESI is to acquire a 50% direct interest and be appointed contract operator of PEL 512 South Block (comprised of South & Lycium Blocks) in South Australia's Cooper Basin, for A$2.5m. WESI had planned to raise seed capital of A$3.5m to fund the initial acquisition. There were a number of material conditions precedent which needed to be completed on or before 31 March 2020 in order for this transaction to complete, including WESI raising the seed capital of A$3.5m and the Company being reinstated to trading by the ASX. Due to the current market conditions, the Company has elected not to seek an extension to the End Date and has served a notice to WESI to terminate the Agreement as at the end of 31 March 2020. | 01/04/2020 |
The company lodges its December 2019 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 31/01/2020 |
The company releases its AGM Results. | 27/11/2019 |
The company has executed a share sale and purchase agreement to acquire all the shares in WESI PEL512. Through a Farmout Agreement entered into between WESI and Discovery Energy Corp. and their local Australian entity, Discovery Energy SA Pty Ltd, WESI will acquire a 50% direct interest and be appointed contract operator of PEL 512 South Block in South Australia's Cooper Basin, for A$2.5m payable within 45 days from the date of the Farmout Agreement, being 18 October 2019. WESI plans to raise seed capital of A$3.5m to fund the initial acquisition. As part of the transaction, the company proposes to raise a minimum of A$35m, with a maximum of $37 million by issuing 87,500,000 to 92,500,000 ordinary shares at $0.40 per share via a full form prospectus. The transaction requires shareholder approval and therefore may not proceed if that approval is not forthcoming. | 01/11/2019 |
The company lodges its September 2019 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 31/10/2019 |
The company's AGM will be held at 2:00pm WST on 26 November 2019 at HLB Mann Judd Level 4 130 Stirling Street Perth, Western Australia. | 21/10/2019 |
The company lodges its 2019 Annual Report. | 01/10/2019 |
The company releases its Appendix 4G Corporate Governance Disclosure. | 01/10/2019 |
The company lodges its June 2019 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 29/07/2019 |
The company lodges its March 2019 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 30/04/2019 |
The board is currently reviewing an opportunity to acquire direct and indirect interest in severl onshore oil & gas projects in South East Asia and Australia. The Company will initially seek an in-principle approval from the ASX regarding suitability of these projects as listing assets. | 01/04/2019 |
The company has entered into a loan agreement with Ms. Peichen Wu whereby she will lend the company up to A$60,000 on the following key terms: Tranche 1 of A$50,000, which the Company has received; Tranche 2 of A$10,000 by 31 March 2019; Annual interest rate of 7% per annum, with interest accumulated until the loan is repaid, with the interest rate increasing to 9% per annum if the loan is not repaid at on or before the end of the initial term; and Initial term of 24 months ending 15 March 2021, subject to the ability of the Company to repay at that date. | 22/03/2019 |
The company lodges its Half Year Financial Report 31 December 2018. | 15/03/2019 |
The company lodges its December 2018 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 30/01/2019 |
The company releases its AGM results. | 23/11/2018 |
The company lodges its September 2018 Quarterly Report & Appendix 5B. | 31/10/2018 |
The company releases the proxy form for its AGM. | 24/10/2018 |
The company releases a notice of AGM and explanatory statement. The meeting will be held at 3:00 pm WST on Friday, 23 November 2018 at Quest West Perth Level 1 54 Kings Park Road West Perth, Western Australia. | 24/10/2018 |
The board is actively reviewing suitable projects for acquisition or investment. Given the context of high energy prices and instability in global supplies due to war and sanctions, the Company's preference is to remain in the energy and resources sector. Black Star is currently reviewing an oil & gas project located in the United States. As at the date of this announcement it has not reached a stage which requires disclosure. | 12/10/2018 |
The company releases an Appendix 4G Corporate Governance Disclosure. | 28/09/2018 |
The company lodges its 2018 Annual Report. | 28/09/2018 |
The securities of Black Star Petroleum Limited will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, Thursday 20 September 2018, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.3, as ASX has determined that BSP's operations are not adequate to warrant the continued quotation of its securities and therefore it is in breach of Listing Rule 12.1. The suspension will continue until BSP is able to demonstrate compliance with Listing Rule 12.1 of the Listing Rules. | 20/09/2018 |
The suspension of trading in Black Star Petroleum Limited ASX codes BSP, BSPO will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement concerning the withdrawal of the fully underwritten renounceable issue announced on 10 June 2014. Please note that BSPN and BSPOA remain suspended. | 03/07/2014 |
The securities of Black Star Petroleum Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: BSP BSPN BSPO BSPOA | 01/07/2014 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Black Star Petroleum Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement by the Company. Security Code: BSP BSPO | 11/06/2014 |
The securities of Black Star Petroleum Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending release of an announcement. Security Code: BSP BSPO | 06/06/2014 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Black Star Petroleum Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement by the Company. | 10/03/2014 |
Black Star Petroleum Limited wishes to advise that its securities remain suspended at the request of the Company pending the release of an announcement regarding a financing arrangement. The Company continues to expedite the conclusion of these discussions and will continue to provide updates to the market as they progress | 25/02/2014 |
Black Star Petroleum Limited wishes to advise that its securities remain suspended at the request of the Company pending the release of an announcement regarding a significant financing arrangement. The Company advises that negotiations to facilitate an acceptable financing structure are ongoing. The Company has been presented with different structures on financing, that warrant further due diligence. These negotiations are critical to allow the Company to finance the next phase of its exploration programme at the Nebraska Oil Project | 16/12/2013 |
the Resolutions contained in the Notice of Annual General Meeting were approved at the meeting of shareholders on a show of hands | 26/11/2013 |
releases Annual Report 2013 | 23/09/2013 |
releases Annual Report to shareholders | 20/09/2013 |
The securities of Blackstar Petroleum Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding a significant financing arrangement. Security Code: BSP BSPO | 02/07/2013 |
Black Star Petroleum Limited (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 28 February 2013, following the Company" compliance with listing rule 11.1.3 and chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX listing rules. 51,885,000 ordinary shares fully paid 42,013,326 options exercisable at $0.20 each on or before 31 December 2017 Security Code BSP BSPO | 26/02/2013 |
completes entitlement offer | 22/01/2013 |
name changed from Sunseeker Minerals Limited | 13/12/2012 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
02/09/2014 | Matthew Wood | On market | 60,000 | $0.005 | $300 |
02/09/2014 | Brian McMaster | On market | 60,000 | $0.005 | $300 |
23/05/2013 | Matthew Wood | On market | 120,000 | $0.165 | $19,800 |
23/05/2013 | Jason Peterson | On market | 60,000 | $0.150 | $9,000 |
22/05/2013 | Matthew Wood | On market | 100,000 | $0.165 | $16,500 |
Matthew Wood | Executive Chairman | 28/02/2013 |
Nicholas Ong | Non Exec Chairman | 31/07/2018 |
Greg Wood | CEO | 01/10/2011 |
Chin Tan | Non Exec Director | 03/06/2017 |
Peichen Wu | Non Exec Director | 21/03/2019 |
Donald Jones | Non Exec Director | 23/08/2017 |
Mark Reilly | Non Exec Director | 03/07/2014 |
Yi-Chin Chen | Non Exec Director | 22/02/2019 |
Brian McMaster | Non Exec Director | 09/08/2012 |
Jonathan Hart | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Chia-Tai Chiang | Non Exec Director | 22/02/2019 | 10/06/2019 |
Po-Tao Wei | Executive Director | 14/08/2018 | 22/02/2019 |
Prabir Mittra | Non Exec Director | 14/09/2017 | 14/08/2018 |
Chia En Lau | Director | 11/05/2016 | 14/09/2017 |
David Chee Cheong Low | Non Exec Director | 11/05/2016 | 23/08/2017 |
James Sambrook | Director | 11/05/2016 | 03/06/2017 |
Anthony Polglase | Non Exec Director | 28/02/2013 | 03/07/2014 |
Jason Peterson | Non Exec Director | 28/02/2013 | 24/10/2013 |
Timothy Flavel | Executive Director, Company Secretary | 09/08/2012 | 24/10/2013 |
Oren Zohar | Non Exec Director | 09/08/2012 | 28/02/2013 |
Jack James | Non Exec Director | 09/08/2012 | 28/02/2013 |
Paul Lloyd | Executive Chairman, Managing Director | 15/11/2010 | 09/08/2012 |
Lyle Thorne | Non Exec Director | 15/11/2010 | 09/08/2012 |
Nicholas Revell | Non Exec Director | 15/11/2010 | 09/08/2012 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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