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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
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Our website ranking of BCR: rating 2
(2 out of 5)


Link Market Services Brisbane
Level 21, 10 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000
Tel : +61 7 3320 2200 or 1300 554 474
Fax : +61 2 9287 0303
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Suite 6.08 55 Miller Street PYRMONT NSW 2009
Tel:  (02) 9571 8300 Fax: (08) 9571 8200

Date first listed: 29/08/2003

Sector: Diversified Financials
Industry Group: XFJ
Activities: Provision of insolvency administration services and turn around solutions

name changed to Bligh Mining Limited


the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Bligh Mining Limited (Bligh or the Company) will be held at Suite 605, Level 6, 66 Hunter Street, Sydney NSW 2000 on Wednesday 28 November 2012, at 11.00am AEDST


The meeting on the 5th October 2012 has overwhelmingly responded positive to change the direction for BCR and to move one step closer to the acquisition of Bligh Mining Pty Ltd


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 9


releases various financial reports


the Company announces that it has entered into an agreement with Bligh Mining Pty Limited to acquire 100% of the shares in that company


announces the acquisition of substantial resource tenements in Queensland and Northern Territory. Agreement has been reached with the owners of Spinifex Uranium Pty Ltd and Diamantina Uranium Pty Ltd for the initial acquisition of granted permits EL 26073 "Arnold" and EL 26114 "Roper", and subsequent acquisition, following Shareholder approval and Company due diligence for granted permits EL 26072 and EL 26115, and application permits ELA 26095, ELA 26099 and ELA 26113


Blackcrest Resources Ltd issued director Richard Pritchard 1,104,583 shares as consideration of director and consulting fees on June 14, 2011


company advises that at its General Meeting of Shareholders held on 20 May 2011 the Shareholders approved all six (6) Resolutions put before them


a General Meeting of Blackcrest Resources Limited (the Company) will be held at: VENUE: The Board Room Ground Floor 55 Miller Street PYRMONT NSW 2009 Date: Friday, 20 May 2011 Time: 10:00am (AEST)


announces that it has entered into an exclusive six month arrangement with Uranium Ventures Pty Ltd to acquire Uranium assets in NT and Queensland


releases Half Year Financial Report as at 31 December 2010


Blackcrest Resources Limited ("Blackcrest") refers to the ASX Announcement released on 17 January 2011 advising of the recommended takeover offer for Yilgarn Infrastructure Limited ("Yilgarn"). Blackcrest has recently become aware of a material adverse event in relation to Yilgarn and, as such, has terminated the Bid Implementation Deed entered into with Yilgarn. As a consequence, the takeover bid will not proceed. The Blackcrest Board continues to review potential acquisitions, most of which are in the resource sector. The Company will continue to evaluate these opportunities and, should any due diligence prove viable, the market will be updated accordingly


Blackcrest Resources Limited is to undertake a agreed off-market takeover offer for all the issued shares of Yilgarn Infrastructure Limited, an unlisted public company currently holding cash and other liquid assets. • Yilgarn Infrastructure Limited has recently entered an agreement to purchase a Queensland exploration project that is prospective for coking coal. • A successful implementation of the transaction will enable Blackcrest's shares to be requoted


approval was provided at the 2009 AGM for the issue of 114,000,000 Performance Shares comprising of 38,000,000 Shares in each classes A, B and C to the Shareholders of Blackcairn Resources Pte Ltd in consideration for the acquisition of all the issued Shares of Blackcairn. Blackcairn Resources Pte Ltd had been engaged by the Company to introduce to it coal projects within the Indonesian region. The conversion of the Performance Shares to fully paid Ordinary Shares was dependent upon the achievement of a number of Milestone events mainly to do with delineation, production and sale of certain tonnages of coal. During 2010 the Directors resolved not to pursue any of the planned Indonesian coal projects with the result being that the issue and potential conversion of the 114,000,000 Performance Shares did not proceed and as at current date there are no Performance Shares on issue and there is no intention to issue Performance Shares in the form and manner as detailed in the 2009 Annual General Meeting Noti


at the Annual General Meeting of Blackcrest Resources Limited held on 30 November 2010 the Shareholders approved five (5) Resolutions put before them


2010 Annual Report to Shareholders is released


the Annual General Meeting of Blackcrest Resources Limited (the Company) will be held at: Venue: Bulgarian Room Third Floor The Rugby Club Rugby Place Off 31 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Date: Tuesday, 30 November 2010 Time: 10:00am (AEDST)


the Board is still reviewing data and completing due diligence on all the projects presented and will be in a position to provide a more detailed announcement upon completion. A plan to achieve re-listing will be presented to the Shareholders in due course, with a subsequent General Meeting some time post the Company's November 2010 Annual General Meeting - the Company has raised $265,000 in the form of a converting loan to enable relisting, a number of interested parties have indicated their willingness to provide further funding to the Company when and if required


BCR is please to announce the execution of an Option Agreement with Vincent Resources Pty Ltd (Vincent) to acquire 100% of its shareholding via farm in based on the agreed expenditure by BCR on areas the subject of Exploration Licence applications held by Vincent (Licences). These projects are similar to the Channel Iron Ore Deposits projects in West Australia, and have an added advantage of access to existing rail infrastructure and port facilities. Feasibility studies show that with on site beneficiation (gravity and magnetic) it may be possible to produce high grade ore to greater that 55% Fe. The two tenements cover approximately 2000 square kilometres. The Option Agreement is in two parts. The First Option upon exercise allows BCR to acquire 50% of Vincent, and the Second Option upon exercise allows BCR to acquire the remaining 50% of Vincent. BCR would be required to issue BCR share options to the vendors under agreed terms and provide cash of a total of $1,300,000 at agreed hurdles prior to achieving 100% ownership of Vincent


releases December 2009 Interim Financial Report


company withdraws prospectus


name changed from Reco Financial Services Ltd

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Anthony CrimminsNon Exec Chairman
    Andrew NuttDirector05/10/2012
    Michael DoyleDirector05/10/2012
    Iqbal MuhammadDirector05/10/2012
    Sevag ChalabainDirector05/10/2012
    Brett GunterDirector05/10/2012
    Anne AdaleyCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Andrew WildNon Exec Director05/10/2012
    Richard PritchardNon Exec Director05/10/2012

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.