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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
Former (or subsequent) names
BMA GOLD LIMITED16/01/200430/03/2009
Shareholder links
Our website ranking of BMO: rating 4
(4 out of 5)


Boardroom Pty Ltd
Level 8, 210 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : +61 2 9290 9600 or 1300 737 760
Fax : +61 2 9279 0664 or 1300 653 459
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Level 3, 100 Mount Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060
Tel:  02 9925 8100 Fax: 02 9925 8111

Date first listed: 13/02/2001

Sector: Materials
Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Mineral resources company with exploration tenements at its Twin Hills Project in Queensland's Drummond Basin

name changed to Gold One International Limited


company releases its annual report


company releases a Progress Report on the Modder East mine by Aflease Gold Limited, as released on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) yesterday


company provides an update on the Aflease transaction and on the share consolidation timetable


company announces that the conditions relating to South African Competition Commission and Australian Foreign Investment Review Board approvals have been satisfied - it reminds shareholders that the implementation of the transaction remains subject to a number of conditions, one of which is that Aflease bondholders approve entry into replacement bond arrangements with BMA - an announcement notifying shareholders of the date of the meeting of Aflease bondholders to approve these arrangements will be made in due course


releases Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Report


the company convened a meeting of its shareholders to be held at 2.00pm (Sydney time) today by a notice of meeting and explanatory memorandum dated 22 December 2008 (Notice) - the Notice proposes various resolutions that are a consequence, or otherwise designed to facilitate, the proposed transaction with Aflease Gold Limited (Aflease) that BMO announced to the Australian Securities Exchange on 22 December 2008


all resolutions put to shareholders in relation to the acquisition of Aflease Gold Limited were approved today at the Company's General Meeting of Shareholders - BMO's shares are to be consolidated one for twenty - the Consolidation is subject to the merger by scheme of arrangement with Aflease Gold Limited (Scheme) being sanctioned by the High Court of South Africa, which is expected to take place in early February 2009


company provides a Notice of Meeting and Independent Expert Report


securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement


securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement


securities reinstated to quotation


securities reinstated to quotation


BMA's wholly owned subsidiary, Twin Hills Operations Pty Limited (Twin Hills), has today been released from administration with all creditors paid in full - the release of Twin Hills from administration allows the Directors to assume full control of the company


company advises that the entitlements issue is now closed and that 218,873,464 new shares and 131,324,078 free attaching new options are to be issued pursuant to the issue - re-quotation of BMA Gold on the ASX is expected to occur on 3 December 2007, following which time, BMA Gold will have no debt, a net cash balance of approximately $1.9 million and mineral resources of 275,000 ounces of gold at the 309 Mine and Lone Sister Deposit at Twin Hills


company releases quarterly activities report


a non-renounceable rights issue prospectus has been lodged with ASIC today - approximately 218.8 million New Shares and approximately 131 million New Options are to be issued to raise gross proceeds of approximately $5.47 million - it is anticipated that upon successful completion of the Rights Issue, BMA's shares will be trading again by the beginning of December 2007 and the Company will have no debt and a net cash balance of approximately $1.9 million


the resolutions considered at today's Annual General Meeting were approved on a show of hands


the proposal, referred to in our note of 06/09/2007 below, to vary the Deed of Company Arrangement, has been approved by creditors


a proposal has been despatched to creditors of Twin Hill Operations Pty Limited (Twin Hills) to vary the Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) - a varied Twin Hills DOCA, if approved, will cap the liabilities of Twin Hills and reduce the risk of delay in the release of Twin Hills from administration, which is required to enable the re-listing of BMA on the ASX - BMA will then be in a stronger position to reach agreement with the proposed underwriters and successfully complete the rights issue which in turn will, subject to ASX approval, allow BMA shares to recommence trading on the ASX in November 2007


the company advises that the selective capital reduction of 25,000,000 Restricted Shares for nil consideration approved by Company members and the Restricted Shareholders at separate meetings held on 27 July 2007 has now been finalised


the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of BMA Gold Limited will be held at the office of BMA Gold Limited Level 2, 80 Mount Street North Sydney NSW 2060 commencing 10am on Thursday, 20 September 2007


the BMA Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) has been wholly effectuated, thereby allowing the Directors to assume full control of the Company - the cessation of Administration of BMA's subsidiary, Twin Hills Operations Pty Limited, and the relisting of BMA, is dependent upon the completion of a capital raising by way of Non- Renouncable Rights Issue - the Prospectus for the Rights Issue is at an advanced stage of preparation


company releases its Annual Report to shareholders


company releases its Half Yearly Report and Accounts


the Company advises that the resolutions considered at today's Extraordinary General Meeting and Restricted General Meeting were approved - the Company will now arrange for the cancellation of those shares known as Restricted issued to the vendors of the Twin Hills tenements during the 2004 acquisition of the assets by the Company - the passing of the first of the resolutions enables the Company to undertake the rights issue and arrange for the re-listing of the Company on the ASX - it is planned to dispatch the rights issue prospectus to shareholders during August 2007


the sale of the Twin Hills' Rishton Mill for $3.5m is completed


a General Meeting of the shareholders will be held at the office of BMA Gold Limited Level 2, 80 Mount St North Sydney NSW 2060 commencing at 10am on Friday 27 July 2007 - a Meeting of Restricted Shareholders will be held at the same venue commencing at 11am on the same day - the resolutions proposed are for transactions contemplated in the DOCA and the cancellation of Restricted Shares issued by BMA on 8 January 2004 pursuant to the acquisition by BMA of Twin Hills Operations Pty Limited


directors proposals for a deed of company arrangment were today approved at creditors meetings


Ferrier Hodgson partner, Andrew Love, asserts the Deloitte report contains inaccuracies and that no trading took place using inside information


John Greig of Deloitte reports to creditors in his capacity as a special purpose administrator to investigate and report on any matters that arise out of the past involvement of Ferrier Hodgson partner, Andrew Love - it appears Mr Love sold BMA shares on inside information


in a report to creditors, administrators recommend that the company enter into a Deed of Company Arrangement and they release a draft of the key terms of the proposed deed


administrator advises that the sale of Twin Hills mining equipment raised $4.1m


John Greig of Deloitte has been appointed a special purpose administrator to investigate and report on any matters that arise out of the past involvement of Ferrier Hodgson partner, Andrew Love - apparently Mr Love was a major shareholder in the company through a private company (his partners Peter Geroff and Peter McCluskey are the administrators)


administrators, Ferrier Hodgson, report that a second creditors meeting is to be held by 25 May 2007, by which time the Administrator should have a report for creditors and shareholders


shares suspended from quotation following the appointment of an administrator - this never augurs well for shareholders - it will possibly be a month or so before anything substantive on the administration is available for shareholders


name changed from Australian Silicon Limited

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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)
    William O'KeeffeNon Exec Chairman
    Mark WheatleyManaging Director, CEO10/07/2006
    Kenneth WintersDirector, Company Secretary02/08/2005

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.