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Security Transfer Australia Pty Ltd
No longer operating

Company details
Address: 27 Quill Way , HENDERSON , WA, AUSTRALIA, 6166
Tel:  08 9494 6500 Fax: 08 9494 6501

Date first listed: 02/12/1993

Sector: Capital Goods
Industry Group: XNJ
Activities: Provision of drilling and blasting services

we understand Brandrill Limited and Ausdrill Limited merged by way of a scheme of arrangement - Brandrill Shareholders received one New Ausdrill Share in exchange for every 14.5 Brandrill Shares they held - small shareholders (being Scheme Participants who held 3,878 Brandrill Shares or less as at 5.00pm on the Record Date) received New Ausdrill Shares as their Scheme Consideration unless they elected to receive Cash Proceeds - small shareholders who wished to receive Cash Proceeds instead of being issued New Ausdrill Shares as their Scheme Consideration had to complete a pink Election Form


delisted following the merger by scheme of arrangement with Ausdrill Limited being effective


we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - merger with Ausdrill Limited - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record


securities of the company will be suspended from quotation immediately at the request of the Company, following the lodgement of court orders with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, approving the scheme of arrangement between the Company and Ausdrill


shares reinstated to quotation but trading halt requested


company advises it will have an operating cash balance of approximately $2,100,000 which it will apply towards its working capital requirements and expanding its existing operations - the strategy is to grow the surface drill and blast business in Australia


announces it has disposed of the remainder of its South African based operations for nominal consideration - the SA company has net liabilities of approximately $15.5 million, which Brandrill is now able to remove from its Consolidated Statement of Financial Position


board announces that Brandrill has been awarded the sub-contract by Roche Mining to provide the drilling services at Sunrise Dam for Anglogold Ashanti - the arrangements will involve Brandrill acquiring the Roche drilling fleet at Sunrise Dam - company intends to shortly apply for requotation of its securities


consolidation of capital of the Company on a 1 for 100 basis effected - Mizuho is now a 70% shareholder


Deed of Company Arrangement fully effectuated and the Company released from claims by unsecured creditors, subject to those creditors being entitled to make a claim against the special purpose creditors trust


executes Deed of Company Arrangement which envisages a significant restructuring of the company - a 1 for 100 consolidation of shares and options, an investment of $9m by Mizuho, conversion of $1.9m debt to equity, an equity placement of $0.5m, a reduction of liabilities by $14m and elimination of South African debt by the issue of equity to Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa


company continues to trade and expects to apply for the re-quotation of its shares later in the year


announces that Mizuho International has purchased the debt owed by Brandrill to the CBA - Mizuho "is expected to be a cornerstone investor in Brandrill going forward"


directors are preparing a Deed of Company Arrangement for consideration by creditors - the receivers will shortly advertise for expressions of interest in the company


company appoints T Douglas-Brown and J Vibert of Bentleys MRI as administrators because of its inability to raise funds - the company's secured creditor also appoints M Jones and P Rundell of Ferrier Hodgson as receivers - these measures do not augur well for shareholders but it is too early to speculate on outcomes


announces 1 cent rights issue to raise between $9m and $13.5m


Not delisted - shares suspended - announcements still available at


shares suspended because of uncertainties over the company's operations in South Africa

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Vincent PendalNon Exec Chairman
    Ken PerryManaging Director
    Philip WerrettCFO, Company Secretary
    Mason HillsNon Exec Director
    John NichollsNon Exec Director
    Suresh WithanaDirector

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.