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26 March 2025
Date of Listing: | 07 December 2007 |
Date of Delisting: | 16 February 2018 |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 16 February 2018.Legal Status:
ACN: 095 459 448
This entity was placed in liquidation on 07 February 2018.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
An administrator or liquidator has declared during tax year 2017-18 that they have reasonable grounds to believe there is no likelihood that shareholders will receive any further distribution for their securities. You are therefore entitled to crystallise a capital loss in that tax year. If you did not do so, you may seek to re-open that year’s assessment but anyway should seek professional advice as to how best to proceed.
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Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
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The liquidator reports on their activities during the creditors' voluntary winding-up of the company. | 03/05/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of a change in its registered address. | 29/01/2021 |
a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued - in this case 2017/18 | 06/04/2018 |
delisted from the close of trading on Friday, 16 February 2018 pursuant to Listing rule 17.11. | 16/02/2018 |
we understand the company delisted following its failure and subsequent administration and liquidation | 16/02/2018 |
On 7 February 2018, at the Second Meeting of Creditors, the creditors resolved to wind up BYL and Matthew Woods, Hayden White and Clint Joseph were appointed Joint and Several Liquidators. | 09/02/2018 |
The administrators issued a report to creditors on 30 January 2018. In the report, the administrators express that in their opinion it is in the creditors' interests to wind up the Company. The second meeting of creditors of the Company will be held at the Parmelia Hilton, 14 Mill Street, Perth, WA on 7 February 2018 at 10:30am (AWST). | 31/01/2018 |
The administrators will rely on the deferral relief with respect to the financial reporting of Brierty for a period of 6 months from the date of their appointment. Bellamack continues to trade and has not had administrators appointed. | 10/10/2017 |
As ordered by the Supreme Court of Western Australia, the second meeting of creditors must be convened on or before 31 January 2018. | 06/10/2017 |
Contract WTS2-C-CC-1001 between Hamersley Iron Pty. Limited and Brierty Limited dated 18 April 2014 has been terminated and the parties are working together to agree a mutually suitable outcome in relation to the hand-over of the works. Contract No. MA-01978-2016 Earthwork Services for Residue Disposal Area (RDA) Stage 10, 11 & 12 between Newmont Mining Services Pty Ltd and Brierty Limited dated 1 August 2016. Parties to the contract have agreed a conclusion and orderly hand-over of the works. | 14/09/2017 |
Matthew Woods, Hayden White and Clint Joseph, each of KPMG, have been appointed as administrators to the company. | 06/09/2017 |
The securities of Brierty Limited will be suspended from official quotation immediately pursuant to listing rule 17.3, following the appointment of administrators. | 06/09/2017 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Brierty Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding additional funding. | 23/06/2017 |
The company has signed a new banking facility with Bankwest, that will provide the Company with an improved capital structure to deliver on its turnaround strategy. Under the new facility, Brierty will receive an additional $6 million in funding and restructure its debt by establishing a new, long-term debt facility. | 23/06/2017 |
The company's contract mining work at the Western Turner Syncline Stage 2 Project has been suspended and it has received a notice of default. Brierty is working with Rio Tinto to address safety concerns and structure a return to operations as soon as possible. Brierty has 14 days to respond to the notice of default. | 21/06/2017 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities from the commencement of trading on 16 June 2017. Brierty Limited requests that the suspension remains in place until the earlier of a release of an announcement by Brierty Limited concerning additional funding or 8am (Perth time) on Friday 23 June 2017. | 15/06/2017 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities from the commencement of trading on Friday 2 June 2017, whilst it progresses matters relating to securing additional funding. Brierty Limited requests that the suspension remains in place until the earlier of a release of an announcement by Brierty Limited concerning additional funding or 8am (Perth time) on Friday 16 June 2017. | 01/06/2017 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 18 May 2017, whilst it progresses matters relating to securing additional funding. Brierty Limited requests that the suspension remains in place until 8am (Perth time) on Friday 2 June 2017. | 18/05/2017 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 11 May 2017, whilst it progresses matters relating to securing additional funding. It is requested that the suspension remain in place until 8 am (Perth time) on Thursday 18 May 2017. | 10/05/2017 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities from the commencement of trading on Monday, 8 May 2017 whilst it progresses matters relating to securing additional funding. Brierty Limited requests that the suspension remains in place until 8 am (Perth time) on Thursday 11 May 2017. | 05/05/2017 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities from the commencement of trading on Friday 28 April 2017, whilst it progresses matters relating to securing additional funding. Brierty Limited requests that the suspension remains in place until 8am (Perth time) on Monday 8 May 2017. | 27/04/2017 |
The securities of Brierty Limited will be suspended from official quotation from the commencement of normal trading on Thursday, 20 April 2017 at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 19/04/2017 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Brierty Limited will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement regarding financial results. | 31/08/2016 |
The company lodges its Preliminary Final Report. | 31/08/2016 |
The securities of Brierty Limited will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 26/08/2016 |
listed entity carried for record purposes only | 07/12/2007 |
The liquidator reports on their activities during the creditors' voluntary winding-up of the company. | 03/05/2024 |
The company notifies ASIC of a change in its registered address. | 29/01/2021 |
a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued - in this case 2017/18 | 06/04/2018 |
delisted from the close of trading on Friday, 16 February 2018 pursuant to Listing rule 17.11. | 16/02/2018 |
we understand the company delisted following its failure and subsequent administration and liquidation | 16/02/2018 |
On 7 February 2018, at the Second Meeting of Creditors, the creditors resolved to wind up BYL and Matthew Woods, Hayden White and Clint Joseph were appointed Joint and Several Liquidators. | 09/02/2018 |
The administrators issued a report to creditors on 30 January 2018. In the report, the administrators express that in their opinion it is in the creditors' interests to wind up the Company. The second meeting of creditors of the Company will be held at the Parmelia Hilton, 14 Mill Street, Perth, WA on 7 February 2018 at 10:30am (AWST). | 31/01/2018 |
The administrators will rely on the deferral relief with respect to the financial reporting of Brierty for a period of 6 months from the date of their appointment. Bellamack continues to trade and has not had administrators appointed. | 10/10/2017 |
As ordered by the Supreme Court of Western Australia, the second meeting of creditors must be convened on or before 31 January 2018. | 06/10/2017 |
Contract WTS2-C-CC-1001 between Hamersley Iron Pty. Limited and Brierty Limited dated 18 April 2014 has been terminated and the parties are working together to agree a mutually suitable outcome in relation to the hand-over of the works. Contract No. MA-01978-2016 Earthwork Services for Residue Disposal Area (RDA) Stage 10, 11 & 12 between Newmont Mining Services Pty Ltd and Brierty Limited dated 1 August 2016. Parties to the contract have agreed a conclusion and orderly hand-over of the works. | 14/09/2017 |
Matthew Woods, Hayden White and Clint Joseph, each of KPMG, have been appointed as administrators to the company. | 06/09/2017 |
The securities of Brierty Limited will be suspended from official quotation immediately pursuant to listing rule 17.3, following the appointment of administrators. | 06/09/2017 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Brierty Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding additional funding. | 23/06/2017 |
The company has signed a new banking facility with Bankwest, that will provide the Company with an improved capital structure to deliver on its turnaround strategy. Under the new facility, Brierty will receive an additional $6 million in funding and restructure its debt by establishing a new, long-term debt facility. | 23/06/2017 |
The company's contract mining work at the Western Turner Syncline Stage 2 Project has been suspended and it has received a notice of default. Brierty is working with Rio Tinto to address safety concerns and structure a return to operations as soon as possible. Brierty has 14 days to respond to the notice of default. | 21/06/2017 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities from the commencement of trading on 16 June 2017. Brierty Limited requests that the suspension remains in place until the earlier of a release of an announcement by Brierty Limited concerning additional funding or 8am (Perth time) on Friday 23 June 2017. | 15/06/2017 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities from the commencement of trading on Friday 2 June 2017, whilst it progresses matters relating to securing additional funding. Brierty Limited requests that the suspension remains in place until the earlier of a release of an announcement by Brierty Limited concerning additional funding or 8am (Perth time) on Friday 16 June 2017. | 01/06/2017 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 18 May 2017, whilst it progresses matters relating to securing additional funding. Brierty Limited requests that the suspension remains in place until 8am (Perth time) on Friday 2 June 2017. | 18/05/2017 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 11 May 2017, whilst it progresses matters relating to securing additional funding. It is requested that the suspension remain in place until 8 am (Perth time) on Thursday 18 May 2017. | 10/05/2017 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities from the commencement of trading on Monday, 8 May 2017 whilst it progresses matters relating to securing additional funding. Brierty Limited requests that the suspension remains in place until 8 am (Perth time) on Thursday 11 May 2017. | 05/05/2017 |
The company requests an extension of the suspension of its securities from the commencement of trading on Friday 28 April 2017, whilst it progresses matters relating to securing additional funding. Brierty Limited requests that the suspension remains in place until 8am (Perth time) on Monday 8 May 2017. | 27/04/2017 |
The securities of Brierty Limited will be suspended from official quotation from the commencement of normal trading on Thursday, 20 April 2017 at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 19/04/2017 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Brierty Limited will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement regarding financial results. | 31/08/2016 |
The company lodges its Preliminary Final Report. | 31/08/2016 |
The securities of Brierty Limited will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. | 26/08/2016 |
listed entity carried for record purposes only | 07/12/2007 |
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06/06/2014 | Richard O'Shannassy | On market | 26,402 | $0.395 | $10,429 |
30/05/2014 | Richard O'Shannassy | On market | 13,598 | $0.395 | $5,371 |
30/05/2014 | Ken Hellsten | On market | 80,000 | $0.394 | $31,500 |
28/06/2013 | Richard O'Shannassy | On market | 40,000 | $0.220 | $8,800 |
05/09/2012 | Peter McBain | On market | 100,000 | $0.305 | $30,475 |
Dalton Gooding | Non Exec Chairman | 27/10/2007 |
Ray Bushnell | Managing Director, CEO | 26/04/2016 |
Jarrod Seymour | COO | 03/04/2017 |
Richard O'Shannassy | Non Exec Director | 26/09/2011 |
Mark Davies | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Troy Buswell | CFO | 26/04/2016 | 31/08/2017 |
Ken Hellsten | Non Exec Director | 23/02/2010 | 22/06/2017 |
Peter McBain | Managing Director, CEO | 07/03/2011 | 22/07/2016 |
Alan Brierty | Non Exec Director | 21/12/2000 | 23/05/2016 |
Ian Sydney | CFO | 20/11/2011 | 26/04/2016 |
Tony Bevan | CFO | 07/05/2008 | 26/07/2012 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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