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Security Transfer Australia Pty Ltd
No longer operating

Company details
Address: Level 9 , 175 Collins Street , MELBOURNE , VIC, AUSTRALIA, 3000
Tel:  (03) 9639 1533 Fax: (03) 9650 0066

Date first listed: 07/09/2006

Sector: Materials
Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: The Company's prime assets are investments in the international coal industry through Western Canadian Coal Corp and Coal International PLC, in the iron ore industry through Aztec Resources Limited, and in gold and base metals through AGD Mining Limited.

delisted under Listing Rule 17.11


the company said in June 2007 that its primary listing is on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange (`AIM'), the number of CDIs on issue has never reached the level expected by Cambrian and the proportion of CDIs on issue relative to the total issued capital of Cambrian is only around 4%, CDI trading volume has also been low in comparison with trading volume for Cambrian shares on AIM, which has been healthy during the period since the CDI listing date and which has increased over the past 3 months and the costs associated with maintaining the ASX listing of CDIs are substantial relative to the number of CDIs on issue and the daily average volume traded on ASX - the board of Cambrian believes that these costs outweigh the limited benefits of the ASX listing to Cambrian, its shareholders, and specifically its Australian-based shareholders


the Company confirms that it will be delisted from the Australian Stock Exchange ("ASX") on 7 September 2007 - Cambrian's primary listing is on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market ("AIM"), and the Company's shares will continue to trade uninterrupted on AIM - Cambrian has arranged for Australian-based financial services company Tolhurst Ltd to provide a facility for holders of CDIs to sell their shares on AIM for three months after the Company's ASX delisting on 7 September 2007 - the proportion of CDIs on issue relative to the entire issued capital of Cambrian is around 4%


securities of Cambrian Mining Plc (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading on 31 August 2007, at the request of the Company, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.11. For further details please refer to the Company's announcement dated 4 June 2007

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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Contact details for Kerry Young

14/05/2014 09:19:26

I wish to know if the shares I own in Indian Mining corporation NL have any value. For the reasons set out below I believe Cambrian has acquired my shares and that I may now hold 4,445 shares in Cambrian. The history as I understand it is:

Purchased 40,000 shares in Indian Mining Corporation NL5/04/2000

name changed to AGD Mining Limited


name changed to L-Tel Corporation Limited


name changed to Indian Mining Corporation Limited


name changed from Antimony Gold Corporation NL



we understand Cambrian Mining Plc was successful with anoffer of 1 Cambrian Share for every 9 AGD Shares and 1 Cambrian Share for every19 AGD Options - Cambrian Shares are currently listed on AIM and the companyhas, however, stated that it intends to apply to ASX to enable Cambrian Sharesto be traded on ASX in the form of CHESS Depository Interests

delisted as a result of the receipt of compulsoryacquisition notices from Cambrian Mining Plc, in accordance with listing rule17.14.

Kerry Young

14/05/2014 09:18:01
Do I still hold any shares - what is the status of my holding?

Mr charles Henry Peter GATERELL
     29 Silvester street
     North lakes
     Quensland  -  4509
Previous Address    53 Ellena Street
                                 Queensland - 4064

Certificate No    0009433    Investor Code 00000082882

Company Code     C315    Class 01  No Shares  242
19/01/2014 15:42:07
what happend to my shares of 200000 and how can I cash it.21/08/2013 15:35:56
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Charles ChezellesNon Exec Chairman01/07/2007
    John ConlonNon Exec Director01/07/2007
    John O'ReillyNon Exec Director10/05/2006
    John ByrneDirector, CEO
    Jurgen DebrodtCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Mark BurridgeNon Exec Director10/04/200617/07/2009

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.