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26 March 2025
Name: | CAPE RANGE WIRELESS LIMITED (CAG) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now CAPE RANGE LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Status.) | ||||||||||||
Date of Listing: | 09 July 1981 | ||||||||||||
Subsequent Names: |
| ||||||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now CAPE RANGE LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now CAPE RANGE LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now CAPE RANGE LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
Updates, corrections, disagreements please email to
Further information: deListed and InvestoGain are operated by Investogain Pty Limited which is licensed by ASIC as an Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL 334036). deListed acquires only securities that it deems to be of little or no value, in circumstances where the holder is unable to sell their securities on-market in the normal manner. This service has been provided online via the company’s website since 2004.
Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
CAPE RANGE LIMITED | 15/12/2009 | |
CAPE RANGE WIRELESS LIMITED | 24/06/1999 | 15/12/2009 |
CAPE RANGE LIMITED | 04/06/1992 | 24/06/1999 |
CAPE RANGE NL | 12/02/1987 | 04/06/1992 |
CAPE RANGE OIL NL | 12/02/1987 |
Security Transfer Australia Pty Ltd
No longer operating
name changed to Cape Range Limited | 15/12/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 08/05/2009 |
releases Quarterly Activities Report | 30/04/2009 |
company provides a market update | 09/04/2009 |
shares suspended from quotation | 31/03/2009 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 02/05/2008 |
securities to be reinstated to quotation on 2 May 2008 | 30/04/2008 |
company releases its 2007 annual report | 28/04/2008 |
2006 annual report and half year report to 30 June 2007 is released | 22/04/2008 |
following the retirement of the Deed Administrators from Cape Range Wireless Limited ("the Company") effective today, the new Board of Directors comprising Rob Hyndes, Graham Keys and John Chellingworth take over the management of the Company | 25/03/2008 |
the Syndicate has agreed to settle on or before 21 March 2008 and has provided a $170,000 non-refundable deposit meantime | 10/03/2008 |
deed administrators advise of delays in settlement under the deed and are considering proposals from the Syndicate | 27/02/2008 |
the company in general meeting approves a change of auditors | 26/02/2008 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 60 | 31/01/2008 |
all resolutions considered at the meeting on 29 January were passed - the company's capital is being consolidated at 1 for 60 | 30/01/2008 |
a shareholders meeting is to be held at 11am on Tuesday 29 January 2008 at the Celtic Club, 48 Ord Street, West Perth WA to consider proposals for the recapitalisation and restructure of the company | 21/12/2007 |
at a meeting today, creditors resolve that the DOCA be amended thereby approving a proposal for the recapitalisation and restructure of the company | 06/12/2007 |
Administrators advise that all is on track for the company to be requoted on ASX early 2008 | 28/11/2007 |
the Deed Administrators have now finalised negotiations with the lead proponent the Hyndes Syndicate, for a restructure and recapitalisation of the Company (the "Proposal") - subject to the parties agreeing final documentation, a Reconstruction and Recapitalisation Deed will hopefully be executed by the Syndicate and the Deed Administrators shortly - implementation of the Proposal and the Reconstruction and Recapitalisation Deed will be subject to creditor and shareholder approval | 10/09/2007 |
Deed Administrators have entered into an agreement with one party who is interested in recapitalising the company, but it is conditional on ASX approval, creditor and finally shareholder approval - if all goes to plan there will be an announcement shortly and a meeting of creditors held to consider varying the existing Deed of Company Arrangement to facilitate the proposed restructure - on that basis, requotation of the company's shares on ASX should be possible by years end | 17/08/2007 |
the Deed Administrators report on some difficulties and delays in progressing a recapitalisation proposal | 13/06/2007 |
the reconvened second meeting of creditors is held today - creditors approved a proposal for the company to enter into a deed of company arrangement and deed administrators will now be negotiating with several parties interested in restructuring the company - the whole process may take months | 20/12/2006 |
a second meeting of creditors is held - it is adjourned for up to 60 days - the administrators expect to report back to creditors by 29 December 2006 on a possible sale or restructuring of the company | 07/11/2006 |
the administrators seek expressions of interest in the assets of the company or in a recapitalisation and restructure | 14/10/2006 |
shares suspended from quotation following the appointment of an administrator - this never augurs well for shareholders - it will possibly be a month or so before anything substantive on the administration is available for shareholders | 11/10/2006 |
name changed from Cape Range Limited | 24/06/1999 |
name changed to Cape Range Limited | 15/12/2009 |
securities reinstated to quotation | 08/05/2009 |
releases Quarterly Activities Report | 30/04/2009 |
company provides a market update | 09/04/2009 |
shares suspended from quotation | 31/03/2009 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 02/05/2008 |
securities to be reinstated to quotation on 2 May 2008 | 30/04/2008 |
company releases its 2007 annual report | 28/04/2008 |
2006 annual report and half year report to 30 June 2007 is released | 22/04/2008 |
following the retirement of the Deed Administrators from Cape Range Wireless Limited ("the Company") effective today, the new Board of Directors comprising Rob Hyndes, Graham Keys and John Chellingworth take over the management of the Company | 25/03/2008 |
the Syndicate has agreed to settle on or before 21 March 2008 and has provided a $170,000 non-refundable deposit meantime | 10/03/2008 |
deed administrators advise of delays in settlement under the deed and are considering proposals from the Syndicate | 27/02/2008 |
the company in general meeting approves a change of auditors | 26/02/2008 |
we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 60 | 31/01/2008 |
all resolutions considered at the meeting on 29 January were passed - the company's capital is being consolidated at 1 for 60 | 30/01/2008 |
a shareholders meeting is to be held at 11am on Tuesday 29 January 2008 at the Celtic Club, 48 Ord Street, West Perth WA to consider proposals for the recapitalisation and restructure of the company | 21/12/2007 |
at a meeting today, creditors resolve that the DOCA be amended thereby approving a proposal for the recapitalisation and restructure of the company | 06/12/2007 |
Administrators advise that all is on track for the company to be requoted on ASX early 2008 | 28/11/2007 |
the Deed Administrators have now finalised negotiations with the lead proponent the Hyndes Syndicate, for a restructure and recapitalisation of the Company (the "Proposal") - subject to the parties agreeing final documentation, a Reconstruction and Recapitalisation Deed will hopefully be executed by the Syndicate and the Deed Administrators shortly - implementation of the Proposal and the Reconstruction and Recapitalisation Deed will be subject to creditor and shareholder approval | 10/09/2007 |
Deed Administrators have entered into an agreement with one party who is interested in recapitalising the company, but it is conditional on ASX approval, creditor and finally shareholder approval - if all goes to plan there will be an announcement shortly and a meeting of creditors held to consider varying the existing Deed of Company Arrangement to facilitate the proposed restructure - on that basis, requotation of the company's shares on ASX should be possible by years end | 17/08/2007 |
the Deed Administrators report on some difficulties and delays in progressing a recapitalisation proposal | 13/06/2007 |
the reconvened second meeting of creditors is held today - creditors approved a proposal for the company to enter into a deed of company arrangement and deed administrators will now be negotiating with several parties interested in restructuring the company - the whole process may take months | 20/12/2006 |
a second meeting of creditors is held - it is adjourned for up to 60 days - the administrators expect to report back to creditors by 29 December 2006 on a possible sale or restructuring of the company | 07/11/2006 |
the administrators seek expressions of interest in the assets of the company or in a recapitalisation and restructure | 14/10/2006 |
shares suspended from quotation following the appointment of an administrator - this never augurs well for shareholders - it will possibly be a month or so before anything substantive on the administration is available for shareholders | 11/10/2006 |
name changed from Cape Range Limited | 24/06/1999 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
| 01/06/2018 06:43:44 | |
I need to find out whether I still have shares in this company | 31/05/2018 16:15:47 |
Joe Cornelius | Managing Director | 09/09/2009 |
Wayne Johnson | Non Exec Director | 09/09/2009 |
Graham Keys | Director | |
Robert Hyndes | Director | |
Tony Milton | Director | |
Faldi Ismail | Director | |
John Chellingworth | Director | |
Sean Henbury | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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