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delisted at entity's request


we understand delisting followed an off-market cash takeover offer by Berjaya Group (Cayman) Limited of A$0.05 per share for all the issued shares in CarLovers - as a result Berjaya increased its relevant interest in CarLovers shares from 88.4446% to 95.1675% by the time the offer closed on 6 January 2003 - Berjaya is an unlisted public company incorporated in the Cayman Islands - it is wholly owned by Berjaya Group Berhad which is a listed public company incorporated in Malaysia and listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange - the Berjaya Group is a large diversified multi-national group of companies with over 24,500 employees world wide and annual revenues in excess of USD 2.0 billion


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 3

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