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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
Former (or subsequent) names
AGRI - TRADE HOLDINGS LIMITED15/01/201407/01/2016
HIDROCO LIMITED11/01/201315/01/2014
CENTIUM ELECTRIC LIMITED12/01/201211/01/2013
FTD CORPORATION LTD02/07/201012/01/2012
FIG TREE DEVELOPMENTS LTD15/11/200702/07/2010
Shareholder links


Link Market Services Brisbane
Level 21, 10 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000
Tel : +61 7 3320 2200 or 1300 554 474
Fax : +61 2 9287 0303
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Suite 3, Ground Floor 19 Short St. Southport QLD 4215
Tel:  07 5699 8675 Fax: 07 5699 8676

Date first listed: 08/12/2003

Sector: Real Estate
Industry Group: XFJ
Activities: Management and development of retirement village accommodation

name changed to HidroCo Limited


the new issued capital of the company after consolidation is 61,330,294 shares (53.7m are escrowed for 2 years)


all resolutions considered at the AGM were passed


the AGM will be on 17 December 2012


the Company has today lodged with ASX a Prospectus dated 17 July 2012 and a Supplementary Prospectus dated 1 August 2012. The offer of securities under the Prospectus and Supplementary Prospectus opens on Thursday 2 August 2012


company releases various financial reports


On 9 March 2012 Centium Electric Limited ("the Company") issued 20,200,000 fully paid ordinary Shares. These Shares were included on an Appendix 3B announcement to the Australian Stock Exchange ("ASX") lodged on 8 March 2012


name changed from FTD Corporation Ltd

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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ASX, Legal & CGT Status

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ASIC should look into this 'company'. Not only have they consolidated my holding from reduced my holding from 30,000 shares to 10 but they have not even advised the latest name change.  To add insult to injury, these 10 worthless shares are held in my SMSF and continually need to be reported.
15/07/2013 19:04:20
I've got no idea how this "company" works. Firstly my 1,500 shares were "reconstructed" to 150, then "reconstructed" to 50, then "reconstructed" to 3. Finally, a 10 to 1 "consolidation" left me with 0. Thank goodness really, I don't want anything to do with these people.11/01/2013 18:14:19
The Term "International Master License" is misleading in that a significant number of countries and regions are excluded. The IP is not owned by the Company and proposes to generate most revenue by selling "sub licenses" for a technology that has not achieved full commercialization. There has been a debt generated of $600,000 plus in corporate advisory fees and very little concrete information provided on how the funds will be utilized moving forward. There is no justification of the attributable value of the license. Overall a poor quality Prospectus and to sum up: raising money to sell something that you don't own that does not have any substantiated value provided, to pay the Directors and to pay for further consulting and opinions. Not surprised at the previous comments. Pity the technology may become victim of financial chameleons.
18/09/2012 15:10:07
Who would invest with these theives just so they can pay themselves an enormous salary and then raise money again, where is asic when it comes to people like this allowed to be directors. my initia investment with Vill life was thousands and is now worth 14 cents, dont go anywhere near these theives and otrhers like them.08/09/2012 13:39:57
This company has reduced my shareholding in Village Life from 50,000  to 167 being 1:300, making the current value owed to me, $164.22. Can't see it reaching that in my lifetime, and now the company wants us to reinvest. It will be a brave or stupid man who does.
09/08/2012 13:09:22
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Deepak KumarDirector04/06/2012
    David AinsworthDirector
    Ian SmithDirector04/06/2012
    Raymond TaylorCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Harry FungManaging Director, Executive Director04/06/2012
    Nathan TaylorNon Exec Director04/06/2012
    Athan LekkasNon Exec Director04/06/2012

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.