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Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: 170 Browns Road, NOBLE PARK, VIC, AUSTRALIA, 3174
Tel:  61 3 9554 2300 Fax: 61 3 9554 2910

Date first listed: 05/07/2004

Sector: Capital Goods
Industry Group: XNJ
Activities: Development of ceramic (solid oxide) fuel cell technology

Shareholders in this company should consider crystallising a capital loss in 2024/25 by selling their shares. This process is now much easier and quicker. It can be achieved online by entering transaction details here. While, this usually makes good economic sense we recommend you seek professional advice before buying or selling securities, your accountant is probably the best person.


delisted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 05 March 2018, pursuant to Listing rule 17.12.


we understand this company failed and ASX removed the company from listing as its securities have not been quoted for three years


On 5 October 2016, the terms were met to enable effectuation of the DOCA, and accordingly, the Deed Administration has now been finalised. The company is now released from external administration and is now under the control of its directors which were appointed under the terms of the DOCA as discussed.


The company provides the list of its top 20 shareholders.


The company, administrators and Litigation Capital Partners Funding executed the DOCA. The Creditors' Trust Deed was also executed on 23 September 2016. Upon execution of the DOCA, the winding up of the company was terminated pursuant to the court's orders and Section 482(1) of teh Corporations Act 2001. The DOCA is required be completed within 7 days from 23 September 2016, following which the Company will be under the control of LCP's management. An update will be published on the ASX at this time.


On 9 September 2016, the Supreme Court of Victoria heard our application seeking orders to allow the company to enter into a DOCA proposed by Litigation Capital Partners or its nominee. The nominee has now been confirmed b be Litigation Capital Partnem Funding Pte Ltd. . On 12 September 2016, the Orders were made which require the company and LCP to execute the DOCA within 14 days. The orders also have the effect of terminating the company's liquidation upon execution of the DOCA, amongst other things.


On 1 June 2016, creditors resolved that the company be authorised to enter into a DOCA which was required to be executed within 15 businses days after the end of the creditors' meeting. However, circumstances resulted in the DOCA not being executed within this timeframe. Prior to the expiry of this date, an application to seek an extension of time was filed with the Supreme Court of Victoria. On 16 August 2016, an affidavit supporting this application was filed and is expected that a hearing date will be set down shortly. In addition to seeking an extension of time to enter into a DOCA, the application will also seek an order permitting the creditor approved DOCA proposal to be substituted with an alternative DOCA proposal, which is considered more favorable to the company's creditors.


At a duly convened meeting of creditors last 1 June 2016, creditors resolved that the company be authorised to execute a DOCA as proposed by Tiga. Once executed, the DOCA will be binding on the company, the administrators, its creditors and Tiga. The DOCA is the mechanism through which a recapitalisation of the company is able to be effectuated.


On 27 April 2016, the company's creditors passed a resolution consenting to Mr. Walsh and Mr. Nikitins being appointed as Joint and Several Administrators of the company. In their capacity as joint and several liquidators, Mr. Walsh and Mr. Nikitins appointed themselves ans Joint and Several Administrators of the company on the same date.


The company announces closure of CHESS subregister.


a loss declaration has been issued - if you are still a shareholder, the capital loss can be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued - in this case 2014-15


The company lodges an announcement about a sale of assets


With the sale of business and assets process ongoing, liquidators are unable to form a definite view as to the value of the Company's shares however, based on current estimates, it appears unlikely that there will be a return to shareholders. Shareholders seeking to claim a capital loss are directed to take their own tax and legal advice on this matter. The Joint and Several Liquidators are unable to provide advice in this regard


creditors resolve to wind up the Company


Shareholders seeking to claim a capital loss are directed to take their own tax and legal advice on this matter by the Joint and Several Administrators who are unable to provide you with advice in this regard - deListed provides a service for those shareholders seeking to crystallise their loss


Arden Partners plc has stepped down as the Company's Nominated Adviser with immediate effect


suspended from Official Quotation from the commencement of trading today 2 March 2015 following failure to lodge their Half Yearly Reports for the period ending 31 December 2014


Adam Nikitins and Justin Walsh of Ernst & Young have been appointed Voluntary Administrators of the Company, with effect from yesterday evening. The appointment of the Voluntary Administrators to the Company in Australia will also impact the international corporate operations of the Company, which the Voluntary Administrators will consider. The Company has been unsuccessful in securing further funding to enable it to explore a corporate transaction to maintain the ongoing future operations of the Company and the Directors have been left with no option but to place the Company under external administration

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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The website listed in the comment dated 28/07/2021( )is now a US-based Litigation company. Sadly, nothing to do with ceramic fuels. The letter sent to shareholder noting the 1:50 share consolidation was signed by \"Damien M Hodgkinson\" . A person with the same name works for Olvera Advisors who specialise in company restructuring. Given that ASX de-listed this mob, then we all should give up all hope and writing off the losses.

30/08/2022 17:08:01

You may wish to look at this website

It has documents and information on CFU/CFUU.

Maybe they will post more current information.

28/07/2021 17:35:45

Website link takes you to some horse racing site I have been told by my share dealing company that the shares still exist until company makes a final disclosure..just in case anything else payments or relisting etc I held 18501 shares which got reduced to 370 lost a lot as the technology was very promising

16/07/2020 19:25:39

The CFU cell is now marketed by SOLID POWER Gmbh as EnGen2500 . Are our old CFU shares of no value ?

05/06/2020 19:36:51

Hydrogen fuel cells are in the news these days - apparently they are going to be a crucial tool in the battle to get global warming under control.  CFU had many patents and IP in the same area of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - was/is this IP worthless?  The shareholders paid for its development.

16/03/2020 04:36:59

What year did Karl Foger resing as director of cfcl


23/07/2019 22:27:02

I am a Cfu shareholder and raging that NO contact has been made by new so called directors to me in the years since administration.

if you are of the same mind, and want answers and a say, join my forum in Facebook.

Ceramic Fuel Cells

12/07/2019 14:49:58

CFU shares are worthless, but the capital loss may be worth something - see here:

13/03/2019 07:21:52

I have received the same info re reduced share holdings on Jan 24 2019. What the heck am I now doing with these pretty useless shares. Are they still worth a penny or two or what?? Anyone have an answer?

11/03/2019 17:01:58

Is there a contact on the holding statement that can be used by other shareholders who have not received any such statement?

12/02/2019 02:05:09

Just got a Holding statement dated 2 Jan 2019 that I now hold CFUU shares, after a 1 : 50 consolidation voted at the GM on 14 Dec 2018. Haven\'t a clue what is going on.

06/02/2019 20:23:36

I have voted, but it would be nice to be told what the new directors have in mind for the de-listed company. Perhaps, we may be offered shares in the resurrected company based on our current defunct share holdings.

Does anybody know how we may make contact with someone who could provide us some information as to what is going on. I don\'t particularly like being kept in the dark.

24/04/2018 12:06:45

I left my CFCL shares off my portfolio some years ago,surprise that the company is in some sort of limbo and asking share holders to vote.

It is obvious that the technoiges are still in CFU hands and the company needs to re develop it along with other technoigies Ie Hydrogen batteries ect.

There is no reason to sugest this is impossible just some clear thinking/ corrispondance will get it on track.

19/04/2018 14:33:26

Oddly they have just posted out voting forms to change-over auditors ( top end of town, to bottom end, presumably to save money ) and to seek re-election of Directors. I presume this means the original company has been re-listed ??


18/04/2018 00:22:25

If you have any information about what is happening to our shares, please let me know.  0434-115-911

04/11/2017 00:29:27

With electricity prices soaring in Australia, surely there is some way to revive the promise of CFU!  Are the directors doing anything??

04/11/2017 00:15:35

If you expect the shareholders to stay silent without returning their shares to them after re-capitalization you are deluding yourselves!


14/12/2016 04:28:27

I believe that the company had a great product and tremendous potential. It should never have got to this stage.


 I note under the heading \"News & Events\" dated 3/6/2016 that \"DOCA is the mechanism through which a recapitalisation of the company is able to be effectuated\".


If the company is recapitalised do existing shareholders get a look in ? I would hate to think that some of the former directors could get their hands on the IP and loyal shareholders are left out.

06/08/2016 11:49:30

It is difficult to understand how the company claimed to have valuable IP, but there is no residual value available for distribution to shareholders.

10/05/2016 18:48:30

Promising development totally defunct - why?  Any chance of shareholders getting ANY return on their shares?

18/01/2016 17:18:00
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    20/12/2013Robert KennettOn market GBP140,000$0.021$2,968
    04/10/2012Robert KennettOn market GBP40,000$0.044$1,752
    22/12/2011Janine HoeyOn market100,000$0.105$10,500
    27/10/2011Roman DudenhausenOn market500,000$0.130$65,000

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Damien HodgkinsonDirector04/10/2016
    Song QixiangDirector04/10/2016
    Kyla SingletonDirector04/10/2016
    Matt AdamsCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Quentin OldeDirector04/10/201609/11/2017
    Alasdair LockeChairman24/09/201204/10/2016
    Robert KennettManaging Director, CEO01/08/200604/10/2016
    Karl FogerNon Exec Director01/08/201404/10/2016
    Clifford AshbyExecutive Director, CFO17/07/201304/10/2016
    Roman DudenhausenNon Exec Director17/05/201131/07/2014
    Peter BinksNon Exec Director05/05/200903/03/2014
    Janine HoeyNon Exec Director01/07/201130/09/2013
    Tony SherburnCFO01/01/200210/07/2013
    Brendan DowManaging Director21/03/200531/12/2012
    John DempseyNon Exec Director01/06/200231/12/2012
    Jeff HardingChairman17/09/200729/10/2012
    Roy RoseNon Exec Director07/07/200929/10/2012
    Michael DureauNon Exec Director24/11/2009
    David CarruthersNon Exec Director20/10/2008
    Julian DinsdaleChairman23/11/2007
    James PullarNon Exec Chairman24/11/200423/08/2005
    Colin AdamNon Exec Director06/07/199222/08/2005
    Barry BraithwaiteNon Exec Chairman24/11/200430/06/2005
    Jack HamiltonNon Exec Director24/11/2004
    Sally PitkinNon Exec Director24/11/2004

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.