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Challenger options remained on issue on the same terms, but upon exercise, optionholders could immediately transfer Challenger shares issued on exercise to CPHIC in exchange for 4.5 CPHIC units per share


delisted at the request of the Company following the merger with CPH Investment Corp


each Challenger noteholder could choose to let them remain on issue and upon subsequent conversion immediately transfer the Challenger shares issued on conversion to CPHIC in exchange for 4.5 CPHIC units per Challenger share or on the merger effective date could exchange each note for 5.5 CPHIC units (the higher exchange ratio under this alternative was intended to compensate noteholders for forgoing the annual coupon of 9.5% on the convertible notes until maturity in 2007 and the value of the equity option inherent in the convertible notes) - if a Challenger noteholder did not make an election, the noteholder was deemed to have made an election for Alternative 2


we understand CPHIC acquired all of Challenger's ordinary shares by way of a scheme of arrangement at an agreed exchange ratio of 4.5 CPHIC units for each Challenger ordinary share

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