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26 March 2025
Name: | CHEMEQ LTD. (CMQ) |
Date of Listing: | 25 August 1999 |
Date of Delisting: | 29 August 2011 |
Stock Exchange Status:
This entity was delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange on 29 August 2011.Legal Status:
ACN: 009 135 264
This entity was placed in liquidation on 04 February 2016.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
An administrator or liquidator has declared during tax year 2007-08 that they have reasonable grounds to believe there is no likelihood that shareholders will receive any further distribution for their securities. You are therefore entitled to crystallise a capital loss in that tax year. If you did not do so, you may seek to re-open that year’s assessment but anyway should seek professional advice as to how best to proceed.
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The receiver and manager report on the actions taken to manage the company's assets, financial updates, and the progress of debt recovery. | 28/08/2024 |
The liquidator reports on their activities during the creditors' voluntary winding-up of the company. | 11/04/2024 |
the Company is taken, because of paragraph 446A(1)(c) to have passed a special resolution under s491 that the Company be wound up voluntarily. | 04/02/2016 |
quoted from the new Chemeq Technologies website: "Chemeq Technologies grew out of Chemeq Ltd, a research driven company with 17 years experience developing polyalkanals - a revolutionary new class of anti-microbial with unique safety and efficacy profiles. The technology is protected by seven major international patents with more pending" - and we might ask - and what happened to the capital of the shareholders that supported that 17 years of research driven experience? | 16/07/2013 |
delisted as the company did not pay to ASX Limited their annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2012 | 29/08/2011 |
company signs a research agreement with Elanco | 18/08/2010 |
company signs a manufacturing cooperation agreement with Arkema France | 09/07/2009 |
the company's manufacturing facility has been sold for $15.25m - the remaining plant and equipment was also sold | 10/02/2009 |
company executes a Deed of Company Arrangement | 10/06/2008 |
administrator advises that the company has been granted 3 new European Union patents for its technology | 02/06/2008 |
a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued | 26/05/2008 |
administrator advises that the reconvened second meeting of creditors need only be held by 10 May 2008 | 31/01/2008 |
at the Second Meeting of Creditors held today, creditors resolved to adjourn the meeting for a period not to exceed 60 days | 13/12/2007 |
a Second Meeting of Creditors will be held on Thursday, 13 December 2007 at the office of KordaMentha, Level 11, 37 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia at 10:00am (WDST) - creditors are required to decide (by way of resolution) whether: 1. The Administration should end; or 2. The Company be placed into liquidation; or 3. The Company should execute a DOCA if a proposal is forthcoming. Creditors can also resolve to adjourn the meeting for a period not to exceed 60 days - the administrators recommendation is that it would be in creditors' interests for the meeting to be adjourned for a period not to exceed 60 days | 06/12/2007 |
administrators advise it is now likely that the second meeting of creditors of the Company will be held on or before 14 December 2007 (unless a further extension is granted) | 19/06/2007 |
administrators KordaMentha release a shareholder update which explains that they are not in a position to issue a loss declaration - in our view their release is potentially misleading because it fails to draw attention to the possibility shareholders have for crystallising their capital loss under Taxation Determination 2004/13 | 13/06/2007 |
the administrators intend relying on an ASIC Class Order to defer lodging and distributing certain reports | 12/06/2007 |
company releases the Court of Appeal decision which upheld the earlier decision of the Supreme Court of Western Australia that the company has failed to meet the terms of the final milestone covenant set out in the Convertible Bonds Deed Poll - the final milestone covenant required Chemeq to achieve gross revenue from all sources of at least $4.0 million for the year ended 30 June 2006 - as a result of this decision, the Notices of Redemption previously issued by Stark Trading and its associates and Harmony Capital Partners require Chemeq to repay the $60.0 million face value of the convertible bonds forthwith - that led to the appointment of administrators yesterday | 31/05/2007 |
securities suspended from quotation following the appointment of administrators (Brian McMaster and David Winterbottom of KordaMentha) - this occurred after an appeal to overturn a court ruling ordering the company repay $60 million to its creditors failed - administration never augurs well for shareholders - it will be a couple of months before the administrators issue a report | 30/05/2007 |
Martin Jones, Andrew Saker and Darren Weaver of Ferrier Hodgson are appointed Receivers and Managers of Chemeq by its secured creditors - the company's assets are under the control of the Receivers and Managers | 30/05/2007 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 20/02/2007 |
the Court of Appeal in Western Australia today advised that the hearing of Chemeq Limited's appeal against an earlier Supreme Court decision that it had failed to meet the terms of the final milestone covenant set out in the Convertible Bonds Deed Poll will commence on Monday 12 March 2007 | 09/02/2007 |
shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement | 05/02/2007 |
investigations into a possible Class Action are continuing | 21/09/2006 |
we understand Maurice Blackburn Cashman are considering the possibility of taking representative proceedings against Chemeq in relation to breaches of the continuous disclosure rules (see note below) | 27/07/2006 |
the company is fined $500,000 for breaches of the continuous disclosure rules - Chemeq failed to inform the market in 2003/04 of cost overuns on its factory at East Rockingham, nor did it tell the market that a US patent had been granted for a product - in the final analysis it is shareholders of course who suffer | 25/07/2006 |
The receiver and manager report on the actions taken to manage the company's assets, financial updates, and the progress of debt recovery. | 28/08/2024 |
The liquidator reports on their activities during the creditors' voluntary winding-up of the company. | 11/04/2024 |
the Company is taken, because of paragraph 446A(1)(c) to have passed a special resolution under s491 that the Company be wound up voluntarily. | 04/02/2016 |
quoted from the new Chemeq Technologies website: "Chemeq Technologies grew out of Chemeq Ltd, a research driven company with 17 years experience developing polyalkanals - a revolutionary new class of anti-microbial with unique safety and efficacy profiles. The technology is protected by seven major international patents with more pending" - and we might ask - and what happened to the capital of the shareholders that supported that 17 years of research driven experience? | 16/07/2013 |
delisted as the company did not pay to ASX Limited their annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2012 | 29/08/2011 |
company signs a research agreement with Elanco | 18/08/2010 |
company signs a manufacturing cooperation agreement with Arkema France | 09/07/2009 |
the company's manufacturing facility has been sold for $15.25m - the remaining plant and equipment was also sold | 10/02/2009 |
company executes a Deed of Company Arrangement | 10/06/2008 |
administrator advises that the company has been granted 3 new European Union patents for its technology | 02/06/2008 |
a loss declaration has been issued and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued | 26/05/2008 |
administrator advises that the reconvened second meeting of creditors need only be held by 10 May 2008 | 31/01/2008 |
at the Second Meeting of Creditors held today, creditors resolved to adjourn the meeting for a period not to exceed 60 days | 13/12/2007 |
a Second Meeting of Creditors will be held on Thursday, 13 December 2007 at the office of KordaMentha, Level 11, 37 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia at 10:00am (WDST) - creditors are required to decide (by way of resolution) whether: 1. The Administration should end; or 2. The Company be placed into liquidation; or 3. The Company should execute a DOCA if a proposal is forthcoming. Creditors can also resolve to adjourn the meeting for a period not to exceed 60 days - the administrators recommendation is that it would be in creditors' interests for the meeting to be adjourned for a period not to exceed 60 days | 06/12/2007 |
administrators advise it is now likely that the second meeting of creditors of the Company will be held on or before 14 December 2007 (unless a further extension is granted) | 19/06/2007 |
administrators KordaMentha release a shareholder update which explains that they are not in a position to issue a loss declaration - in our view their release is potentially misleading because it fails to draw attention to the possibility shareholders have for crystallising their capital loss under Taxation Determination 2004/13 | 13/06/2007 |
the administrators intend relying on an ASIC Class Order to defer lodging and distributing certain reports | 12/06/2007 |
company releases the Court of Appeal decision which upheld the earlier decision of the Supreme Court of Western Australia that the company has failed to meet the terms of the final milestone covenant set out in the Convertible Bonds Deed Poll - the final milestone covenant required Chemeq to achieve gross revenue from all sources of at least $4.0 million for the year ended 30 June 2006 - as a result of this decision, the Notices of Redemption previously issued by Stark Trading and its associates and Harmony Capital Partners require Chemeq to repay the $60.0 million face value of the convertible bonds forthwith - that led to the appointment of administrators yesterday | 31/05/2007 |
securities suspended from quotation following the appointment of administrators (Brian McMaster and David Winterbottom of KordaMentha) - this occurred after an appeal to overturn a court ruling ordering the company repay $60 million to its creditors failed - administration never augurs well for shareholders - it will be a couple of months before the administrators issue a report | 30/05/2007 |
Martin Jones, Andrew Saker and Darren Weaver of Ferrier Hodgson are appointed Receivers and Managers of Chemeq by its secured creditors - the company's assets are under the control of the Receivers and Managers | 30/05/2007 |
shares reinstated to quotation | 20/02/2007 |
the Court of Appeal in Western Australia today advised that the hearing of Chemeq Limited's appeal against an earlier Supreme Court decision that it had failed to meet the terms of the final milestone covenant set out in the Convertible Bonds Deed Poll will commence on Monday 12 March 2007 | 09/02/2007 |
shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement | 05/02/2007 |
investigations into a possible Class Action are continuing | 21/09/2006 |
we understand Maurice Blackburn Cashman are considering the possibility of taking representative proceedings against Chemeq in relation to breaches of the continuous disclosure rules (see note below) | 27/07/2006 |
the company is fined $500,000 for breaches of the continuous disclosure rules - Chemeq failed to inform the market in 2003/04 of cost overuns on its factory at East Rockingham, nor did it tell the market that a US patent had been granted for a product - in the final analysis it is shareholders of course who suffer | 25/07/2006 |
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Any recent news for Chemeq shareholders? Is chemeq Technologies stiill going and making money? | 24/09/2013 13:29:36 |
John Hopkins | Non Exec Chairman | |
David Williams | CEO, Executive Director | |
Brian Mangano | CFO, Company Secretary | |
Graham Melrose | Non Exec Director | |
Tony Davies | Non Exec Director | |
Raymond Steffanoni | Non Exec Director | |
Andrew Gunst | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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