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28 March 2025
Name: | CHINA CATTLE LIMITED (CAC) (This company subsequently changed its name and is now CHINA JXY GROUP LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Status.) | ||||||||||||
Date of Listing: | 24 December 1970 | ||||||||||||
Subsequent Names: |
| ||||||||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now CHINA JXY GROUP LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now CHINA JXY GROUP LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status:
This company subsequently changed its name and is now CHINA JXY GROUP LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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Disclaimer: The information provided above is to the best of our knowledge accurate as of today. But you should bear in mind that it is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Investogain Pty Limited accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on this information, including reliance on information that is no longer current.
Company | FROM | TO |
CHINA JXY GROUP LIMITED | 09/06/2011 | |
CHINA JXY FOOD LIMITED | 11/12/2009 | 09/06/2011 |
CHINA CATTLE LIMITED | 19/12/2005 | 11/12/2009 |
SUNBASE CHINA LIMITED | 30/01/1995 | 19/12/2005 |
CORD HOLDINGS LIMITED | 24/07/1975 | 30/01/1995 |
Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail
name changed to China JXY Food Limited | 11/12/2009 |
shares are to be consolidated one for three | 10/12/2009 |
all resolutions considered at the EGM today appear to have been passed | 23/11/2009 |
company releases its Half Yearly Report | 31/08/2009 |
company has entered into a conditional merger agreement with a China based veg supplier | 24/07/2009 |
resolutions considered at today's meeting were passed on a show of hands | 29/05/2009 |
company releases its Annual Report to shareholders | 01/04/2009 |
company releases its Preliminary Final Report | 27/02/2009 |
company addresses the failure to pass the Remuneration Report at this year's AGM | 22/10/2008 |
the company has concluded legal proceedings against Halifax Oscar P/L and Mr Simon Joscelyne | 30/09/2008 |
company releases its Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 29/08/2008 |
the company releases the Chairman's address to the China Cattle Limited Annual General Meeting | 29/05/2008 |
company provides notice of annual general meeting | 29/04/2008 |
company releases its Annual Report | 25/03/2008 |
company releases its Preliminary Final Report | 29/02/2008 |
confirms it has made a first drawdown on the $25m CBA funding facility and has made its first dairy heifers delivery | 16/11/2007 |
company signs a 5 year livestock supply agreement | 13/09/2007 |
company confirms that it does not intend to consider the requotation of its shares until there is a sustainable and ongoing business in place | 06/09/2007 |
the company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a Pakistan company for services and supply of products | 05/09/2007 |
company releases its Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 24/08/2007 |
the company releases the Chairman's address to the recent China Cattle Limited Annual General Meeting | 31/05/2007 |
the motions considered at today's AGM were carried on a show of hands as ordinary resolutions | 30/05/2007 |
releases annual report and gives notice of an Annual General Meeting to be held at Webb Group Boardroom, Level 1, 465 Auburn Road (Cnr Toorak Road), Hawthorn East on Wednesday 30 May 2007 at 10.00 am | 30/04/2007 |
releases its Preliminary Final Report & Full Year Accounts | 28/02/2007 |
Mr Michael Nugent resigns and the company appoints Mr John Gunthorpe as Executive Chairman - he has significant agribusiness experience | 17/01/2007 |
company has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Tianjin Agriculture Reclamation Group Incorporation (TARGI), Tianjin Province, China - under the MOU, China Cattle and TARGI are to jointly develop a new feed mill producing 125,000 tonnes of stock feed for supply to the dairy cattle in the Tianjin Province | 10/10/2006 |
releases half yearly report and accounts - announces the joint venture for the export of cattle to China has now received a business licence | 31/08/2006 |
Mr. Nigel Borthwick resigns as Managing Director and Mr. John Gunthorpe is appointed in his stead | 24/07/2006 |
the company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the supply of 40,000 cattle to China over a 5 year period | 20/07/2006 |
the various resolutions proposed at today's AGM were passed | 31/05/2006 |
company lodges its half yearly report and accounts | 02/05/2006 |
provides notice that the Annual General Meeting will be held at Le Meridien at Rialto, Richard Speight Room, 495 CoUins Street Melbourne, Victoria, at 10.00 am on Wednesday 31 May 2006 | 01/05/2006 |
effective 30 April 2006, China Cattle Limited will relocate its share registry from the Perth office of Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd to the Melbourne office of Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd - the new address of the share registry will be Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited Yarra Falls 452 Johnston Street Abbotsford Vic 3067 | 24/04/2006 |
company advises of the appointment as a director of Mr Kevin Shiell | 23/03/2006 |
releases its annual financial report | 23/03/2006 |
lodges corrected annual financial statements to 31 December 2005 | 22/03/2006 |
lodges preliminary final report and annual financial report for the year to 31 December 2005 | 16/03/2006 |
reports that the company has some ambitious capital-raising plans - up to 20 million shares are to be issued at 45 cents a piece - the company plans to buy 80 per cent of a quarantine station in China, with Chinese investors owning the balance | 11/02/2006 |
company announces that Mr Nigel Borthwick has been appointed Managing Director - the appointment is effective from 1 February 2006 | 06/02/2006 |
name changed from Sunbase China Limited | 19/12/2005 |
name changed to China JXY Food Limited | 11/12/2009 |
shares are to be consolidated one for three | 10/12/2009 |
all resolutions considered at the EGM today appear to have been passed | 23/11/2009 |
company releases its Half Yearly Report | 31/08/2009 |
company has entered into a conditional merger agreement with a China based veg supplier | 24/07/2009 |
resolutions considered at today's meeting were passed on a show of hands | 29/05/2009 |
company releases its Annual Report to shareholders | 01/04/2009 |
company releases its Preliminary Final Report | 27/02/2009 |
company addresses the failure to pass the Remuneration Report at this year's AGM | 22/10/2008 |
the company has concluded legal proceedings against Halifax Oscar P/L and Mr Simon Joscelyne | 30/09/2008 |
company releases its Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 29/08/2008 |
the company releases the Chairman's address to the China Cattle Limited Annual General Meeting | 29/05/2008 |
company provides notice of annual general meeting | 29/04/2008 |
company releases its Annual Report | 25/03/2008 |
company releases its Preliminary Final Report | 29/02/2008 |
confirms it has made a first drawdown on the $25m CBA funding facility and has made its first dairy heifers delivery | 16/11/2007 |
company signs a 5 year livestock supply agreement | 13/09/2007 |
company confirms that it does not intend to consider the requotation of its shares until there is a sustainable and ongoing business in place | 06/09/2007 |
the company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a Pakistan company for services and supply of products | 05/09/2007 |
company releases its Half Yearly Report and Accounts | 24/08/2007 |
the company releases the Chairman's address to the recent China Cattle Limited Annual General Meeting | 31/05/2007 |
the motions considered at today's AGM were carried on a show of hands as ordinary resolutions | 30/05/2007 |
releases annual report and gives notice of an Annual General Meeting to be held at Webb Group Boardroom, Level 1, 465 Auburn Road (Cnr Toorak Road), Hawthorn East on Wednesday 30 May 2007 at 10.00 am | 30/04/2007 |
releases its Preliminary Final Report & Full Year Accounts | 28/02/2007 |
Mr Michael Nugent resigns and the company appoints Mr John Gunthorpe as Executive Chairman - he has significant agribusiness experience | 17/01/2007 |
company has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Tianjin Agriculture Reclamation Group Incorporation (TARGI), Tianjin Province, China - under the MOU, China Cattle and TARGI are to jointly develop a new feed mill producing 125,000 tonnes of stock feed for supply to the dairy cattle in the Tianjin Province | 10/10/2006 |
releases half yearly report and accounts - announces the joint venture for the export of cattle to China has now received a business licence | 31/08/2006 |
Mr. Nigel Borthwick resigns as Managing Director and Mr. John Gunthorpe is appointed in his stead | 24/07/2006 |
the company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the supply of 40,000 cattle to China over a 5 year period | 20/07/2006 |
the various resolutions proposed at today's AGM were passed | 31/05/2006 |
company lodges its half yearly report and accounts | 02/05/2006 |
provides notice that the Annual General Meeting will be held at Le Meridien at Rialto, Richard Speight Room, 495 CoUins Street Melbourne, Victoria, at 10.00 am on Wednesday 31 May 2006 | 01/05/2006 |
effective 30 April 2006, China Cattle Limited will relocate its share registry from the Perth office of Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd to the Melbourne office of Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd - the new address of the share registry will be Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited Yarra Falls 452 Johnston Street Abbotsford Vic 3067 | 24/04/2006 |
company advises of the appointment as a director of Mr Kevin Shiell | 23/03/2006 |
releases its annual financial report | 23/03/2006 |
lodges corrected annual financial statements to 31 December 2005 | 22/03/2006 |
lodges preliminary final report and annual financial report for the year to 31 December 2005 | 16/03/2006 |
reports that the company has some ambitious capital-raising plans - up to 20 million shares are to be issued at 45 cents a piece - the company plans to buy 80 per cent of a quarantine station in China, with Chinese investors owning the balance | 11/02/2006 |
company announces that Mr Nigel Borthwick has been appointed Managing Director - the appointment is effective from 1 February 2006 | 06/02/2006 |
name changed from Sunbase China Limited | 19/12/2005 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
Delin Sun | Chairman | |
Nigel Borthwick | Managing Director | |
Denis Byrne | Non Exec Director | |
Lingjun Wu | Director | |
Shaojun Jia | Director | |
Luyu Zhao | Director | |
Keruo Ren | Director | |
Hong Chen | Director, Company Secretary | |
Wu Hua | Director |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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