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Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Room 3001; Shun Tak Centre, West Tower; 168-200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong
Tel:  (852) 2851 1008 Fax: (852) 2549 5652

Date first listed: 24/11/1995

Sector: Capital Goods
Industry Group: XNJ
Activities: General construction and contracting work; project management services; and syndication of projects.

delisted at the close of trading on Friday, 27 March 2009, under listing rule 17.12 (under this rule ASX exercises its discretion and we agree - this company has been suspended from quotation for 8 years - it has become obvious over the years that directors and management of this entity are not delivering and the company's shareholders have lost their investment as a result - the final straw must have been a failure to advise the outcome of the scheduled court hearing on 9 January 2009)


outstanding financial accounts and reports are going to be sent to shareholders in the second half of this year


company deregistered today


the next Court hearing in the case to regain ownership of the Dalian project is scheduled for 9 January 2009


in respect of the case to regain ownership of the Dalian project, in Hong Kong, exchange of documents as contained in the list of documents have been completed - witness statements have been drawn up and settled by counsels and filed and served before the deadline together with the expert valuation report on the land value - a meeting has been lined up with both senior and junior counsels to assess the progress and conduct further investigation work if necessary before the trial - on 9 April, 2008, both parties will appear in Court when the Court will examine if both parties are ready for the trial to proceed


the directors have resolved to re-locate the head office of the Company to Room 3001; Shun Tak Centre, West Tower; 168-200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong


the managing director Shan Chang reports on legal developments in the case to regain ownership of the Dalian project


in respect of HCA 1294/2005 in Hong Kong, legal counsel has completed a preliminary review of the documents in hand, and has issued guidelines for the search for additional information needed


the managing director Shan Chang reports on legal developments in the case to regain ownership of the Dalian project


the Equity Trustees Limited settlement has been received, but there is little, if any, progress with the other legal matters


a settlement offer by Equity Trustees Limited in respect of action in the Supreme Court of Victoria has been accepted and the funds will be used as working capital in a subsidiary (why could directors not disclose the amount of settlement?) - there is some progress with the Dalian project legal action but directors can still not forecast how long it will take to regain ownership


various legal proceedings continue in China and Australia - directors cannot forecast how long it will take to regain ownership of the Dalian project


company reports legal action is to be taken for the recovery of titles to land in Dalian, China and a trial date has been set for October 2006 to settle disputes with Equity Trustees arising from shares deposited with them


we have been agitating for an update from this company for years - finally one has arrived - we are told the debt restructuring program was completed in July 2003 and the winding up order (see details below) was dropped - accounts are being prepared and it is anticipated that the annual report and accounts to 30 June 2006 will be "finalised and settled" on or before 31/8/2006 - perhaps directors could also consider providing them to shareholders - a judgement for damages was awarded against Sino Business P/L in 2001 but this company is in liquidation - also steps have been taken towards allowing the company to commence legal action in offshore jurisdictions for the recovery of shares


still no release to the market


this company last filed an annual report with ASX in 2000 - it's shares have not traded for more than three years - why are shareholders and the market not informed of developments? - and if no developments, shareholders should be told!!


court has dismissed the petition to wind the company up following "the closing of the restructure" as of 25 Jul'03 - preparation of audited accounts is in progress


court adjourns petition hearing for the winding up of CIH to 1 September 2003 - "the closing of the restructure is now scheduled on 25/07/2003"


at a noteholders meeting, they approve an extraordinary resolution "for the purpose of approving the revised proposal to deal with the outstanding issues under the restructure"


Court again adjourns the petition hearing for the winding up of CIH to 14 July 2003 to allow company to implement the alternative security arrangement for an asset in The People's Republic of China in order to settle outstanding conditions precedent


Court adjourns petition hearing to 10 Mar 03


Court further adjourns the petition hearing for the winding up of CIH to 6 January 2003


the framework and transactions and security documents leading to the completion of the restructuring proposal put forward by CIH were executed and signed(the closing date is scheduled for 31 December 2002)


the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region again adjourns the petition hearing for the winding up of CIH to 23 September 2002 and that CIH should file affirmations informing the Court of the implementation of the restructuring proposal with the closing date expected to be 18 September 2002


at a meeting of noteholders new arrangements relating to the implementation of the restructuring proposal put forward by the company were approved


after various adjournments the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region again adjourns the petition hearing for the winding up of CIH to 8 April 2002 to allow the company to complete all documents relating to the implementation of the restructuring proposal


at a meeting of noteholders, a restructuring proposal put forward by the company is approved


company advises that a petition to wind up the company by the noteholders has been received and is scheduled to be held on 16 May 2001 in the high court of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


securities suspended from official quotation pending a response from the company to an ASX query concerning the company's announcement dated 2 March 2001

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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Deregistered 20/1/2009  ARBN: 069 506 154

can you please confirm if this company has deregistered? and their ACN/ABN number please. Thanks

03/02/2022 08:47:10

This is a cheating company. Someone reported it to ASX in 1996, but ASX didn\'t take any action due to its negtive effect to market. It is not fair to public share holders.

10/07/2018 13:20:24

?Maitland Lawyers could be dealing with a court case in Singapore about China Construction, the case is ongoing though he does have something to do with it.




Suite 1005 I 530 Little Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000


P.O Box 433 Collins Street West, MELBOURNE, VIC, 8007
\nTel (03) 9909 7166 Fax (03) 9909 7410

13/02/2016 00:22:28
China Construction vs Sino (Victorian Supreme Court 2009) found for China Construction for @46M. Sino moved Assets to another party (Hong Kong Supreme Court 2011

Mr Edward John Maitland - Solicitor
He might know the effect of the HSA result.
20/03/2015 13:27:24
The top ten mojority shareholders are funds and they would have lost millions of dollars for the funds in their care. Since they have made no noises, I would assume everything gad faded away lawfully. The director, Mr. Shan Chang, is also director of a company listed in Singapre with a very similar name, tricky!! 18/06/2014 12:12:08
John Howard Batchelor and FOK Hei Yu of FTI Consulting Hong Kong were appointed Joint Provisional Liquidators of China Construction Holdings Limited ("CIH")on 7 February 2014. Please contact FTI Consulting Hong Kong office if you are able to provide any useful information in relation to CIH.28/02/2014 14:27:53
I would suggest that if any of you are in Hong Kong you pay a visit to Mr Dominic Hin Cheung Hung and tell him what do you think of him or better still show it to him24/12/2013 11:24:50
True if you look the vast majority if not all China company fad of a few years ago all listed stocks have disappeared due to lack of accountability, trust, not going to invest in another China company again. No authority does anything about it.
18/11/2013 11:26:45
cih is the reason I will never invest in china again. No information to shareholders, no accountability for missing money & no action by authorities you cannot trust them.29/07/2013 09:04:05
Still holding 10000 shares in this company ( cih ) It appears that the stock exchange & all the authorities, both in Australia & china have washed their hands of this & abandoned small investors.Who has the money? & why are there no prosecutions?29/07/2013 08:55:25
I think there is a company that will buy your shares off you for like 0cents (you pay a processing fee) so it ends up costing you but - that way you have actually sold you shares. And then you can claim the capital loss.09/04/2013 23:12:42
Can a capital loss be claimed for Australian taxation purposes?01/02/2013 13:03:21
Seems like this company still listed in Singapore Stock Exchange , Code CHIH. i wondering, what happen to the shareholders in Australia?22/01/2013 14:45:24
I am holding 26,000 of shares in this company. it is been so long and seems like nobody care. where is the authority who supposed to protect ordenary share holders right. 22/01/2013 14:31:55
Why haven't shareholders been advised of the Court hearing results of 9/1/2009 & the Co's position as a result? 15/01/2013 15:43:42
And why has no Australian Authority has taken any responsibility to ensure that the company complies with its obligations to the shareholders24/08/2012 22:37:14
I would like to have some paperwork about my holdings of 55oo shares in this company. Why has no Australian authority taken responsibility for providing details of this holding to share holders?18/05/2012 11:47:02
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Hong-Qi FangChairman
    Shan ChangManaging Director, CEO
    Dominic Hin Cheung HungCompany Secretary
    Louisa LawCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.