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this company failed and was finally deregistered today - it was previously CHINA BROADBAND CORPORATION LIMITED, CHINA PROSPERITY INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED, and OLS ASIA HOLDINGS LIMITED - it has now ceased to exist - shares are worthless, as they have been for years


this foreign company last filed a document with ASIC in January 2005


we have asked Mr Da-Xiang Zhang (who we understand to be the Deputy Chairman of China Cable and Communication and Executive Chairman of China Convergent Corporation Limited) on several occasions to provide information about this company and what directors intend doing with it - he has thus far failed to respond


on 9 March 2004 this company indicated that a creditor had requested the company immediately settle its outstanding debt of approximately $10m - the company planned to issue equity to satisfy the debt and promised to keep the market informed of developments - five days later accounting issues in China held up the filing of the accounts - since then, nothing - no updates, no announcements, no releases and now the company is delisted - completely irresponsible


delisted following failure to pay its annual listing fee


despite the company's failure to lodge accounts, incredibly there has been no notification to the market in almost four months


shares suspended because of failure to lodge its preliminary final report which it hopes to do by mid-April 2004


we understand that at about this time the company sold its share in the Chinese Cable TV business called "Baoding Pascali Multimedia Transmission Networking Co Ltd" to Nova International Films, Inc in a reverse takeover - so much for keeping the market informed or was this company just a plaything of its directors


the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) announced today that it had successfully prosecuted China Convergent Corporation Limited and Gold Chief Investment Ltd, two corporate substantial shareholders of Prosper eVision Limited, under the Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance (SDIO) - both companies pleaded guilty to a total of 4 summonses - the summonses relate to their failure to make timely disclosure to the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) of the changes in their notifiable interests resulting from the acquisitions of a net total of 13.122 million shares of Prosper eVision Limited between 3 November and 7 November 2000


name changed from China Broadband Corporation Limited

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