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delisted pursuant to Listing Rule 17.11 following the company's selective capital reduction.


we understand the company's principal asset was a shareholding in Gold and Resource Developments NL (GRD) and it distributed 2 fully paid ordinary shares in GRD for every 7 fully paid ordinary shares and 1 fully paid ordinary share in GRD for every 28 partly paid ordinary shares - all shares held in the company (other than those held by Churchill Resources Holdings Pty Ltd and its associates) were then cancelled - the company then became a wholly owned subsidiary of Churchill Resources Holdings Pty Ltd and was delisted from ASX (this was precipitated by the proposed amalgamation of GRD and Macraes)

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Aim another penny share investor who has had his fingers burnt investing in this company10/10/2013 03:12:25
Shares no longer of any value.
12/04/2012 13:07:15
I have an ordinary share certificate #02513 for 2000 shares in Churchill Resources N.L. Is it worth anything?10/04/2012 00:53:03
My name is Paul Wilson I bought shares with your company many years ago. Due to several moves they were only recently re-discovered. Could you assist me on how to sell the4se. Unfortunately I do not have a broker as the numbers of shares is veery smallreference se 7970 0 certificate 11573 number 1000Many thanks01/02/2012 03:48:41
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