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Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Level 9, BGC Centre , 28 The Esplanade , PERTH , WA, AUSTRALIA, 6000
Tel:  (08) 9226 4788 Fax: (08) 9226 4799

Date first listed: 28/10/1987

Sector: Energy
Industry Group: XEJ
Activities: CityView owns a direct 2.65% interest in the Madura PSC - the block covers an area of 674,100 acres close to the heavily industrialised city of Surabaya where there is a ready market for oil and gas

name changed to CVI Energy Corporation Limited


in their October report the company says preparations continued during the month for an application to the Supreme Court for remedial orders validating an issue referred to in the Company's announcement of 6 August 2010. The requisite orders were made on 16 November 2010 and appropriate steps have been taken to have the securities listed on the Australian Stock Exchange


court validates issue of shares to HBC Custody Nominees


CityView Corporation Limited advises that on November 1, 2010, Celtic Capital Pty Ltd lodged an application at the Supreme Court of Western Australia for orders validating an issue of shares by CityView to HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited pursuant to the prospectus of December 17, 2009 and extending the period for their quotation on the ASX. This application (known as COR 186 of 2010) seeks to correct the irregularity identified in CityView's announcement of August 6, 2010 and is an integral part of CityView's relisting programme. The first hearing date for the application will be on November 16, 2010. Any shareholder or other stakeholder who wishes to obtain further information about the application, or wishes to be heard on it, should contact Celtic Capital's solicitors - Mallesons Stephen Jaques (contact Beau Deleuil) on +61 (0)8 9269 7065 or via email on


ASIC has issued a determination under subsection 713(6) of the Corporations Act effective until 16 August 2011 ("ASIC determination"). The practical effect of the ASIC determination is that the issue of the Company's securities approved by shareholders at the Company's General Meeting of 22 September 2010 can only be undertaken pursuant to a full form prospectus


all resolutions at today's general meeting were passed including a resolution for the consolidation of capital on the basis that every 100 Shares be consolidated into 1 Share


advises that the timetable for the consolidation of capital as previously announced on the 6 August 2010 within the notice of general meeting has been revised


releases Half Yearly Report and Accounts


steps taken to date include: • Mandating CPS Securities to identify initially loan funds and subsequently equity funds; • Securing a loan facility from Celtic Capital Pty Ltd as trustee for the Celtic Trust. This loan is secured by a fixed and floating charge over the Company. Drawdown under this facility is now unconditional; • Retention of restructuring advice; • The resignation of Mr Africano as Chairman and Director of the Company and Mr Bart de Boer as a member of the Advisory Committee; • The disposal of the Company's interests in European Oil Limited and Fortitude Minerals Limited; • The convening of a meeting of shareholders to ratify proposed resolutions aimed at consolidating the Company's capital and authorising a capital raising; and • The preparation of an application to the Federal Court of Australia to seek orders appropriate to regularise the issue of 160m shares in December 2009 - the timetable required to achieve these objectives is set out in the recent Notice of Meeting dispatched to shareholders and effectively requires these matters to be concluded or substantially progressed by 23 September 2010


company advises that it has identified an irregularity in the issue of 160,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares ("Shares") on 18 December 2009 - it has instructed its lawyers to make an application to the Federal Court of Australia seeking an order validating the issue of the Shares


the Board has been considering the strategic direction of CityView and as a result, concluded that CityView should focus its present resources on developing the coal briquette asset held by its 74% owned subsidiary, Velvogen Pty Ltd ("Velvogen") - CityView has agreed revised terms for the acquisition of Velvogen. The consideration for the acquisition is the assignment to Metro Crown Group Limited ("Metro") of the loan to Fortitude Minerals Limited of US$10,172,807, as previously announced, together with the transfer of non-core assets, which have been fully written down in the accounts of CityView, comprising 75,088,849 shares of Fortitude Minerals Limited ("Fortitude"), 2 A class shares of European Oil Limited ("EOL") and 1,659,368 B Class shares of EOL. The transfer of these shareholdings has been completed and no further consideration is payable for the acquisition of Velvogen


it has mandated CPS Securities to be lead manager and broker to recapitalise CityView through a raising of loan and equity funds; and CPS has today confirmed that a company associated with CPS being Celtic Capital Pty Ltd has entered into a loan agreement with CityView secured by a fixed and floating charge


whilst the ASIC Determination dated 20 August 2009 remains in place until 20 August 2010, CityView is meeting its ongoing working capital commitments with the following loan facility arrangements: On 31 March 2010, CityView secured a loan facility of GBP100,000 (A$161,600) with Advanced Industrial Technology Corporation Pty Ltd. Interest is payable at a rate of 6% per month on balances drawn down. The loan was drawn down on 31 March 2010. The loan is secured on the personal guarantee of CityView's Chief Executive. A loan facility of $1.2 million was negotiated with Zurich Handelsfinanz Asia Limited of which $35,000 has been drawn down to date. Further draw downs from this facility are to be secured by way of a charge over the cash flows of Velvogen Pty Ltd ("Velvogen") and CityView's shareholding in Velvogen


resolutions considered at yesterday's AGM were carried on a show of hands


releases Chief Executive's Address to Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held at the BGC Centre on May 24, 2010 at


issues an update to shareholders and quarterly report


securities suspended from quotation following failure to lodge financial reports


the prospectus dated December 17, 2009 received a final stop order from Australian Securities and Investment Commission ("ASIC") on February 4, 2010. An application to set aside the order has been filed with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal


the suspension of trading in the securities of CityView Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately following receipt of an announcement by the Company


shares reinstated to quotation following release of its quarterly report


shares suspended from quotation for failure to lodge its quarterly report


name changed from Cityview Energy Corporation Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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Unfortunately the stock is dead. If you click on CVI Energy Corp in the "Former (or subsequent) Names" table, it will you give the last years of News & Events. The company got delisted and then deregistered. :(19/02/2014 10:22:59
so what is happening with the company is the stock dead, is it a loss, how do i find this out?06/02/2014 12:28:08
I am holding over a million shares and will not let them go to USAA, but rather wait and see what happens.  Even if it is a "dead" stock  listing at present it could be worth something someday
18/01/2014 03:05:46
The company appears to be a whole lot of lawyers that twisted things for many years. It will take years to unravel but I hope they go to jail. Totally shonky company with managers very likely to be corporate criminals. I hope to get some money back but the administrators, lawyers etc will get the most. I was the idiot who believed the announcements.14/01/2013 14:21:10
yeah i also coughed up 10K with CVI and 150K with Fortitude, there is something going on and these guys need to be investigated.....17/07/2012 15:58:24
"It's hard doing business in Angola."What nonsense.ASIC needs to act.What a scam.12/07/2012 14:26:58
I lost $10000 because of this poorly managed company the directors are a ..........[deleted]23/03/2012 06:20:22
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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Mark SmythCEO
    Paul ChazalNon Exec Director
    Phillip RandNon Exec Director
    Mahmood AnsariDirector
    John JacobyDirector, Company Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

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