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Our website ranking of CCL: rating 5
(5 out of 5)


Link Market Services Limited
Level 12, 680 George Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : 61 1300 554 474
Fax : 02 9287 0303
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
ISIN: AU000000CCL2
Address: Level 14, 40 Mount Street, NORTH SYDNEY, NSW, AUSTRALIA, 2060
Tel:  132653 Fax: (02) 9259 6233

Date first listed: 01/01/1970

Sector: Food Beverage & Tobacco
Activities: Supplier of both carbonated and non-carbonated beverages

delisted from the close of trading on Tuesday, 11 May 2021, pursuant to Listing rule 17.11.


we understand Coca-Cola European Partners plc acquired all of the issued shares in CCL for an amount of $13.32 per CCL share - a fully franked dividend of 18c a share was also paid on 30 April 2021


The wholesale debt securities (ASX codes: CCLHA, CCLHB and CCLHC) of Coca-Cola Amatil Limited (CCL) are suspended from Official quotation on ASX's Wholesale Loan Securities Market effective immediately. The fully paid ordinary shares of CCL remain suspended in accordance with the timetable for the scheme of arrangement by which Coca-Cola European Partners plc will acquire all the issued shares in CCL.


The wholesale debt securities (ASX codes: CCLHA, CCLHB and CCLHC) of Coca-Cola Amatil Limited (CCL) are reinstated to quotation on ASX's Wholesale Loan Securities Market effective immediately. The fully paid ordinary shares of CCL remain suspended in accordance with the timetable for the scheme of arrangement by which Coca-Cola European Partners plc will acquire all the issued shares in CCL.


Amatil notes that the suspension includes the following securities: A$133,000,000 2.45% fixed rate notes due on 30 August 2029 (ASX: CCLHA); US$50,000,000 2.6525% fixed rate notes due on 15 April 2030 (ASX: CCLHB); and NOK750,000,000 2.75% fixed rate notes due on 15 April 2030 (ASX: CCLHC). Amatil requested that the ASX suspend only Amatil shares from quotation.


The securities of Coca-Cola Amatil Limited will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading today, Wednesday, 21 April 2021, in accordance with Listing Rule 17.2, following lodgement of the Supreme Court of NSW orders with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission approving the scheme of arrangement by which Coca-Cola European Partners plc will acquire all of the issued shares in CCL


a Coca-Cola Amatil Buy-Back is conducted through a tender process from 2 January 2008 to 25 January 2008 - shareholders registered on 14 December 2007 (the Record Date) were able to submit tenders to sell their shares at a specified discount (Tender Discount) to the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) of CCA shares traded on Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) over the five trading day period up to and including the closing day of the tender period (25 January 2008) - on 29 January 2008, CCA announced that it had successfully completed the Buy-Back of approximately 21.7 million CCA ordinary shares, representing 2.9 % of the issued capital of CCA - the total amount of capital repurchased under the Buy-Back was approximately $170 million and the final price for the Buy-Back was set at $7.84 per share, representing a discount of 14% to the VWAP of CCA's shares over the 5 days up to and including the closing date of the Buy-Back - participating shareholders are taken to have been paid a dividend of $5.17 (Dividend Component) on the day the Buy-Back occurred (29 January 2008) - the Dividend Component was fully franked - participating shareholders are also taken to have received $3.91 as consideration in respect of the sale of each of their shares bought back - for shares held on capital account, the Sale Consideration of $3.91 represents the capital proceeds for capital gains tax purposes - a shareholder will make a capital gain on a share if the Sale Consideration per share exceeds the cost base of that share - the capital gain is the amount of the excess - similarly, a shareholder will make a capital loss if the Sale Consideration per share is less than the reduced cost base of a share


company makes a return of capital of 40 cents per share - according to the ATO this return of capital is a non-assessable payment, so shareholders should reduce their cost base and reduced cost base by 40 cents


we understand that on or about this date the company demerged Coca Cola Beverage by way of a 1 for 1 distribution - the acqusition cost per share was $3.86


Coca-Cola Amatil shareholders received a return of capital of $3.86 for each Coca-Cola Amatil share they held - it was applied to acquire Coca-Cola Beverages shares (each shareholder was entitled to one Coca-Cola Beverages share for each Coca-Cola Amatil share held) - according to the ATO the return of capital is a non-assessable payment, so shareholders who received Coca-Cola Beverages shares should have reduced the cost base and reduced cost base of their Coca-Cola Amatil shares by $3.86 per share - the Acquisition cost of Coca-Cola Beverages shares was $3.86 per share and the acquisition date was 23 June 1998


name changed from Amatil Limited

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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    26/08/2020John Borghetti6,500$9.279$60,312
    26/08/2020Penny Winn18,300$9.275$169,733
    13/06/2018Paul O'Sullivan6,500$9.179$59,664
    01/03/2018John Borghetti6,000$8.820$52,920
    06/06/2017Paul O'Sullivan16,000$9.360$149,760

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)
    Greg BarnesCFO01/06/2020
    Richard ConwayCompany Secretary
    Betty IvanoffCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)
    Mark Graham JohnsonChairman06/12/201610/05/2021
    Ilana AtlasChairman23/02/201110/05/2021
    Alison WatkinsManaging Director03/03/201410/05/2021
    Penny WinnIndependent Director02/12/201910/05/2021
    Krishnakumar ThirumalaiNon Exec Director14/03/201410/05/2021
    Paul O'SullivanNon Exec Director01/03/201710/05/2021
    John BorghettiNon Exec Director01/12/201510/05/2021
    Jorge GardunoDirector16/05/201810/05/2021
    Paul CookeCFO01/02/201801/06/2020
    Julie CoatesNon Exec Director01/03/201829/11/2019
    Catherine BrennerNon Exec Director02/04/200817/05/2019
    Martin JansenNon Exec Director15/12/200916/05/2018
    Martyn RobertsCFO25/07/201501/02/2018
    David GonskiChairman, Non Exec Director01/10/199716/05/2017
    Tony FroggattNon Exec Director01/12/201016/05/2017
    Wal KingNon Exec Director01/02/200216/05/2017
    David MeiklejohnNon Exec Director25/02/200516/05/2017
    Nessa O'SullivanCFO01/09/201017/02/2015
    Terry DavisManaging Director12/11/200131/08/2014
    Geoffrey KellyNon Exec Director26/04/200420/02/2014
    Jillian BroadbentDirector01/06/199831/12/2010
    Irial FinanNon Exec Director09/08/200515/12/2009
    Mel WardNon Exec Director11/02/199920/08/2008
    Henry SchimbergNon Exec Director09/02/200009/08/2005
    James ChestnutNon Exec Director04/12/200122/04/2004
    Michael IhleinExecutive Director, CFO01/01/199719/03/2004
    Michael AstleyNon Exec Director01/01/199030/12/2001

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.