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ASX, Legal & CGT Status
Former (or subsequent) names
COLES MYER LIMITED13/02/198629/11/2006
Shareholder links


Link Market Services Melbourne
Tower 4, 727 Collins Street Docklands VIC 3008
Tel : +61 3 9615 9800 or 61 1300 554 474
Fax : +61 2 9287 0303
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Level 5 Module 4 , 800 Toorak Road , TOORONGA , VIC, AUSTRALIA, 3146
Tel:  (03) 9829 3111 Fax: (03) 9829 6787

Date first listed: 24/09/1929

Sector: Food & Staples Retailing
Industry Group: XSJ
Activities: Retailer with more than 2,600 stores throughout Australia and New Zealand

name changed to Coles Group Limited


ASIC has urged Coles shareholders to be wary of a recent low-ball offer from Direct Share Purchasing Corporation Pty Ltd to buy their shares for almost half their market value - CML shareholders have been offered $7.50 per share - an amount well below current market value - from Direct Share Purchasing Corporation, a company associated with David Tweed


company completes an off-market share buy-back - investors received $10.23 for each Coles Myer share bought back from them, made up of a fully franked dividend of $7.23, and capital proceeds of $3.00 - note that the Tax Office has determined that, for capital gains tax purposes, you are deemed to have received capital proceeds of $4.19 per share - for capital gains tax purposes investors made a capital gain on each share for which they had a cost base of less than $4.19 or a capital loss on each share for which they had a reduced cost base greater than $4.19


we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - Conversion of Reset Convertible Preference Shares, each into about 11.3284 shares - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record


shareholders who took part in the company's buy-back, received $8.30 per share, which included a fully franked dividend of $5.30 per share - for capital gains tax purposes, they are taken to have received $3.84 per share - the date the shares were sold under the buy-back was 23 May 2005 - if the capital proceeds of $3.84 were more than the cost base of the share, the difference is a capital gain to the shareholder in 2004-05 - if $3.84 was less than the share's reduced cost base, the difference is a capital loss


company announces a share sale facility available to shareholders who held 800 shares or fewer on 8 March 2004 and whose address on the CML register was in Australia or New Zealand - if the capital proceeds were more than the cost base of the share, the difference was a capital gain to the shareholder in 2003-04 - if the capital proceeds were less than the share's reduced cost base, the difference was a capital loss (applies to shares acquired after 19 September 1985)


name changed from GJ Coles and Company Limited

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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I have purchased 500units of CML on 30/09/1986. What had happened after that until the merge with Wesfarmers in year 2007? Is ther any scheme documents?


19/07/2024 15:01:32

I have misplaced my paperword for Coles Myers shares purchased between 1995 & 2006. How can I find this information, Thank you

23/05/2024 17:25:00

I have purchased 500units of CML on 30/09/1997. What had happened after that until the merge with Wesfarmers in year 2007? Is ther any scheme documents?

07/02/2024 16:55:41

How am oi able to sell my shares. i have 500 on hand

pls email

03/11/2022 02:58:24

Can you please let me know what the share price from the Coles Myer share on 6 April 2000 was?

See share prices for download here:

12/04/2021 12:48:54

can you tell me the price of cml shares in 1999

10/11/2020 12:05:23

i have lost my doc for coles myer shares ibought between 1996- 2000 can you help me

29/10/2020 11:45:20

i have misplaced doc for the coles myer shares i bought between 1996-2000

29/10/2020 11:34:44

can you tell me coles share price 9 january 1998

20/07/2020 20:44:57

I need the purchase date of my Coles Myer shares, between 1996-1999

19/11/2019 18:28:21

I have misplaced docs from when we brought shares as a employee back in the 80s

how can I get this info

15/08/2018 10:31:21

go here re missing shares:

29/05/2018 09:45:42

Hi lve lost all my documents to the Coles Myer shares in the share plan that was given to us in the 80s l started with Coles in 1987 and we were given shares would be very much appreciated if l could get information on my shares  thank you 

27/05/2018 22:09:31

can you help me to obtain the australian share prices of cml on 08/11/1999, 08/05/2000,14/05/2001, and 18/06/2001.

22/04/2017 15:52:42

Hi I\'ve lost all my documents as it was years & years ago.  I am trying to find out when we were given Coles Myers shares in the share plan, somewhere in the 80\'s or early 90\'s & what the cost base of these shares were, way before they were converted into Wesfarmers shares.

15/09/2016 18:00:16
What year did cole give there employes shares07/08/2015 12:00:34
Can you tell me how I can access information about my colesmyer shareholding- including the price of shares on Dec 26 1988 and on August 19 2004
07/07/2015 13:18:20
can you provide the date and price of when cml was listed on the Stock Exchange

08/05/2015 15:24:12
when was CML listed on the ASX please. thank you
07/05/2015 23:08:03
Can you tell me the share price in march 200531/03/2015 17:18:53
can you tell me how to find the vesting date of my shares27/08/2014 10:41:08
can you tell me the share price in september 199918/08/2014 11:07:43
can you tell me what the share price was 15th april 199825/04/2014 06:48:04
When was Coles myer listed on the ASX23/08/2013 08:36:49
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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Richard AllertChairman
    John FletcherManaging Director, CEO
    Fraser MacKenzieCFO
    Belinda HutchinsonNon Exec Director
    Patty AkopiantzNon Exec Director
    Michael WemmsNon Exec Director
    William GurryNon Exec Director
    Sandra McPheeNon Exec Director
    Tony HodgsonNon Exec Director
    Martyn MyerNon Exec Director
    Keith BartonNon Exec Director
    John TirroInvestor Relations
    Timothy HammonCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.