Find any Australian or New Zealand company or fund (dead or alive) by using SEARCH above or go directly to the site:
some former policy holders (both Australian and New Zealand residents) in this company have unclaimed money due to them - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies from many different sources including life policies, compulsory acquisitions of shares, dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money?? service | 17/09/2007 |
The company demutualised in 1996, was listed as Colonial Limited on the Stock Exchange in 1997, then merged with the Commonwealth Bank in 2000. | 31/12/2000 |
some former policy holders (both Australian and New Zealand residents) in this company have unclaimed money due to them - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies from many different sources including life policies, compulsory acquisitions of shares, dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money?? service | 17/09/2007 |
The company demutualised in 1996, was listed as Colonial Limited on the Stock Exchange in 1997, then merged with the Commonwealth Bank in 2000. | 31/12/2000 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format. I am 88 years old, blind in one eye so have difficulty in reading this small print. Anny assistance you can give me would be appreciated | 23/07/2022 11:11:48 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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