Find any Australian or New Zealand company or fund (dead or alive) by using SEARCH above or go directly to the site:
company is deregistered | 20/09/2010 |
there are no new developements | 18/12/2006 |
we are informed "the directors have no announcements at this moment" | 19/09/2006 |
directors continue to meet with various parties and explore other opportunities (since the last annual report they have considered and rejected two proposals) | 25/05/2006 |
we are informed that the Company continues in a "holding pattern" as the board considers and seeks opportunities | 21/02/2006 |
the companys financial statements show a loss of $10k for the year to 30 June 2005 and liabilities of $100k (no assets) at 30 June 2005 - directors report that the company has continued to seek an appropriate acquisition to re-activate the company | 24/11/2005 |
the company's annual accounts are with the auditors and are expected to be posted to shareholders shortly | 10/10/2005 |
we understand directors are continuing to explore opportunities that may lead to the re-listing of the company | 01/08/2005 |
this company was previously a listed company - it was formerly Brunswick NL (see that company for details) | 23/01/2003 |
company is deregistered | 20/09/2010 |
there are no new developements | 18/12/2006 |
we are informed "the directors have no announcements at this moment" | 19/09/2006 |
directors continue to meet with various parties and explore other opportunities (since the last annual report they have considered and rejected two proposals) | 25/05/2006 |
we are informed that the Company continues in a "holding pattern" as the board considers and seeks opportunities | 21/02/2006 |
the companys financial statements show a loss of $10k for the year to 30 June 2005 and liabilities of $100k (no assets) at 30 June 2005 - directors report that the company has continued to seek an appropriate acquisition to re-activate the company | 24/11/2005 |
the company's annual accounts are with the auditors and are expected to be posted to shareholders shortly | 10/10/2005 |
we understand directors are continuing to explore opportunities that may lead to the re-listing of the company | 01/08/2005 |
this company was previously a listed company - it was formerly Brunswick NL (see that company for details) | 23/01/2003 |
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