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private company trading as Connector Motorways - owns and operates the Lane Cove Tunnel and the Military Road E-Ramps - Receivers and Managers, Korda Mentha are appointed today - we understand investors in Connector Motorways include Leighton Holdings, Mirvac Group and Hong Kong's Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings - the receivers say they do not intend to make any significant operational changes and would work closely with management, the Roads and Traffic Authority, and the NSW government to secure a long-term sustainable business for the Lane Cove Tunnel - in the meantime, the tunnel and the Military Road E-Ramp will continue to operate as usual | 19/01/2010 |
private company trading as Connector Motorways - owns and operates the Lane Cove Tunnel and the Military Road E-Ramps - Receivers and Managers, Korda Mentha are appointed today - we understand investors in Connector Motorways include Leighton Holdings, Mirvac Group and Hong Kong's Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings - the receivers say they do not intend to make any significant operational changes and would work closely with management, the Roads and Traffic Authority, and the NSW government to secure a long-term sustainable business for the Lane Cove Tunnel - in the meantime, the tunnel and the Military Road E-Ramp will continue to operate as usual | 19/01/2010 |
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