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delisted due to failure to pay annual listing fee

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We note it was deregistered

and thus ceased to exist on 9 June 2002.

24/01/2018 07:26:49
what happened to the mines21/01/2015 22:27:34
"Your comments" is for comments, not questions. If you have questions, this is where you go: 11:20:30
Dont bother posting your comments here,because no one bothers to reply,from the Austalian Stock Ex. 02/09/2012 11:37:38
Just discovered 200 shares purchased in 1986 by my uncle. Does the company still exist under this name or another name? Are the shares worth anything? Are they still valid?01/08/2012 22:26:37
please could you advise if these shares still have any value. If not, what happened and when. If they do still hold a value, please could you advise the price as of 29th February 2012. Many Thanks27/04/2012 18:46:30
l purchased 5000 shares on 19.10.1983 please let me know the value if it exits27/04/2012 06:06:57
just descovered 200 shares owned by my grandad from the 1980's in this company.  does it still exist under a different name or has it been dissolved?  are the shares worthless?23/01/2012 03:47:07
I purchased 2000 shares in England in 1983 at 0.09LD I want to know if the Company did not go into Liquidation, but are trading under a different name, are my shares still valid and do they have any value? 18/01/2012 06:26:17
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