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Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details
Address: Level 1, 33 Ord Street, West Perth WA 6005
Tel:  +61 8 9420 9300 Fax: +61 8 9481 2690

Date first listed: 24/07/1986

Sector: Materials
Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Mining and treatment of gold and mineral exploration

name changed to Sirius Resources NL


to be reinstated to quotation on 9 May 2008


issues a prospectus to provide information on the issue of 5,500,000 Shares at an issue price of 1 cent each to raise $55,000 and to facilitate the secondary trading of 419,500,000 Shares and 50,000,000 Options recently issued without a prospectus pursuant to the exceptions set out in section 708 of the Corporations Act raising $3,146,000


the placement of 140,000,000 shares at an issue price of 0.25 cents per share, 279,500,000 shares at an issue price of 1 cent each and 50,000,000 options to raise $3,146,000, as approved by shareholders on 12 September 2007, was completed today


the company is still getting clearance on some tenement relinquishments which have to be resolved before it can re-list on ASX, which it hopes to do by 30 April 2008


company releases its Half Yearly Report and Accounts


the Company advises that it has been granted a waiver to Listing Rule 14.7 to permit the Company to issue and allot: 1. up to a maximum of 143,745,600 shares and 25,000,000 options exercisable at 1 cent on or before 31 December 2009 to related parties; and 2. a maximum of 281,254,000 shares and 25,000,000 options exercisable at 1 cent on or before 31 December 2009 to unrelated parties, as approved by shareholders on 12 September 2007, by no later than 30 April 2008


we understand there are issues delaying the recapitalisation - a date for the requotation of the shares is not available at this stage


company advises of a waiver permitting it to issue shares and options


the capital reconstruction (consolidation of shares on a 1 for 15 basis) is effective 14 September 2007


all Resolutions contained in the Notice of Annual General Meeting were approved at the meeting of shareholders held today on a show of hands


company releases an indicative timetable for the consolidation of its shares 1 for 15


provides Notice of Annual General Meeting (and Explanatory Statement) to be held on Wednesday, 12 September 2007 at 10.00am at the Celtic Club, 48 Ord Street West Perth, Western Australia 6005 - essentially the resolutions to be considered will, if approved, lead to the consolidation of the existing capital of the Company on a 1 for 15 basis, the restructuring and recapitalistion of the company and eventually its re-quotation on ASX


the Deed Administrators are continuing to progress the recapitalisation of the company - they are unable to provide shareholders with any form of taxation advice (including Capital Gains Tax) on their shareholdings - they are unable to issue a loss declaration because they believe the shares possess some value, albeit minimal - and it is recommended that shareholders seek independent taxation advice where they believe it is required


company completes the sale of Central Norseman Gold Corporation and the Deed Administrators are now focusing on the recapitalisation of the company


creditors vote in favour of varying the Croesus Deed of Company Arrangement to facilitate the recapitalisation of the company (recapitalisation is dependent on the completion of the Share Sale Agreement - see note of 03/01/2007 below)


company executes a Share Sale Agreement with Davos Gold Pty Ltd (a subsidiary of UK AIM Listed company Davos Resources PLC) and Davos Resources PLC for the sale of all the shares in Croesus' wholly owned subsidiary company, Central Norseman Gold Corporation Limited ("NGC") together with some Croesus Group assets to be transferred into CNGC prior to completion of the share sale


a Recapitalisation Deed is executed by the Deed Administrators and Ascent Capital Holdings Pty Ltd (a party associated with the Davos Chairman Mr Steinepreis) - Ascent proposes to pay the sum of A$800,000 (being A$700,000 for the benefit of secured creditors and A$100,000 for the benefit of unsecured creditors of Croesus); to consolidate the existing capital of Croesus on a 1 for 15 basis, and cause Croesus to issue new shares to raise a minimum of A$1.6M


Deed Administrators are continuing negotiations with a number of parties interested in the recapitalisation of Croesus and/or the sale of the Group's operations


Platina Resources Limited advises that the Company has signed a Joint Venture to exclusively explore for pgm's over the Polar Bear Project near Norseman in Western Australia - Barrick and Croesus have claw-back opportunities (involving significant penalty repayments to Platina) to re-purchase 70% of the project


ASIC grants relief from certain reporting & Annual General Meeting requirements


deed administrators have reviewed proposals for the recapitalisation of the company - if a proposal is eventually accepted and all goes according to plan, it will be at least 3 or 4 months (and maybe more) before the company is recapitalised and regains quotation


at the second meeting of creditors today, they approve the company entering into a Deed of Company Arrangement - essentially the DOCA allows the deed administrators to oversee trading operations whilst seeking expressions of interest from parties interested in restructuring the company


administrators report that the Norseman operations are continuing to trade and are generating cash surpluses - at a second meeting of creditors to be held tomorrow, 20 July 2006, the administrators are recommending the company enter into a Deed of Company Arrangement so that a restructuring of the company can be pursued - it is too early to assess the impact of any possible recapitalisation on shareholders


first meeting of creditors held


company appoints administrators Bryan Hughes and Vincent Smith of Pitcher Partners - this never augurs well for shareholders - it will possibly be a month or so before anything substantive on the administration is available for shareholders


company releases its 3rd quarter activities report - shares will remain suspended while the company continues to negotiate with bankers etc


the company releases plans for its future survival


reports of the company's struggle to survive


shares suspended from quotation pending an announcement

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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Michael KiernanNon Exec Chairman
    Allan QuadrioManaging Director, Non Exec Director
    Sean DelaneyCFO
    Patrick BurkeNon Exec Director
    David MacoboyNon Exec Director
    Ray CaryNon Exec Director
    Frank John CampagnaCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

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