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Security Transfer Australia Pty Ltd
No longer operating

Company details
Address: Edwards Collins, unit 3, 29 Mount Cotton Road, Capalaba, Queensland 415701
Tel:  61 7 3010 7500 Fax: 61 7 3010 7501

Date first listed: 21/02/2008

Activities: Technology

company deregistered today


delisted from trading and the NSX, effective immediately


we understand the company's main asset was sold and it was decided to liquidate the company and make a distribution to shareholders


the resolution proposed at its EGM held today the two resolutions for decision (relating to proposed return of capital & proposed de-listing from the NSX in accordance with the notice of meeting included with the circular to shareholders dated 31 August) were duly passed on a show of hands


During the year the decision was taken to sell the operating company, Corpnet (Australia) Pty Ltd to Logicalis Australia Pty Limited following an unsolicited approach. That approach resulted in what the board regarded as a full price given trading history and market conditions, as well as the financial performance of the business, and has been explained and reported in previous communications. Since completion of the transaction, which took place on 1 June, the company has made an adjustment payment of $71,579 to Logicalis Australia Pty Limited consequent upon the net asset formula set out in the sale agreement. Also, as EBIT for Corpnet (Australia) Pty Ltd on a stand-alone basis has come in below the agreed earn-out threshold of $350,000, no further consideration is due to the company. Finalisation of these matters paves the way for winding up the company in accordance with the proposal previously communicated to shareholders

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    Directors & Executives (current)
    Geoff MarshallDirector
    Paul LynchDirector
    Agim IsaiDirector
    Jeremy MartineauCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

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