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the company is deregistered


the company is in external administration


we have on a number of occasions requested an update of developments with this company from Rick Hopkins of Barrington Partners, Perth, who we understand to be the company secretary - he has not bothered to respond


the company informs us that "the management is reviewing the various financial proposals offered by a few banks"


we are informed that management is still reviewing the financial projections, project financing and various design proposals for the eco-housing development project next to the Albany Esplanade Hotel


more than a year ago directors of this company acknowledged the negative asset position


the company informs us they are "exploring the feasibility of an eco-housing development project next to the Albany Esplanade Hotel" - shareholders may write in to their office if they wish to sell their shares, specifying the number of shares and their agreed price - if there is an interested buyer, the company will inform the shareholder and the transaction may then be carried out through one of the company's appointed licenced stock broking firms in Australia


it would appear that the directors of this company, at least over the last nine months, have overlooked the fact that the company has shareholders - we are seeking an update of developments


delisted following failure to pay annual listing fee


the company has not paid its annual listing fee - it will be removed from the official list on 1 September 2003 if it does not pay the fee by Friday Aug 29


the company failed to lodge its half yearly financial statements on time and ASIC has taken action to prevent the company from using the limited disclosure regime when raising money


directors advise they are developing a restructuring plan which will be completed before the second quarter of the next calendar year (ie Apr-Jun 2005!!) - directors expect that the restructuring plan will be centred on the company's main asset, being the Albany Esplanade Hotel and also address its negative asset position by restructuring the loans payable


name changed from Australian Properties and Resorts

View ASX Announcements (courtesy of ASX)



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